Netanyahu apologises to Turkish PM for Israeli role in Gaza flotilla raid

You know georgie boy has his back to the wall when he brings up the Liberty. Give it up Georgie
You people who think it waws a deliberate attack are a very small minority
Israel’s Apology Crowns Turkey’s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

March 28, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey for the deaths of its citizens during the 2010 flotilla raid misses the point. The tension with Turkey was never really about the operation. It was about making Israel bow to Turkey, crowning Prime Minister Erdogan as the new king of the Islamists.

“Israel apologized to Turkey. Dear prime minister, we are grateful that you let our country experience this pride,” says billboards that have been set up in Ankara celebrating the Israeli apology.

The actions taken by the Turkish government since Netanyahu’s apology show that its goal is submission, not reconciliation.


Israel?s Apology Crowns Turkey?s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?

I suspect at least some of it, for sure.

I mean if YOU ran the CIA, wouldn't you use this opportunity to spread disinfo, to embarrass your enemies and to spread confusion?
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?

I suspect at least some of it, for sure.

I mean if YOU ran the CIA, wouldn't you use this opportunity to spread disinfo, to embarrass your enemies and to spread confusion?
It seem suspicious, at least, to believe an anarchist collective could have the effect that Anonymous has had without friends in high places. The CIA (Corporate Imperial Assassins) has amassed ever greater powers since November of 1962.
Jospoilsport: "On 23 July 2010 the United Nations Human Rights Council launched an independent fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law that may have occurred during the flotilla raid.[255] Israel refused to allow the panel to interview Israeli witnesses and accused the UNHRC of a history of anti-Israel bias."

"In its first report, submitted in September 2010, the UN fact-finding mission found that the IDF broke international law, and that there was evidence sufficient to initiate prosecutions for breaches of the Geneva Convention. The report stated that: "The conduct of the Israeli military and other personnel towards the flotilla passengers was not only disproportionate to the occasion but demonstrated levels of totally unnecessary and incredible violence,"[256] and determined that Israeli commandos summarily executed six passengers aboard the MV Mavi Marmara.[38][124] It cites forensic analysis indicating that Furgan Dogan was shot five times, including once in the face while he was lying on his back. "All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body except for the face wound, which entered the right of his nose", the report concluded. "According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point-blank range."

"The report stated: "There is clear evidence to support prosecutions of the following crimes within the terms of article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: wilful killing; torture or inhuman treatment; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health".[256][257] The report also stated that it found no medical evidence of IDF commandos being shot."

"Forensic evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot multiple times, including in the back, or at close range has not been adequately accounted for in the material presented by Israel."

"israel cannot complain when it gets the same treatment back,
in the coming War"

and, who else is going to be involved in this war besides israel ?

can't wait, can you ?

Israel’s Apology Crowns Turkey’s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

March 28, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey for the deaths of its citizens during the 2010 flotilla raid misses the point. The tension with Turkey was never really about the operation. It was about making Israel bow to Turkey, crowning Prime Minister Erdogan as the new king of the Islamists.

“Israel apologized to Turkey. Dear prime minister, we are grateful that you let our country experience this pride,” says billboards that have been set up in Ankara celebrating the Israeli apology.

The actions taken by the Turkish government since Netanyahu’s apology show that its goal is submission, not reconciliation.


Israel?s Apology Crowns Turkey?s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

Israel shot and killed 9 Turkish civilians in international waters.

That's what the apology is about.
Israel’s Apology Crowns Turkey’s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

March 28, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey for the deaths of its citizens during the 2010 flotilla raid misses the point. The tension with Turkey was never really about the operation. It was about making Israel bow to Turkey, crowning Prime Minister Erdogan as the new king of the Islamists.

“Israel apologized to Turkey. Dear prime minister, we are grateful that you let our country experience this pride,” says billboards that have been set up in Ankara celebrating the Israeli apology.

The actions taken by the Turkish government since Netanyahu’s apology show that its goal is submission, not reconciliation.


Israel?s Apology Crowns Turkey?s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

Israel shot and killed 9 Turkish civilians in international waters.

That's what the apology is about.

There is no reason for any civilized persons to avoid expressing regret over
deaths----the fact that anyone was somehow involved in facilitating those
deaths -----compels even more regret. Its normal, civilized human behavior.

When I was a teen----the issue of the deaths of Japanese people in the
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a serious topic in my circle---
hotly debated as a moral issue. -----but that was us--As a teen I also saw
the movie BRIDGE OVER RIVER KWAI (sp..?) ----but the barbarity of the
japanese depicted in that movie did not prevent me from wondering
just way an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima---but that was me---
child of the culture in which I was nurtured

---Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn ---
was in JOYOUS CELEBRATION on 9-11-01 From that vantage
point the burning world trade center towers could be seen and the
reports of people tumbling to their deaths in honor of isa ----brought
CHEERS (atlantic ave harbors brooklyn's arab enclave)

Different strokes for different folks
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?

