Netanyahu apologises to Turkish PM for Israeli role in Gaza flotilla raid

"Why is it so God Damn hard for some of you to stay on topic and avoid the nasty shit?"


"God Damn..."


"'Deep rooted, strong and historic friendship between the two peoples brought the apology and opened the door for Turkey and Israel to move forward,'"


When the time comes to put boots on the ground in Syria, better Muslim than Jew?

Israeli apology to Turkey creates firestorm at home - Israel Today | Israel News
One example.

Israel engages Syrian forces on Golan border - Israel Today | Israel News
excuse me,, folks-----I have been heavy into the
manischewitz-----and must have missed
something. What is April 7? I have heard
of May 5 (cinco de mayo) as a springtime
holiday------and May 1---as MAYDAY PARADES
FOR UNIONS----and stalin . I even know
about april 1----april fools day... what
is April 7.

PS---anyone know how groundhog
day turned out?----

Isn't April 7 the tax filing deadline? Or...maybe not:confused:

Groundhog lied.
Netanyahoo should apologize for being just another Israeli fat fuck!
Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:36PM

Hacking group Anonymous has launched a series of cyber attacks against Israeli websites since November 2012 in retaliation for Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.
The Anonymous hacking group says it has hacked into the website of Israel‘s Mossad spy agency, gaining access to top-secret documents.

The Internet hacking group said on its twitter page that it gained access to the personal data of more than 30,000 Israeli officials, including military officials, politicians and Mossad agents, and that it will release the information gradually.

OpIsrael campaign aims at wiping Israel off the cyber world by April 7.
#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous - 12160
Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:36PM

Hacking group Anonymous has launched a series of cyber attacks against Israeli websites since November 2012 in retaliation for Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.
The Anonymous hacking group says it has hacked into the website of Israel‘s Mossad spy agency, gaining access to top-secret documents.

The Internet hacking group said on its twitter page that it gained access to the personal data of more than 30,000 Israeli officials, including military officials, politicians and Mossad agents, and that it will release the information gradually.

OpIsrael campaign aims at wiping Israel off the cyber world by April 7.
#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous - 12160
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?

Which "these people" the ones on the list, or Anonymous?:eusa_hand:
"'Deep rooted, strong and historic friendship between the two peoples brought the apology and opened the door for Turkey and Israel to move forward,'"


When the time comes to put boots on the ground in Syria, better Muslim than Jew?

Israeli apology to Turkey creates firestorm at home - Israel Today | Israel News
One example.

Israel engages Syrian forces on Golan border - Israel Today | Israel News
If (when) it become necessary to seize control of Syria's WMD, Turkish troops wouldn't generate as much negative PR in the Muslim world as the IDF would.
Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:36PM

Hacking group Anonymous has launched a series of cyber attacks against Israeli websites since November 2012 in retaliation for Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.
The Anonymous hacking group says it has hacked into the website of Israel‘s Mossad spy agency, gaining access to top-secret documents.

The Internet hacking group said on its twitter page that it gained access to the personal data of more than 30,000 Israeli officials, including military officials, politicians and Mossad agents, and that it will release the information gradually.

OpIsrael campaign aims at wiping Israel off the cyber world by April 7.
#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous - 12160
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?
I certainly hope so. If they weren't anonymous, they wouldn't be spies, now would they?
Mossad or the CIA will track down these people.I would imagine the world will never know what happened to certain hackers. :D I would be more than happy to host those people for, oh, say about....30 minutes?
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?
I certainly hope so. If they weren't anonymous, they wouldn't be spies, now would they?
Some of them aren't very Anonymous any more:

"The Internet hacking group said on its twitter page that it gained access to the personal data of more than 30,000 Israeli officials, including military officials, politicians and Mossad agents, and that it will release the information gradually."

#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous - 12160
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?
I certainly hope so. If they weren't anonymous, they wouldn't be spies, now would they?
Some of them aren't very Anonymous any more:

"The Internet hacking group said on its twitter page that it gained access to the personal data of more than 30,000 Israeli officials, including military officials, politicians and Mossad agents, and that it will release the information gradually."

#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous - 12160
Inovative way to become a martyr! Get the Mossad riled up and wham!!! 72 instant Virgils.
What's your evaluation of the possibility that Mossad or the CIA is Anonymous?
I certainly hope so. If they weren't anonymous, they wouldn't be spies, now would they?
Some of them aren't very Anonymous any more:

"The Internet hacking group said on its twitter page that it gained access to the personal data of more than 30,000 Israeli officials, including military officials, politicians and Mossad agents, and that it will release the information gradually."

#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous - 12160

Oh, more 'occupy' extremists, cospiranutters and Holocaust deniers......
IHH began in 1992 as a humanitarian mission to offer relief to victims injured and displaced during the Bosnian war. They have held Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2004, and since becoming a fully-registered NGO in 1995, IHH — The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief — has accumulated more than 60,000 volunteers for their grassroots humanitarian efforts in 120 countries all over the world. Since May 31st, the number of volunteers has skyrocketed.

After the attack on the Mavi Marmara, I had an opportunity to ask the vice president of IHH, Huseyin Oruc, about accusations of IHH terror links. While he was not interested in dignifying such claims, he was very emphatic about the transparency of IHH’s work over the years, and hoped people would look at their large-scale sanitation and medical missions around the African continent — including 40,000 cataract surgeries in Sudan alone, clean water projects in Ethiopia- and IHH’s extensive work dealing with orphans in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Gaza. While they are an Islamic organization, Oruc told me that IHH refuses to differentiate who receives attention based on religion, race, or political affiliation, and has noted their various projects in South America where Muslim populations are slight.
IHH ? The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief ? War in Context

An investigation in 1997 by Turkish authorities revealed that IHH had purchased from Islamic militant groups, firearms, explosives, and bomb-making instructions. (Items readily found in your local charity organization, right?)

A French intelligence report found that IHH had made repeated phone calls to an al Qaida group in Italy and to other terrorist operatives in Europe.

During the trial of al Qaida Millenium bomber, Ahmed Ressam, French magistrate Jean Louis Bruguiere was called to the stand as an expert witness. Bruguiere testified that IHH played "[a]n important role" in the bomb plot that targeted LAX.

IHH President Bulent Yildrim was instrumental in convening anti-American rallies in Turkey leading up to the U.S. war in Iraq, where American and Israeli flags were burned.

In another sponsored IHH protest rally in 2004 against the American war in Iraq, shouts of "Murderer US, get out of the Middle East" and "Long live our resistance" were reported.

In February 2009, Yildirim gave a speech at a Hamas rally held in Gaza. "From here, I call upon all the leaders of the Islamic world, and upon all the peoples . . . anyone who does not stand alongside Palestine – his throne will be toppled," he said.

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