Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

First goalpost: They run away after making the claim Ron Paul was a racist!

Second goalpost: Source those quotes or they aren't valid!

Third goalpost: He said he didn't know about those ones. Yeah, that's it. He didn't know! LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!


Well, you seem to believe Hilary with no questions asked. Talk about being a hypocrite. Lol. :D
And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for
This was an interesting article from Ron Paul's site. Could it be that Paul is warming to Trump?

Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

Under a Secretary Paul there would be no endless hectoring calls to the president demanding that this or that country be "liberated" with smart power and smart bombs. Under Secretary Paul there would be no legions of US-funded NGOers sent to undermine the electoral processes overseas. Under Secretary Paul there would be no fact-free, mindless propaganda sessions deceptively named "daily press briefings." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would not mean "do what we say and we will give you money, refuse and we will bomb you." Under Secretary Paul diplomacy would serve the national interest instead of the special interests. Under Secretary Paul, the customary appearances by the Secretary before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would actually be exercises in truth-telling instead of spin-making.

Well, you get the idea. It would be a total nightmare for Rubin and the neocons. So Jennifer has something to worry about...

Paul tweets:

Ron Paul Verified account ‏@RonPaul
Neocon Panic Attack! What If Ron Paul Becomes Trump's Secretary of State?

and Donald Responds!


I thought it was funny that some of the followers wanted him nominated for head of the FED. :lmao:


I'd love for Paul to be head of the Fed! The most successful criminal organization in America, probably the world

I have to believe he would shut the Fed down.......and I would be ok with that.
Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for

Well thanks, but I'm not really a "liberal." Lol.

While I share some views with liberals, I also share some with conservatives, but I don't vote for either major party. I hate a lot about both the major parties, especially how they divide us on purpose! That is their tactic, you know? Divide and conquer. That is how they stay in power.
And again the man publishes neo nazi literature

Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread. Did you have a link to this neo nazi literature?

He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a law to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

Let me get this right, you are comparing a news letter he ran as a hobby, while he was a licensed practitioner and had a full time job as a M.D., to passing laws for the entire nation? Is that your contention? :eusa_think:

False analogy - RationalWiki

You seriously want to go with that? Do you know about the volunteer work he has done to help minorities in his medical practice? Why would a racist do that?

If Ron Paul ever met a racist he is one. If leftists advocate destroying blacks for leaving their plantation that isn't racist. That's what we're dealing with here
He was asked about it on CNN...he freaked out

Uncut version - (the aired bit was much shorter you can find it)

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say

Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.

Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for

Well thanks, but I'm not really a "liberal." Lol.

While I share some views with liberals, I also share some with conservatives, but I don't vote for either major party. I hate a lot about both the major parties, especially how they divide us on purpose! That is their tactic, you know? Divide and conquer. That is how they stay in power.

Wasn't meant to be insulting, I could have sworn you said you are liberal
Your link says he denied these accusations and denied knowing about any racist content in the newsletters. Though he may have been "hands on", that doesn't mean he read every newsletter from beginning to end, so that is insufficient evidence that he is a "racist" in my book.
Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for

Well thanks, but I'm not really a "liberal." Lol.

While I share some views with liberals, I also share some with conservatives, but I don't vote for either major party. I hate a lot about both the major parties, especially how they divide us on purpose! That is their tactic, you know? Divide and conquer. That is how they stay in power.

Wasn't meant to be insulting, I could have sworn you said you are liberal

In some respects, but I am pro 2nd amendment, anti immigration. I'm also not fond of the liberals "bleeding heart" policies when it comes to criminals and people who just cause problems for the US.
Ron Paul introduced a "Sunlight Law" to make it a requirement every legislator read the entirety of the bills they voted on.

And you want us to believe he never read his own racist newsletters which bore his name on them?

I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for

Well thanks, but I'm not really a "liberal." Lol.

While I share some views with liberals, I also share some with conservatives, but I don't vote for either major party. I hate a lot about both the major parties, especially how they divide us on purpose! That is their tactic, you know? Divide and conquer. That is how they stay in power.

Wasn't meant to be insulting, I could have sworn you said you are liberal

In some respects, but I am pro 2nd amendment, anti immigration. I'm also not fond of the liberals "bleeding heart" policies when it comes to criminals and people who just cause problems for the US.

Serious question, not meant to be leading. Is that what you vote for?
First goalpost: They run away after making the claim Ron Paul was a racist!

Second goalpost: Source those quotes or they aren't valid!

Third goalpost: He said he didn't know about those ones. Yeah, that's it. He didn't know! LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!


Well, you seem to believe Hilary with no questions asked. Talk about being a hypocrite. Lol. :D
Nope. You have me confused with someone else. Stop inventing straw men.
I don't know if he did or if he didn't, and neither do you. They are newsletters, not laws after all.

I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for

Well thanks, but I'm not really a "liberal." Lol.