I suspect at least some of it, for sure.

I mean if YOU ran the CIA, wouldn't you use this opportunity to spread disinfo, to embarrass your enemies and to spread confusion?
It seem suspicious, at least, to believe an anarchist collective could have the effect that Anonymous has had without friends in high places. The CIA (Corporate Imperial Assassins) has amassed ever greater powers since November of 1962.

Well given that Anonymous members are anonymous, that basically means anyone can call themselves members of Anonymous.

Given that I think it highly unlikely that the intelligence communities aren't ALSO using that smokescreen to their advantage, too.

Let's remember that Anonymous is NOT a group that HAS any way to prevent ANYONE from using that name.

Frankly I am of the opinion that the whole thing might be nothing more than a HONEY TRAP for hackers.
Last edited:
Look at the History of the Middle East and you will see and visit the future…
Cool. Then babbling about peace-whatever is of no merit, isn't it?
If the Jews go back to the 67 borders and share Jerusalem, and re-hash the Arab League offer of 2002, then their is a chance of peace...
And why should jews "go back" to the never-existed "'67 borders" and let some millions of the so-called "refugees" as per 2002 arab "offer" in to Israel, and share Jerusalem too? Arabs are naive like a dollar bill.
Israel’s Apology Crowns Turkey’s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

March 28, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey for the deaths of its citizens during the 2010 flotilla raid misses the point. The tension with Turkey was never really about the operation. It was about making Israel bow to Turkey, crowning Prime Minister Erdogan as the new king of the Islamists.

“Israel apologized to Turkey. Dear prime minister, we are grateful that you let our country experience this pride,” says billboards that have been set up in Ankara celebrating the Israeli apology.

The actions taken by the Turkish government since Netanyahu’s apology show that its goal is submission, not reconciliation.


Israel?s Apology Crowns Turkey?s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

Israel shot and killed 9 Turkish civilians in international waters.

That's what the apology is about.

Why did they get shot? Please tell us
Israel shot and killed 9 Turkish civilians in international waters.
They would've fared better by having having been innocent turkish civilians, of course.
Interesting piece by a Turkish writer.


Nowhere does it say that Israel did not shoot and kill Turkish civilians in international waters.

It's a good article, but it strikes me that you are very keen to insist that in any conflict, Isreal has done no wrong. It's appropriate in this instance to issue some sort of diplomatic apology. Israel is no different than any other country in that matter.

As she states: Consequently, we — as Turkey — must express that Israel's security is important to us as well, while also expressing our concern for the well-being of the citizens of Gaza. Justice is, after all, not one-sided.

Do you realize that Hossfly? It is not one sided.
"Groundhog lied."

Only in America....(how cute)

...will you find, people. . . "dropping the charges" against punxsutawney phil....

Ohio Prosecutor Drops Charge Against Pennsylvania Groundhog |


"Punxsutawney Phil Wanted For Fraud: 'He may be hiding in a hole' - Maryland Police Look For Weather-Predicting Groundhog..."

Punxsutawney Phil Wanted For Fraud: Maryland Police Look For Weather-Predicting Groundhog


I have a good reciepe for groundhog stew....
Israel’s Apology Crowns Turkey’s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

March 28, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey for the deaths of its citizens during the 2010 flotilla raid misses the point. The tension with Turkey was never really about the operation. It was about making Israel bow to Turkey, crowning Prime Minister Erdogan as the new king of the Islamists.

“Israel apologized to Turkey. Dear prime minister, we are grateful that you let our country experience this pride,” says billboards that have been set up in Ankara celebrating the Israeli apology.

The actions taken by the Turkish government since Netanyahu’s apology show that its goal is submission, not reconciliation.


Israel?s Apology Crowns Turkey?s Erdogan Leader of Islamist World

Israel shot and killed 9 Turkish civilians in international waters.

That's what the apology is about.

Why did they get shot? Please tell us

Good question.
BBC News - Q&A: Israeli deadly raid on aid flotilla

What have the various inquiries found?

In September 2010, a UN Human Rights Council report said Israel's military broke international laws, that the action by commandos, which left nine dead, was "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality". Israel rejected the report as "biased" and "one-sided".

Israel and Turkey held their own inquiries into the raid, submitting the findings to an international panel set up by the UN, chaired by a former New Zealand Prime Minister, Sir Geoffrey Palmer, and including an Israeli member and Turkish member.

