Netanyahu apologises to Turkish PM for Israeli role in Gaza flotilla raid

When I say blockade, i mean the naval blockade of Gaza, which the U.N deems legal
George is an expert in Maritime Law and International Laws of the Sea. Just ask him. He'll tell you so. But he won't impart any information except for "hate sites."
Im confused, are you agreeing with me
More or less, Toast.
I'm saying the commandoes resorted to excessive force and therefore self defense was a legitimate response by those on the vessel:

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire.

"It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time. In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose. According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

If you want to read a short eyewitness account by a former US Marine and Gulf War I vet who was onboard the Mavi Marmara here it is:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship?

"I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's at least ironic that the Marine lived to tell his tale and Furkan did not.
Im confused, are you agreeing with me
More or less, Toast.
I'm saying the commandoes resorted to excessive force and therefore self defense was a legitimate response by those on the vessel:

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire.

"It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time. In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose. According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

If you want to read a short eyewitness account by a former US Marine and Gulf War I vet who was onboard the Mavi Marmara here it is:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship?

"I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's at least ironic that the Marine lived to tell his tale and Furkan did not.

They used non lethal force to begin with (paintball guns) but were being beaten. Watch the video.
You're making it seem like ISrael gunned down the activists for no reason.
Im confused, are you agreeing with me
More or less, Toast.
I'm saying the commandoes resorted to excessive force and therefore self defense was a legitimate response by those on the vessel:

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire.

"It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time. In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose. According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

If you want to read a short eyewitness account by a former US Marine and Gulf War I vet who was onboard the Mavi Marmara here it is:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship?

"I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's at least ironic that the Marine lived to tell his tale and Furkan did not.
Why did the blockade runners initiate an attack on a legal boarding party? The boarding party was merely going to inspect cargo. In order to get a masters license, the ship's captain must know the rules and warn the passengers not to interfere. They grabbed the bull by the balls and got the horns. Tuff titty.
israel cannot complain when it gets the same treatment back, in the coming War
On 23 July 2010 the United Nations Human Rights Council launched an independent fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law that may have occurred during the flotilla raid.[255] Israel refused to allow the panel to interview Israeli witnesses and accused the UNHRC of a history of anti-Israel bias.[38]

In its first report, submitted in September 2010, the UN fact-finding mission found that the IDF broke international law, and that there was evidence sufficient to initiate prosecutions for breaches of the Geneva Convention. The report stated that: "The conduct of the Israeli military and other personnel towards the flotilla passengers was not only disproportionate to the occasion but demonstrated levels of totally unnecessary and incredible violence,"[256] and determined that Israeli commandos summarily executed six passengers aboard the MV Mavi Marmara.[38][124] It cites forensic analysis indicating that Furgan Dogan was shot five times, including once in the face while he was lying on his back. "All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body except for the face wound, which entered the right of his nose", the report concluded. "According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point-blank range."[38]

The report stated: "There is clear evidence to support prosecutions of the following crimes within the terms of article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: wilful killing; torture or inhuman treatment; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health".[256][257] The report also stated that it found no medical evidence of IDF commandos being shot.
"Forensic evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot multiple times, including in the back, or at close range has not been adequately accounted for in the material presented by Israel."
Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Im confused, are you agreeing with me
More or less, Toast.
I'm saying the commandoes resorted to excessive force and therefore self defense was a legitimate response by those on the vessel:

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire.

"It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time. In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose. According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

If you want to read a short eyewitness account by a former US Marine and Gulf War I vet who was onboard the Mavi Marmara here it is:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship?

"I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's at least ironic that the Marine lived to tell his tale and Furkan did not.

They used non lethal force to begin with (paintball guns) but were being beaten. Watch the video.
You're making it seem like ISrael gunned down the activists for no reason.
Post a video that wasn't edited by Israel.
Some eyewitnesses claim the Jews open fire with live ammunition from their helicopter BEFORE descending.
Furkan Dogan was murdered on Memorial Day with only a video camera in his hands,; what's your explanation/apology for that action?
More or less, Toast.
I'm saying the commandoes resorted to excessive force and therefore self defense was a legitimate response by those on the vessel:

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire.

"It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time. In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose. According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

If you want to read a short eyewitness account by a former US Marine and Gulf War I vet who was onboard the Mavi Marmara here it is:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship?

"I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's at least ironic that the Marine lived to tell his tale and Furkan did not.

They used non lethal force to begin with (paintball guns) but were being beaten. Watch the video.
You're making it seem like ISrael gunned down the activists for no reason.
Post a video that wasn't edited by Israel.
Some eyewitnesses claim the Jews open fire with live ammunition from their helicopter BEFORE descending.
Furkan Dogan was murdered on Memorial Day with only a video camera in his hands,; what's your explanation/apology for that action?

After the IDF was attacked FIRST, they opened fire (after using paintball guns). I'm guessing he got caught in the crossfire. Are you claiming that a soldier just went up to him and shot him for no reason ??????? Why would they do that??

What's your explanation for stabbing the soldiers ?
Im confused, are you agreeing with me
More or less, Toast.
I'm saying the commandoes resorted to excessive force and therefore self defense was a legitimate response by those on the vessel:

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire.

"It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time. In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose. According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

If you want to read a short eyewitness account by a former US Marine and Gulf War I vet who was onboard the Mavi Marmara here it is:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship?

"I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's at least ironic that the Marine lived to tell his tale and Furkan did not.
Yessiree, it is quite obvious that Georgie Boy wishes that those commandoes who boarded the boat did nothing so that those violent Turks would have just wiped them all out. Maybe more dead "koshers" makes Georgie Boy happy.
[ame=]Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage - YouTube[/ame]

38,27 first shots fired
41,30 rope down
43,30 Machine gunfire
Wow jos, that video sure proves a lot haha
It certainly does. Basically most of the video shows peaceful people, just like the people on the other boats who let the commandoes board peacefully and didn't try to attack them. Then toward the end of Yousef Mohammed's video, you see a bunch of barbarians at work. I wonder if Yousef can tell us why those on the other boats had no problem, but only on this boat did his friends have to start up.
The video shows israelis shooting at the people on the ship, from Helicopters,
but hey, what goes around comes around
Apparently, things will start on 7th April
Jos------in sum ----Israelis defended themselves---there was
no indication whatsoever that their intention in boarding the
ship---was to kill anyone or do any violence. Soldiers do no
dangle themselves from grappling hooks in order to kill
people on a ship. If they want to kill people they use
The video shows israelis shooting at the people on the ship, from Helicopters,
but hey, what goes around comes around
Apparently, things will start on 7th April

Ya weve been hearing shit likw that for 65 years....if you're Iranian, id be really scared if I were you
Jos------in sum ----Israelis defended themselves---there was
no indication whatsoever that their intention in boarding the
ship---was to kill anyone or do any violence. Soldiers do no
dangle themselves from grappling hooks in order to kill
people on a ship. If they want to kill people they use

Jos knows this, hes being an idiot, as usual. Even the UN affirms that the IDF acted in a proper manner.

So i ask you Jos, what did the Turks expect to happen to them when they attacked the IDF
Netanyahoo should apologize for being such an ugly dumb fuck. That would be a good start.


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