Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

I think you will be singing a different tune by the beginning of next year after the asset bubble bursts.

We will only have the Central bankers to thank.
Not so sure of the timing on that bubble burst.

IF Trump wins it will likely be next year as the Fed has always delayed popping bubbles till they had a GOP POTUS in place to do it.

IF Hillary wins, unlikely, but if she does, then it will eventually break still, but it might take 5 to 8 years instead.
You and Robert E Lee got something in common, dumbass rednecks imagine they can win a war by not losing battles.

Industry wins wars dipshit. Not marksmanship

Yeah the Brits thought the same thing in the War of 1812 and the Revolution, but they were shown how they were wrong.

But you are obviously too stupid to learn a damned thing.

The South lost because of many reasons, the biggest of which was that they had no overall strategy, but the second is the Irish Potato Famine.
This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:


When scumbag Dubya was elected and had a Republican Congress I had dreams of Coolidge dancing in my head.

If Trump wins and make Paul Sec State or Treasury.....OMG
You and Robert E Lee got something in common, dumbass rednecks imagine they can win a war by not losing battles.

Industry wins wars dipshit. Not marksmanship

Yeah the Brits thought the same thing in the War of 1812 and the Revolution, but they were shown how they were wrong.

But you are obviously too stupid to learn a damned thing.

The South lost because of many reasons, the biggest of which was that they had no overall strategy, but the second is the Irish Potato Famine.

You think we would have won any war against Britain if they had been willing to give up their interests around the globe?

You sound dumber every time you speak.

We didn't face the might of the British empire, we faced what htey were willing to expend. Not the might of the British empire
You and Robert E Lee got something in common, dumbass rednecks imagine they can win a war by not losing battles.

Industry wins wars dipshit. Not marksmanship

Yeah the Brits thought the same thing in the War of 1812 and the Revolution, but they were shown how they were wrong.

But you are obviously too stupid to learn a damned thing.

The South lost because of many reasons, the biggest of which was that they had no overall strategy, but the second is the Irish Potato Famine.

We were still worried about a British invasion in 1900, that's how strong they were

We would have invaded Canada if we thought we could just smack them around, we never did because we feared British reinforcements.
You think we would have won any war against Britain if they had been willing to give up their interests around the globe?

That is all ANYONE has to do to win a war, moron; force the opponent to yield due to lack of resources,manpower, will power or because they percieve the cost of continuing the war to be too high a cost.

So our sharp shooters won over an industrially superior nation. Go suck an egg.

You sound dumber every time you speak.

Lol, ironic statement of the week.

We didn't face the might of the British empire, we faced what htey were willing to expend. Not the might of the British empire

As is always the case when waging wars against empires, dumbass.
You and Robert E Lee got something in common, dumbass rednecks imagine they can win a war by not losing battles.

Industry wins wars dipshit. Not marksmanship

Yeah the Brits thought the same thing in the War of 1812 and the Revolution, but they were shown how they were wrong.

But you are obviously too stupid to learn a damned thing.

The South lost because of many reasons, the biggest of which was that they had no overall strategy, but the second is the Irish Potato Famine.

We were still worried about a British invasion in 1900, that's how strong they were

We would have invaded Canada if we thought we could just smack them around, we never did because we feared British reinforcements.

Yes we did invade Canada, loser.
This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:


Donald does not NEED a Secretary of State.

I think you will be singing a different tune by the beginning of next year after the asset bubble bursts.

We will only have the Central bankers to thank.
Not so sure of the timing on that bubble burst.

IF Trump wins it will likely be next year as the Fed has always delayed popping bubbles till they had a GOP POTUS in place to do it.

IF Hillary wins, unlikely, but if she does, then it will eventually break still, but it might take 5 to 8 years instead.
You could be right.

OTH, they popped the housing one right before Bush left office.

I think they did that for one very good reason.

COG (Continuation of Government) protocals that went into place right after 9/11 are still technically in effect. This means we aren't actually using the constitution. They wanted to make sure that congress would pass the emergency measures that would make the nation run the way the wanted it to, and give them the authority to do the things they wanted to do.

If congress didn't comply, then Bush could always suspend the election and make sure that no asshole would enforce the wishes of the people.

The same principle could apply here.

