Neocons and the deep state have gotten their way Trump considering military options for Syria


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Trump administration discussing military options on Syria: source

Congrats war mongers! You got your way soon....more American boys and girls that get to die for HUGE corporations and the military industrial complex. I am so glad my kids are too young to join the military but at this rate the US will be bullying someone when they become of age...I just hope I can keep them out of the American Imperial Army. Nothing more than war for Oil,Israel,Military Industrial Complex and to establish a Rothschild bank in Syria.
I will say this. I will NOT support ANY military action AGAINST Syria and I will cheer Syria,Iran,Russia and hopefully China on to defeat the American Imperialist Army....hell its not in ANY American interests to do this shit....the ONLY people that win are rich corporations and Israel.
No one forced Donald to engage in overseas conflicts. He lied to you bitches!
Trumps a fuckin chump if he does this. I will NEVER defend him again.
Yes, Ol' Trumpet had to continue the lines in the sand that Oblama established, it's tough when you have to eat crow..
Trumps a fuckin chump if he does this. I will NEVER defend him again.

What a fucking idiot you were to defend him in the first place! Honestly, you people are so goddamn stupid.....
Trumps a fuckin chump if he does this. I will NEVER defend him again.

What a fucking idiot you were to defend him in the first place! Honestly, you people are so goddamn stupid.....
I defend his policies and him against lies. Donnie is a dumbass.
You are a fucking anarchist FFS. Get off your high horse, dumbfuck.
Go steal someones home or something.

Yes, I actually do. The United States said they wouldn't get involved in Syria, which gave Assad the confidence to carry out the attack. It was also a test.
You just want to blame Trump.
A fucking anarchist blaming lack of interventionism on a gas attack.
:lol: This shit gets better by the day!
I defend his policies and him against lies. Donnie is a dumbass.
You are a fucking anarchist FFS. Get off your high horse, dumbfuck.
Go steal someones home or something.

I'm not on a high horse. My head just isn't buried in the sand like you humiliating dumb fucks.
Come on people in these situations every President says that or all options are on the table or something along those lines it's expected they rarely follow through on it.

This is going a step above that. He has contacted several congressmen about military action, and Tillerson just told the press that they are in the process of building an international coalition to remove Assad from power.
1. Trump gives Assad the green light with a message that we aren't interested in taking him out.
2. Assad acts as if he believes this
3. Trump immediately flip flops and starts to make the case for war.

1. April Glaspie (speaking for the Bush administration) gives Saddam Hussein the green light over the Iraq/Kuwait disputes
2. Saddam acts as if he believes this
3. Bush Sr. immediately flip flops and starts to make the case for war.
Yeah, I'm not buying this false flag Israel bullshit the trump culitsts are pushing. This was definitely Assad.
Im not going to pretend I know who did it. It could have been a few different groups.
Call me honest :dunno:
If we do then we need to do what we did in Japan....NOT NUCLEAR for Darkfurty's peace of mind of course.
1. Kill all of the terrorist and assad.
2. Install the top general as governor of syria.
3. Institute policies that help rebuild the economy.
4. End and stomp out with brute force all signs of radical islam. Change the culture to be modern and peaceful...Kind of like we did to the Japanese.
5. 30 years later maybe allow democratic elections.

If we can't do this then we need to stay the fuck out.
Come on people in these situations every President says that or all options are on the table or something along those lines it's expected they rarely follow through on it.

This is going a step above that. He has contacted several congressmen about military action, and Tillerson just told the press that they are in the process of building an international coalition to remove Assad from power.
And the previous President said Assad must go yet he was still in power when Obama left office. Let's be honest here if Trump had come out said sorry not our problem people would be bitching over that as well this is the classic damed if you do damed if you don't.

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