Netanyahu discredited by guess who?

Apparently, Obama giving Israel 30 billion over this decade is "anti-Israel". To be a good underling, it looks like needs to kiss the feet of Netanyahu to prove he isn't an "antisemite" to the neoconservatives and zionists.

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to 'implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade -- investments to Israel's security that will not be tied to any other nation.'

"In August 2007, the Bush administration signed a 'memorandum of understanding' that outlined a 10-year framework for U.S. military assistance to Israel, according to the Congressional Research Service. It calls for incremental yearly increases in foreign military financing to Israel, with $3 billion allocated by fiscal year 2011.

"Funding under the memorandum "has been fully provided in the prior fiscal years and in 2012 appropriations,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a liberal group active on issued related to Israel.

"Specifically, Congress approved $3.075 billion in security assistance for Israel as part of a larger spending package for fiscal year 2012, according to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"That marks the fourth consecutive year the memorandum"s terms have been met, AIPAC said.

"It's premature to say that the succeeding six years of the memorandum"s terms will be met. But so far, Obama has followed the lead of President George W. Bush and stuck to the terms of the funding agreement. As the 2012 elections approach, there"s no evidence that this is anything but a Promise Kept."

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact

Thirty billion $ over ten years to advance the cause of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Hitler and all his useful idiots would celebrate:


Will Israel turn Gaza white in November 2016?

Hyperbole much? That money is what Israel, the tiniest territory in the ME, uses to protect itself against hostile nations that would like nothing more than to destroy it, and you must know that. You are so dishonest and a turd.
How many nuclear weapons does Israel possess? How about conventional military forces? What possible relationship does the size of a country bear on its ability to dominate its neighbors?
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes. Please, they are a reasonable country that doesn't want to start a world war, obviously. They have shown incredible restraint. You obviously have a delusional hatred for Israel.
Yes and thank to the American tax payer subsidizing Israel budget they can afford to give free abortions to 20 to 34 year olds
Israel, a nation with a forceful religious lobby and a conservative prime minister, is poised to offer its female citizens some of the most liberal abortion coverage in the world.

Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email
and never miss our top stories

The nation’s Health Ministry commission, led by Dr. Yonatan Halevy, last week announced its state-subsidized “health basket,” the package of medications and services that all Israeli citizens are entitled to under the nation’s health care system. It was approved by the cabinet on Sunday. The health basket is analyzed and amended on an annual basis, and among the many additional treatments to be offered to Israelis in 2014 are free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.

Israel has always had a liberal stance on abortion, allowing women facing medical emergencies or those who are victims of rape or abuse to receive subsidies to help them terminate their pregnancies. Outside of those regulations, women can apply for abortions for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the baby’s father. All women who seek to end a pregnancy must appear before a three-member committee to state their case, but 98 percent of requests are approved. Women under the age of 20 or over the age of 40 were also previously eligible for subsidized abortions, regardless of the reason.

With the newly amended health care package, however, funding will now be available for more than 6,000 additional women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, at the cost at some NIS 16 million ($4.6 million). No medical reason for the abortion is required.

Halevy, director general of Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, rejects the idea that the health commission’s move is in any way radical, and is quick to point out that the boost in abortion funding is but one small piece of several alterations to Israel’s state-sponsored health care, ranging from mental health care to the treatment of diabetes and beyond.

“We want large families in Israel. We definitely encourage birth,” he says. “But when pregnancy occurs and it is undesired or inadvertent, I think we should supply the means to end the pregnancy properly.”

Read more: Israel's abortion law now among world's most liberal | The Times of Israel Israel s abortion law now among world s most liberal The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Do you realize that the Muslims share more in common with the Christians you love to hate? Lol. They would be looking to behead people like you who advocate for women to have abortions. :D You guys are a real riot.
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to 'implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade -- investments to Israel's security that will not be tied to any other nation.'

"In August 2007, the Bush administration signed a 'memorandum of understanding' that outlined a 10-year framework for U.S. military assistance to Israel, according to the Congressional Research Service. It calls for incremental yearly increases in foreign military financing to Israel, with $3 billion allocated by fiscal year 2011.

"Funding under the memorandum "has been fully provided in the prior fiscal years and in 2012 appropriations,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a liberal group active on issued related to Israel.

