NeoMarxists Announcement: 2 Minute Hate on Insurance companies set to 2PM EST today

Plenty of teat sucking going on.

Do you know, I have long had a suggestion to all of those who advocate that companies are "evil" then give up the trappings of those evil companies and don't do business with them it's really that simple. In fact, I suspect that many of those that wax so elequent about how evil companies can be sit at computer developed by an evil company to do just that while drinking from a Starbucks coffee and wearing clothes made by evil companies. I submit that all those that make these comments lack the courage of their convictions and can at anytime call up on the phone and dump their health insurance and tell these evil companies that they no longer wish to do business with them, however I don't look for that to happen anytime soon, because generally speaking many of these advocates spend more time worrying about whats wrong with their neighbors lives when they need to be putting that focus on their own. If everyone would start doing that just a little , then I submit we might have something there.
Excellent point navy. And those "evil corporations" with their "evil profits" just might be funding the "evil retirement plans" of these stone throwers. I know many,many good people who work in the insurance industry. I'm sure those compassionate libs would be happy to find them other employment when those "evil insurers" are put out of business, right?
The insurance industry is evil.

They want to deny coverage to sick people, so they can make more profit.

The insurance companies are not "evil", nor are the people who run them. And there is nothing wrong with them lobbying to protect the status quo because it's in their interest to do so for the sake of their profits.

Nevertheless profit-based insurance has its limits and those limits have created a situation that - if not worse - is ultimately no better than the situation those who are speaking out against healthcare reform warn about.
WASHINGTON--The unemployment rate among U.S. insurance industry companies--which includes both insurers and intermediaries--stood at 3.5% in January, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


During 2008, 580,000 people were laid off in the broader financial services sector, increasing the unemployment rate in the insurance industry, which had hovered around 3.0% throughout 2008, according to the BLS.

Overall, the number of people working in the insurance industry was 2.3 million in January 2008, according to the BLS's seasonally adjusted statistics. For December, the agency predicts that number will have dropped to 2.2 million, and a further drop of about 2,000 employees is expected for January 2009.
Number working in insurance industry drops | Business Insurance

I have an idea, lets put another 2 million americans out of work , I mean whats 2 million give or take, we already have that many this year right? They can be retrained to work at Jack in the Box or Taco Bell and provide wonderful lives for themselves and their families don't you think? This social engineering some are trying to attempt will be the downfall of this nation and perhaps when those who wished Govt. to take care of all their needs find the "OUT OF BUSINESS" sign at the Govt. offices because they can no longer afford to pay for all this or when they have to take a car load of dollar bills to buy a gallon of milk then they will begin to understand that it's the individual who is best responsible for their destiny in life and not "one size fits all".
The Republicans are too gutless to stand for anything anymore. That Liberal Republican Graham is gonna vote for the International Socialist nutcase Sotomayor, along with a few other of the sell outs of the GOP. It's Unbelievable. No back bone whatsoever.~BH
Plenty of teat sucking going on.


Of course. The Republicans don't have power now. The money goes where the power is at. The Blue Dog Dems are making out like bandits.

Over 2 million dollars? You would think that Pelosi and Boxer would be all over that wouldn't you? Would you like to hazzard a guess why they haven't?
I love the smell of GOoPer bitterness in the morning.

It smells like....

...a bitter GOoPer.


The Republicans love to suckle the teet of evil corporations.

It's their thing.

You've suckled the Obama teet dry as a bone .....
It's spelled Tete, in Texas we say Titty. :razz: If this ridiculous obamacare package passes the Senate, I will be really surprised. Surely those guys aren't that stupid enough to go against the wishes of the general public and the AMA. That would be a career ending decision.
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The bar graph is really interesting. What it reaveals is that the side with the larger number in congress that year gets the most money.

The chief problem with the current health care system remains that it has almost nothing to do with free enterprise and everything to do with make work for various state, federal, and local bureaucrats and hand outs to trial lawyers.
Hell you know grump and company are stupid when they think that the private sector is the problem in the health insurance soup.

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