While I share some views with liberals, I also share some with conservatives, but I don't vote for either major party. I hate a lot about both the major parties, especially how they divide us on purpose! That is their tactic, you know? Divide and conquer. That is how they stay in power.

Wasn't meant to be insulting, I could have sworn you said you are liberal

In some respects, but I am pro 2nd amendment, anti immigration. I'm also not fond of the liberals "bleeding heart" policies when it comes to criminals and people who just cause problems for the US.

Serious question, not meant to be leading. Is that what you vote for?

I already said that I don't vote for either party. I vote 3rd party candidates, unless the candidate in question is TRULY moderate. I can't vote for either major party candidates. They are too extreme or untrustworthy.
First goalpost: They run away after making the claim Ron Paul was a racist!

Second goalpost: Source those quotes or they aren't valid!

Third goalpost: He said he didn't know about those ones. Yeah, that's it. He didn't know! LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!


Well, you seem to believe Hilary with no questions asked. Talk about being a hypocrite. Lol. :D
Nope. You have me confused with someone else. Stop inventing straw men.

Yeah sure. Lol. :rolleyes-41:
he is not going to nominate that effeminate little racist to be secretary of state

Ron Paul isn't America first, he's states rights first. His only positive character trait is he hasn't changed his mind on anything in decades.

So you think being "America first" is being for the Federal Government first. That's just sick

Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

Paul's racist views? What views are those? Or this is just the he's not a liberal using blacks for votes so he's a racist gag again?

And Paul would put the screws to the Fed, he'd be against the printing money monetary policy

Ron Paul doesn't believe that the 13th amendment should apply to state law or any amendment

He screams about states rights

I could go into the litany of racist things he has done and said throughout his life, but his core message is states rights. He's an effeminate little fuck who happens to be right about blow back. Beyond that wrong about just about everything, first and foremost his absurd position on states rights.

Let's throw away the fractional reserve banking system as the strongest and most prosperous nation on the planet? That's a terrible idea, what he should support is using that banking system to fund universal income or some other social programs to make up for the MINUTE losses to inflation
I think you will be singing a different tune by the beginning of next year after the asset bubble bursts.

We will only have the Central bankers to thank.

Your candidates depend on Central Bankers. Get with it.
First goalpost: They run away after making the claim Ron Paul was a racist!

Second goalpost: Source those quotes or they aren't valid!

Third goalpost: He said he didn't know about those ones. Yeah, that's it. He didn't know! LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!


Well, you seem to believe Hilary with no questions asked. Talk about being a hypocrite. Lol. :D
Nope. You have me confused with someone else. Stop inventing straw men.

Yeah sure. Lol. :rolleyes-41:
That's it?

All you are doing is confirming you believe what you want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, and that you disbelieve what you want to disbelieve, despite all evidence you are wrong.

That's what makes you such a good little creduloid.
First goalpost: They run away after making the claim Ron Paul was a racist!

Second goalpost: Source those quotes or they aren't valid!

Third goalpost: He said he didn't know about those ones. Yeah, that's it. He didn't know! LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!


Well, you seem to believe Hilary with no questions asked. Talk about being a hypocrite. Lol. :D
Nope. You have me confused with someone else. Stop inventing straw men.

Yeah sure. Lol. :rolleyes-41:
That's it?

All you are doing is confirming you believe what you want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, and that you disbelieve what you want to disbelieve, despite all evidence you are wrong.

That's what makes you such a good little creduloid.

So you think Hilary is an asshole? :D Say it.
I have to admit, Chris, you are one of the few liberals I have respect for. You have an open mind. I'd encourage you to question why you support leftists, but you are an honorable person with an open mind, that isn't true of the people you are voting for

Well thanks, but I'm not really a "liberal." Lol.

While I share some views with liberals, I also share some with conservatives, but I don't vote for either major party. I hate a lot about both the major parties, especially how they divide us on purpose! That is their tactic, you know? Divide and conquer. That is how they stay in power.

Wasn't meant to be insulting, I could have sworn you said you are liberal

In some respects, but I am pro 2nd amendment, anti immigration. I'm also not fond of the liberals "bleeding heart" policies when it comes to criminals and people who just cause problems for the US.

Serious question, not meant to be leading. Is that what you vote for?

I already said that I don't vote for either party. I vote 3rd party candidates, unless the candidate in question is TRULY moderate. I can't vote for either major party candidates. They are too extreme or untrustworthy.

OK, fine, you told me before you're a liberal. I said I'm not insulting you, actually I credited you. now you're equivocating. I just don't know what you're saying
More rantings by Ron Paul:

Ron Paul said:
Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the 'criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.

Ron Paul said:
I've been told not to talk, but these stooges don't scare me. Threats or no threats, I've laid bare the coming race war in our big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my thinking as a physician helps me see through this one.) The Bohemian Grove—perverted, pagan playground of the powerful. Skull & Bones: the demonic fraternity that includes George Bush and leftist Senator John Kerry, Congress's Mr. New Money. The Israeli lobby, which plays Congress like a cheap harmonica. And the Soviet-style "smartcard" the Justice Department has in mind for you.

