Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:


he is not going to nominate that effeminate little racist to be secretary of state

Ron Paul isn't America first, he's states rights first. His only positive character trait is he hasn't changed his mind on anything in decades.

So you think being "America first" is being for the Federal Government first. That's just sick

Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did
Again in Ron Pauls view the equal protection act and even teh 13th amendment don't trump state law

He said that where? I'm fiercely small government and pro-State rights and I as well as most of the people I know who are the same believe in Constitutional rights. The only exception are anarchists who don't support by definition any government.

You're just pulling this out of your ass, which is why all you have are your own allegations unsupported by anything Paul has said

He basically pisses on the reconstruction* and the modern federal government.

From commerce to race laws, he thinks all of it is inappropriate.

Equal protection that stems from the federal government? You think Ron Paul supports that? lol

Again, where did he say that? I'm calling you a liar. And BTW, I'm not particularly a Paul supporter, but it's not for that reason. But he's better than most of the cabinet secretaries either party are digging up

Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist

And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:


he is not going to nominate that effeminate little racist to be secretary of state

Ron Paul isn't America first, he's states rights first. His only positive character trait is he hasn't changed his mind on anything in decades.

So you think being "America first" is being for the Federal Government first. That's just sick

Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.
Again in Ron Pauls view the equal protection act and even teh 13th amendment don't trump state law

He said that where? I'm fiercely small government and pro-State rights and I as well as most of the people I know who are the same believe in Constitutional rights. The only exception are anarchists who don't support by definition any government.

You're just pulling this out of your ass, which is why all you have are your own allegations unsupported by anything Paul has said

He basically pisses on the reconstruction* and the modern federal government.

From commerce to race laws, he thinks all of it is inappropriate.

Equal protection that stems from the federal government? You think Ron Paul supports that? lol

Again, where did he say that? I'm calling you a liar. And BTW, I'm not particularly a Paul supporter, but it's not for that reason. But he's better than most of the cabinet secretaries either party are digging up

Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist

And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say
he is not going to nominate that effeminate little racist to be secretary of state

Ron Paul isn't America first, he's states rights first. His only positive character trait is he hasn't changed his mind on anything in decades.

So you think being "America first" is being for the Federal Government first. That's just sick

Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours
This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:

Of course there would be no smart bombs and smart power with Ron Paul, that is a cowardly Democrat tactic of war.
He said that where? I'm fiercely small government and pro-State rights and I as well as most of the people I know who are the same believe in Constitutional rights. The only exception are anarchists who don't support by definition any government.

You're just pulling this out of your ass, which is why all you have are your own allegations unsupported by anything Paul has said

Again, where did he say that? I'm calling you a liar. And BTW, I'm not particularly a Paul supporter, but it's not for that reason. But he's better than most of the cabinet secretaries either party are digging up

Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist

And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
So you think being "America first" is being for the Federal Government first. That's just sick

Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.
Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist

And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

He does not deny the accusation, he says he didn't read them

He also says he didn't make any money, not he didn't publish them.

No where in that interview did he deny he was the one who published those, because he did do it, he was just upset he keeps getting asked about it over and over. Not that they wre lying
Again in Ron Pauls view the equal protection act and even teh 13th amendment don't trump state law

He said that where? I'm fiercely small government and pro-State rights and I as well as most of the people I know who are the same believe in Constitutional rights. The only exception are anarchists who don't support by definition any government.

You're just pulling this out of your ass, which is why all you have are your own allegations unsupported by anything Paul has said

He basically pisses on the reconstruction* and the modern federal government.

From commerce to race laws, he thinks all of it is inappropriate.

Equal protection that stems from the federal government? You think Ron Paul supports that? lol

Again, where did he say that? I'm calling you a liar. And BTW, I'm not particularly a Paul supporter, but it's not for that reason. But he's better than most of the cabinet secretaries either party are digging up

Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist
I dont believe I ever claimed he was a racist. I did claim many racists were attracted to him, which is the case. It doesnt matter. Ron Paul is possibly the most irrelevant politician in America. When he was in office he was still irrelevant.
Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton
"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton
You think you live in reality? That's special.
My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton
You think you live in reality? That's special.

Everything is relative, take your pills
Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton
You think you live in reality? That's special.

Everything is relative, take your pills
Thanks for admitting your ignorance.
Again in Ron Pauls view the equal protection act and even teh 13th amendment don't trump state law

He said that where? I'm fiercely small government and pro-State rights and I as well as most of the people I know who are the same believe in Constitutional rights. The only exception are anarchists who don't support by definition any government.