"Specifically, Congress approved $3.075 billion in security assistance for Israel as part of a larger spending package for fiscal year 2012, according to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"That marks the fourth consecutive year the memorandum"s terms have been met, AIPAC said.

"It's premature to say that the succeeding six years of the memorandum"s terms will be met. But so far, Obama has followed the lead of President George W. Bush and stuck to the terms of the funding agreement. As the 2012 elections approach, there"s no evidence that this is anything but a Promise Kept."

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact

Thirty billion $ over ten years to advance the cause of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Hitler and all his useful idiots would celebrate:


Will Israel turn Gaza white in November 2016?

Hyperbole much? That money is what Israel, the tiniest territory in the ME, uses to protect itself against hostile nations that would like nothing more than to destroy it, and you must know that. You are so dishonest and a turd.
How many nuclear weapons does Israel possess? How about conventional military forces? What possible relationship does the size of a country bear on its ability to dominate its neighbors?
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes. Please, they are a reasonable country that doesn't want to start a world war, obviously. They have shown incredible restraint. You obviously have a delusional hatred for Israel.
Yes and thank to the American tax payer subsidizing Israel budget they can afford to give free abortions to 20 to 34 year olds
Israel, a nation with a forceful religious lobby and a conservative prime minister, is poised to offer its female citizens some of the most liberal abortion coverage in the world.

Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email
and never miss our top stories

The nation’s Health Ministry commission, led by Dr. Yonatan Halevy, last week announced its state-subsidized “health basket,” the package of medications and services that all Israeli citizens are entitled to under the nation’s health care system. It was approved by the cabinet on Sunday. The health basket is analyzed and amended on an annual basis, and among the many additional treatments to be offered to Israelis in 2014 are free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.

Israel has always had a liberal stance on abortion, allowing women facing medical emergencies or those who are victims of rape or abuse to receive subsidies to help them terminate their pregnancies. Outside of those regulations, women can apply for abortions for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the baby’s father. All women who seek to end a pregnancy must appear before a three-member committee to state their case, but 98 percent of requests are approved. Women under the age of 20 or over the age of 40 were also previously eligible for subsidized abortions, regardless of the reason.

With the newly amended health care package, however, funding will now be available for more than 6,000 additional women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, at the cost at some NIS 16 million ($4.6 million). No medical reason for the abortion is required.

Halevy, director general of Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, rejects the idea that the health commission’s move is in any way radical, and is quick to point out that the boost in abortion funding is but one small piece of several alterations to Israel’s state-sponsored health care, ranging from mental health care to the treatment of diabetes and beyond.

“We want large families in Israel. We definitely encourage birth,” he says. “But when pregnancy occurs and it is undesired or inadvertent, I think we should supply the means to end the pregnancy properly.”

Read more: Israel's abortion law now among world's most liberal | The Times of Israel Israel s abortion law now among world s most liberal The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Do you realize that the Muslims share more in common with the Christians you love to hate? Lol. They would be looking to behead people like you who advocate for women to have abortions. :D You guys are a real riot.
Christians in the Roman Catholic Church 600 years ago. Not Protestants.
Hyperbole much? That money is what Israel, the tiniest territory in the ME, uses to protect itself against hostile nations that would like nothing more than to destroy it, and you must know that. You are so dishonest and a turd.
How many nuclear weapons does Israel possess? How about conventional military forces? What possible relationship does the size of a country bear on its ability to dominate its neighbors?
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes. Please, they are a reasonable country that doesn't want to start a world war, obviously. They have shown incredible restraint. You obviously have a delusional hatred for Israel.
Yes and thank to the American tax payer subsidizing Israel budget they can afford to give free abortions to 20 to 34 year olds
Israel, a nation with a forceful religious lobby and a conservative prime minister, is poised to offer its female citizens some of the most liberal abortion coverage in the world.

Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email
and never miss our top stories

The nation’s Health Ministry commission, led by Dr. Yonatan Halevy, last week announced its state-subsidized “health basket,” the package of medications and services that all Israeli citizens are entitled to under the nation’s health care system. It was approved by the cabinet on Sunday. The health basket is analyzed and amended on an annual basis, and among the many additional treatments to be offered to Israelis in 2014 are free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.