Ron Paul said:
More and more Americans are carrying a gun in the car. An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth, you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such a gun cannot, of course, be registered to you, but one bought privately (through the classifieds, for example.)

Ron Paul said:
A mob of black demonstrators, led by the 'Rev.' Al Sharpton, occupied and closed the Statue of Liberty recently, demanding that New York be renamed Martin Luther King City 'to reclaim it for our people.'

"Hmmm. I hate to agree with the Rev. Al, but maybe a name change is in order. Welfaria? Zooville? Rapetown? Dirtburg? Lazyopolis?

"But Al, the Statue of Liberty? Next time, hold that demonstration at a food stamp bureau or a crack house.

Sorry buddy, but in my opinion, none of those lines sound overtly racist. They just sound like stereo typing, which, if we are brutally honest, are actually true.

They are a result of both institutional racism and the ignorance of black ghetto culture. Poor white culture is a victim of these things too. If we put our heads in the sand and pretend these aren't the realities of America, society will just continue to decay. It's combination of a lack of economic opportunity and a loss of faith in a corrupt system. Is the loss of faith by different sectors of society the problem, or is the corrupt system the problem? If you asked Ron Paul today, as he has matured quite a bit, I am sure you would get quite a different answer. He has repeatedly distanced himself and rejected these writings. If you can't allow a person to grow and change, than you are a pretty closed minded person.

What needs to happen, is people of all political affiliations need to come together and solve these problems, not play a divide and conquer game.

No where in all of these rants do I sense overt hostility toward any race just exclusively because of it's color. I sense fear, yes. However, no where do a get a sense of "white supremacy." Do you? What I sense more is a feeling toward how tribalism is used for political leverage.

So you think being "America first" is being for the Federal Government first. That's just sick

Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

Paul's racist views? What views are those? Or this is just the he's not a liberal using blacks for votes so he's a racist gag again?

And Paul would put the screws to the Fed, he'd be against the printing money monetary policy

Ron Paul doesn't believe that the 13th amendment should apply to state law or any amendment

He screams about states rights

I could go into the litany of racist things he has done and said throughout his life, but his core message is states rights. He's an effeminate little fuck who happens to be right about blow back. Beyond that wrong about just about everything, first and foremost his absurd position on states rights.

Let's throw away the fractional reserve banking system as the strongest and most prosperous nation on the planet? That's a terrible idea, what he should support is using that banking system to fund universal income or some other social programs to make up for the MINUTE losses to inflation
I think you will be singing a different tune by the beginning of next year after the asset bubble bursts.

We will only have the Central bankers to thank.

Your candidates depend on Central Bankers. Get with it.
I don't have any candidate.
Yea the Confederates thought the same thing, we killed a lot of them and put them under our heel.

Leaving aside his blatantly racist views and his complete lack of credentials on any subject of governance beyond his medical discipline.

He's just a little man who makes Hillary look like she would be a strong leader

Paul's racist views? What views are those? Or this is just the he's not a liberal using blacks for votes so he's a racist gag again?

And Paul would put the screws to the Fed, he'd be against the printing money monetary policy

Ron Paul doesn't believe that the 13th amendment should apply to state law or any amendment

He screams about states rights

I could go into the litany of racist things he has done and said throughout his life, but his core message is states rights. He's an effeminate little fuck who happens to be right about blow back. Beyond that wrong about just about everything, first and foremost his absurd position on states rights.

Let's throw away the fractional reserve banking system as the strongest and most prosperous nation on the planet? That's a terrible idea, what he should support is using that banking system to fund universal income or some other social programs to make up for the MINUTE losses to inflation
I think you will be singing a different tune by the beginning of next year after the asset bubble bursts.

We will only have the Central bankers to thank.

Your candidates depend on Central Bankers. Get with it.
I don't have any candidate.

MisterBeale = Greatness.......probably the best "straight shooter" on this none.
Paul's racist views? What views are those? Or this is just the he's not a liberal using blacks for votes so he's a racist gag again?

And Paul would put the screws to the Fed, he'd be against the printing money monetary policy

Ron Paul doesn't believe that the 13th amendment should apply to state law or any amendment

He screams about states rights

I could go into the litany of racist things he has done and said throughout his life, but his core message is states rights. He's an effeminate little fuck who happens to be right about blow back. Beyond that wrong about just about everything, first and foremost his absurd position on states rights.

Let's throw away the fractional reserve banking system as the strongest and most prosperous nation on the planet? That's a terrible idea, what he should support is using that banking system to fund universal income or some other social programs to make up for the MINUTE losses to inflation
I think you will be singing a different tune by the beginning of next year after the asset bubble bursts.

We will only have the Central bankers to thank.

Your candidates depend on Central Bankers. Get with it.
I don't have any candidate.

MisterBeale = Greatness.......probably the best "straight shooter" on this none.


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