Nestle Moving Out of California

The liberal BS is eventually going to sink California. Their financial problems are much worse than most people realize.
The bad thing is that 1200 Kalifornia Moon Bats will be moving to another state.

There should be a law that if you are a stupid Kalifornia Moon Bat you must stay in the state because the rest of the country shouldn't be contaminated with your Libtardism.
NM seems to get a lot of CA and NY rejects. They move here because they allegedly love the "culture"and then try to change everything. It's obnoxious.
California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...

Or maybe not: "On the basis of its fiscal solvency in five separate categories, California ranks 44th among the US states and Puerto Rico for its fiscal health. California’s fiscal performance is weak across several categories." California
Mercatus bitching about California?

That's news....

The state's capacity to attract high value add jobs is pretty much's recovery from the pre-Brown crisis has been remarkable...

Since I can only access the abstract with your link, I have nothing else to respond to...
The bad thing is that 1200 Kalifornia Moon Bats will be moving to another state.

There should be a law that if you are a stupid Kalifornia Moon Bat you must stay in the state because the rest of the country shouldn't be contaminated with your Libtardism.
NM seems to get a lot of CA and NY rejects. They move here because they allegedly love the "culture"and then try to change everything. It's obnoxious.
It's what liberals do. They like how you live and want to move there but then think you need to be more like them because...well you aren't like where they left. Liberals are dumb, it's baked in the cake.
No american should be doing those jobs to begin with. When you discuss jobs that pay 30 plus dollars per hour then we can discuss.
Libs aren't even smart.....

The liberal BS is eventually going to sink California. Their financial problems are much worse than most people realize.
$1.6 Billion deficit this year. No idea where they are going to make that up.
maybe the 11 billion dollar reserve fund.....
Hold on, where the hell is that? How do you run a 1.6 billion dollar short fall and pay interest on that when you're sitting on 11 billion in reserves? Reserves for what? Those times you run short on funds? Like now?

Please provide a link to this imaginary 11 billion dollars in reserve they haven't used when obviously they could use it right now.
The liberal BS is eventually going to sink California. Their financial problems are much worse than most people realize.
$1.6 Billion deficit this year. No idea where they are going to make that up.
maybe the 11 billion dollar reserve fund.....
Hold on, where the hell is that? How do you run a 1.6 billion dollar short fall and pay interest on that when you're sitting on 11 billion in reserves? Reserves for what? Those times you run short on funds? Like now?

Please provide a link to this imaginary 11 billion dollars in reserve they haven't used when obviously they could use it right now.
What effect will Trump have on California?

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