In fact, I was tossing around in my head starting a poll here on USMB, but I detest starting threads. Starting threads implies that. . . well, I care or something. This whole shit show is beyond everyone's control. I'm only here to wake people the fuck up and get them thinking.

However, here is what I was thinking. Is it possible the Deep State has actually manipulated the process so that we have two such shitty candidates, and blown smoke up everyone's ass so much, that the brainless would actually prefer that this POTUS remain in power?

I don't remember a time, not since Reagan? That probably more of the population would just rather forget the election and keep Obama in office.

So if he declared martial law over an economic meltdown, would over half the nation care?

I don't think more than a majority would rather have Hillary or Trump at the helm. Do you? :dunno:
Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

YOU didnt kill jack shit, moron. That war was over a century ago, and any of those Confederate soldiers could have killed a hundred of you.

You and Robert E Lee got something in common, dumbass rednecks imagine they can win a war by not losing battles.

Industry and discipline wins wars dipshit. Not marksmanship

That being said I'm a lot better shot than you, you cross eyed son of a bitch. And my ancestors were sure as shit a lot better prepared to fight a war than yours.

Mine weren't too lazy to farm their own land

You are absolutely off your rocker. Lol.
That's what it symbolizes to you. You don't speak for everyone though. Besides, even people who you disagree with have a right to free speech in THIS country.

No I can and do

They don't have that right, they lost it the last time they forced us into one of the bloodiest civil wars in history

Yes they do have rights, sorry to inform you.

Uhhh traitors don't have rights

Ask the white southerners who lived through reconstruction

Or Muslim Americans

All American citizens have rights.

You don't have rights if you're a Muslim bitching about American foreign policy

You sure as shit don't have rights if you're flying a flag that represents treason

You'll see the reality of this when half this country isn't white, rednecks going to be put in their place real soon. Muslims being treasonous doesn't really bother me, we don't treat them well enough to expect loyalty in 2016

Why don't you give some examples? Is flying the flag (or any flag) illegal? How do Muslims not have rights? Explain your bullshit.
Basically a lot of small government conservatives make the argument that reconstruction after the civil war is illegitimate. We talk about the New Deal but really it was the civil war that changed the federal government. And the amendments to the constitution like the 13th and 14th amendment weren't really democratically instituted.

Ron Paul's Christian Reconstructionist Roots

He dreams of Christian patriarchy in rural texas

Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist

And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a law to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?
Now he's a racist because he appeals to Christians? At any point are you going to show an actual racist position he has said or are you going to just keep making it up as you go?

Though at least you're better than Rabbi who claimed the same and ran away and hid when asked to back it up. Small government isn't racist, your view that other races need government more than whites do is racist

And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.
And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

Would you buy that lame argument from Clinton?

Didn't think so.

The racist themes were not a one-off. It was an ongoing thing. And it went out with his name on it.
You and Robert E Lee got something in common, dumbass rednecks imagine they can win a war by not losing battles.

Industry wins wars dipshit. Not marksmanship

Yeah the Brits thought the same thing in the War of 1812 and the Revolution, but they were shown how they were wrong.

But you are obviously too stupid to learn a damned thing.

The South lost because of many reasons, the biggest of which was that they had no overall strategy, but the second is the Irish Potato Famine.

We were still worried about a British invasion in 1900, that's how strong they were

We would have invaded Canada if we thought we could just smack them around, we never did because we feared British reinforcements.

You may want to Google that War of 1812 thingy
Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

Would you buy that lame argument from Clinton?

Didn't think so.

The racist themes were not a one-off. It was an ongoing thing. And it went out with his name on it.

So, you are thinking that this busy man sat there and read newsletters? He says he wasn't aware of any racist content. What else you got?
He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

Would you buy that lame argument from Clinton?

Didn't think so.

The racist themes were not a one-off. It was an ongoing thing. And it went out with his name on it.

So, you are thinking that this busy man sat there and read newsletters? He says he wasn't aware of any racist content. What else you got?

He wasn't that busy. This was between his terms in Congress.

It doesn't take but a minute or two to read his newsletter.

You are stupid enough to bleev he went years and years without knowing his newsletter was sending our racist bullshit?

And there are clear references in his newletters which indicate he was the one writing it.

There is nothing indicating the LA riot newsletter was written by a guest author. The only name on it is Ron Paul's.

Goddam, I've seen some willfully blind idiots around here, but holy shit!

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