Turkey's report, drawn up by government officials, accused Israeli commandos of "excessive, brutal and pre-meditated" conduct. It concluded their action boarding the Mavi Marmara was "unlawful" and breached human rights. Results of post-mortem examinations had earlier suggested a total of 30 bullets were found in the bodies of the dead activists, including one who had been shot four times in the head. The Turkish panel also deemed the Gaza blockade "unlawful".

The Israeli inquiry, headed by Judge Jacob Turkel, and including five Israeli members and two international observers, found the actions of the navy and Israel's blockade of Gaza were legal under international law. However, it offered some criticism of the planning of the military operation. It also referred to "the regrettable consequences of the loss of human life and physical injuries".

In September 2011, the UN panel concluded in a repeatedly-delayed report that the loss of life and injuries resulting from the use of force by Israeli troops was "unacceptable".

"Israel's decision to board the vessels with such substantial force at a great distance from the blockade zone and with no final warning immediately prior to the boarding was excessive and unreasonable," it said.

However, the commandos did face "significant, organised and violent resistance", requiring them to "use force for their own protection", the panel found.

Nevertheless, no satisfactory explanation was provided by Israel for any of the deaths, and the "forensic evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot multiple times, including in the back, or at close range" was not accounted for, the report said.

There was also "significant mistreatment" of passengers by Israeli authorities after the takeover of the vessels, including physical mistreatment, harassment and intimidation, unjustified confiscation of belongings and the denial of timely consular assistance, it added.

At the same time, the panel said that the Israeli naval blockade on Gaza was imposed as a "legitimate security measure" to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.

The flotilla acted "recklessly" in attempting to breach the naval blockade of Gaza, and more could have been done to warn flotilla participants of the potential risks involved and to dissuade them from their actions, according to the report.
They would've fared better by having having been innocent turkish civilians, of course.
Interesting piece by a Turkish writer.


Nowhere does it say that Israel did not shoot and kill Turkish civilians in international waters.

It's a good article, but it strikes me that you are very keen to insist that in any conflict, Isreal has done no wrong. It's appropriate in this instance to issue some sort of diplomatic apology. Israel is no different than any other country in that matter.

As she states: Consequently, we — as Turkey — must express that Israel's security is important to us as well, while also expressing our concern for the well-being of the citizens of Gaza. Justice is, after all, not one-sided.

Do you realize that Hossfly? It is not one sided.
I have never said Israel has done no wrong. It's unfortunate that people were killed but that group went there to start trouble and gain world attention.They used the wrong tactic. I look at it from a soldiers perspective as if I had been on that boarding party. Only a few people here have stressed the facts of International Maritime Laws of the High Seas but they have been called liars. When a nation places a belligerant country under a blockade and vessels try to enter the country they must peacefully allow the vessel to be boarded and inspected.If they pass inspection they are generally allowed to proceed. If they are carrying contraband they will be escorted to a port where the contraband is confiscated and civil justice is administered. Those are the laws and they have been in effect for hundreds of years. All one has to do is google the appropriate Naval terms to find the actual laws. The worlds navies and mariners don't have any reason or duty to act on the whims of a band of do-gooders.Nor do they have to bend to sympathy and fellowship. The whole matter of the world is for people to obey laws. Some people think they are immune from the laws.
Nowhere does it say that Israel did not shoot and kill Turkish civilians in international waters.
It doesn't say that they would've fared better by having been innocent turkish civilians either, of course.
As she states: Consequently, we — as Turkey — must express that Israel's security is important to us as well, while also expressing our concern for the well-being of the citizens of Gaza. Justice is, after all, not one-sided.
Mild leftism to spice the article won't hurt, indeed.
"The Kafr Qasim massacre took place in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Qasim situated on the Green Line, at that time, the de facto border between Israel and the West Bank on October 29, 1956. It was carried out by the Israel Border Police (Magav) and resulted in 48 Arab civilians dead, including 6 women and 23 children aged 8–17. Arab sources usually give the death toll as 49, as they include the unborn child of one of the women."

More to your tastes, drivel?
Interesting that you bring that one up----georgie---
I heard about it in my youth------which would have
been a few years after it happened-----the man who
spoke about it was------a big time orthodox jew zionist---
I was a teenaged student. It has something to do with
a time of conflict in during which time a curfew had
been announced and ARAB FARMERS returning from
their fields were ----by military error-----SHOT.
Lots of the shooters went to jail for "obeying an illegal
order". How interesting----if your fellow islamo nazis
shoot jews------no matter what the circumstances----they
are called HEROES

The situation was presented to me and my fellow

(the person telling the story was a history teacher
in my public high school----USA.....we were a bunch
of jewish kids listening to the story on jewish history---

this coming september---there will be some celebrations
in the arab enclave nearby-----in celebration of 9-11-01)

gee----talking about PRESCIENCE

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