You're just pulling this out of your ass, which is why all you have are your own allegations unsupported by anything Paul has said

He basically pisses on the reconstruction* and the modern federal government.

From commerce to race laws, he thinks all of it is inappropriate.

Equal protection that stems from the federal government? You think Ron Paul supports that? lol

Again, where did he say that? I'm calling you a liar. And BTW, I'm not particularly a Paul supporter, but it's not for that reason. But he's better than most of the cabinet secretaries either party are digging up

Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist
I dont believe I ever claimed he was a racist. I did claim many racists were attracted to him, which is the case. It doesnt matter. Ron Paul is possibly the most irrelevant politician in America. When he was in office he was still irrelevant.

lol read this thread. You literally confused my words for yours. And then responded to a thread your name isn't even a part of.

Take your pills

"the chinese economy is opaque thus we have no idea what is going on in the American bond market?"

herp derp
"We?" Lol. I'm willing to bet "you" had nothing to do with that. Nothing makes Hilary look like a strong leader. She is a dishonest lying wretch of a human being, and I'm being nice here. :)

My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton

That's what it symbolizes to you. You don't speak for everyone though. Besides, even people who you disagree with have a right to free speech in THIS country.
My ancestors sure as shit did

Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton

That's what it symbolizes to you. You don't speak for everyone though. Besides, even people who you disagree with have a right to free speech in THIS country.

No I can and do

They don't have that right, they lost it the last time they forced us into one of the bloodiest civil wars in history
Well you aren't them, and we aren't at "war" with our own country anymore.

If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton

That's what it symbolizes to you. You don't speak for everyone though. Besides, even people who you disagree with have a right to free speech in THIS country.

No I can and do

They don't have that right, they lost it the last time they forced us into one of the bloodiest civil wars in history

Yes they do have rights, sorry to inform you.
If Ron Paul got what he wanted we would have to go back to war, lol

Again he thinks basically everythign the federal government has done since the reconstruction as illegitimate.

Not to mention I see idiots flying a confederate flag no confederate soldier ever flew running all over the god damned place. That's way worse than burning ours

I don't have a problem with the flag. It means different things to different people and is part of protected "free speech" in America.

To those of us who live in reality it's a representation of a traitorous bunch of stupid lazy rednecks who couldn't even pick their own fucking cotton

That's what it symbolizes to you. You don't speak for everyone though. Besides, even people who you disagree with have a right to free speech in THIS country.

No I can and do

They don't have that right, they lost it the last time they forced us into one of the bloodiest civil wars in history

Yes they do have rights, sorry to inform you.

Uhhh traitors don't have rights

Ask the white southerners who lived through reconstruction

Or Muslim Americans
This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:

Of course there would be no smart bombs and smart power with Ron Paul, that is a cowardly Democrat tactic of war.

I completely agree.

The way Trump has been talking, and considering he runs Resorts International which is part of the Deep State, I really don't think his foreign policy will change significantly from the one Obama has been pursuing or the one Hillary will continue.

He's just been using the terror threat like every other pol., or like the neo-cons in Israel, just as a tool to scare folks into voting for them. I have no reason to believe he won't just continue using the terrorists as a tools to please profiteers of the Deep State, just like the current administration does.



(Note, this interview was conducted before the twitter exchange.)

Trump Wins – So What? America Is Controlled by the “Deep State”
Trump Wins – So What? America Is Controlled by the “Deep State”

The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay
The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay
As unnerving as that prospect may be, however, it is the second shadow government, what former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as “the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” that poses the greater threat right now.

Consider this: how is it that partisan gridlock has seemingly jammed up the gears (and funding sources) in Washington, yet the government has been unhindered in its ability to wage endless wars abroad, in the process turning America into a battlefield and its citizens into enemy combatants?

The credit for such relentless, entrenched, profit-driven governance, according to Lofgren, goes to “another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose.”

This “state within a state” hides “mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day,” says Lofgren, and yet the “Deep State does not consist of the entire government.”

As it is, I don't think I am going to bother voting in the national elections. It seems like a hopeless endeavor.

OTH, if he gets an education from Paul about how things work, and admits that his dealing in the past with the CIA were just those of a misguided citizen who thought he was doing his patriotic duty, I might find hope. :dunno:

That is, if Paul were on board.

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