Israel has always had a liberal stance on abortion, allowing women facing medical emergencies or those who are victims of rape or abuse to receive subsidies to help them terminate their pregnancies. Outside of those regulations, women can apply for abortions for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the baby’s father. All women who seek to end a pregnancy must appear before a three-member committee to state their case, but 98 percent of requests are approved. Women under the age of 20 or over the age of 40 were also previously eligible for subsidized abortions, regardless of the reason.

With the newly amended health care package, however, funding will now be available for more than 6,000 additional women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, at the cost at some NIS 16 million ($4.6 million). No medical reason for the abortion is required.

Halevy, director general of Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, rejects the idea that the health commission’s move is in any way radical, and is quick to point out that the boost in abortion funding is but one small piece of several alterations to Israel’s state-sponsored health care, ranging from mental health care to the treatment of diabetes and beyond.

“We want large families in Israel. We definitely encourage birth,” he says. “But when pregnancy occurs and it is undesired or inadvertent, I think we should supply the means to end the pregnancy properly.”

Read more: Israel's abortion law now among world's most liberal | The Times of Israel Israel s abortion law now among world s most liberal The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Do you realize that the Muslims share more in common with the Christians you love to hate? Lol. They would be looking to behead people like you who advocate for women to have abortions. :D You guys are a real riot.
Christians in the Roman Catholic Church 600 years ago. Not Protestants.

No, I mean the belief system. The Muslims respect Christians and even Jews more than they do atheists. Muslims do not like atheists. They would allow the Jews and Christians to become second class citizens, but I'm sure they would just dispose of the atheists. They are the biggest sinners, in their eyes.

I think the atheists are afraid of Islam, honestly. They know they are safe to say things about Christians, Jews, and even pretty much any other religion, but not the Muslim religion. Lol. It's all quite humorous if you stand back and observe.
How many nuclear weapons does Israel possess? How about conventional military forces? What possible relationship does the size of a country bear on its ability to dominate its neighbors?
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes. Please, they are a reasonable country that doesn't want to start a world war, obviously. They have shown incredible restraint. You obviously have a delusional hatred for Israel.
Yes and thank to the American tax payer subsidizing Israel budget they can afford to give free abortions to 20 to 34 year olds
Israel, a nation with a forceful religious lobby and a conservative prime minister, is poised to offer its female citizens some of the most liberal abortion coverage in the world.

Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email
and never miss our top stories

The nation’s Health Ministry commission, led by Dr. Yonatan Halevy, last week announced its state-subsidized “health basket,” the package of medications and services that all Israeli citizens are entitled to under the nation’s health care system. It was approved by the cabinet on Sunday. The health basket is analyzed and amended on an annual basis, and among the many additional treatments to be offered to Israelis in 2014 are free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.

Israel has always had a liberal stance on abortion, allowing women facing medical emergencies or those who are victims of rape or abuse to receive subsidies to help them terminate their pregnancies. Outside of those regulations, women can apply for abortions for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the baby’s father. All women who seek to end a pregnancy must appear before a three-member committee to state their case, but 98 percent of requests are approved. Women under the age of 20 or over the age of 40 were also previously eligible for subsidized abortions, regardless of the reason.

With the newly amended health care package, however, funding will now be available for more than 6,000 additional women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, at the cost at some NIS 16 million ($4.6 million). No medical reason for the abortion is required.

Halevy, director general of Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, rejects the idea that the health commission’s move is in any way radical, and is quick to point out that the boost in abortion funding is but one small piece of several alterations to Israel’s state-sponsored health care, ranging from mental health care to the treatment of diabetes and beyond.

“We want large families in Israel. We definitely encourage birth,” he says. “But when pregnancy occurs and it is undesired or inadvertent, I think we should supply the means to end the pregnancy properly.”

Read more: Israel's abortion law now among world's most liberal | The Times of Israel Israel s abortion law now among world s most liberal The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Do you realize that the Muslims share more in common with the Christians you love to hate? Lol. They would be looking to behead people like you who advocate for women to have abortions. :D You guys are a real riot.
Christians in the Roman Catholic Church 600 years ago. Not Protestants.

No, I mean the belief system. The Muslims respect Christians and even Jews more than they do atheists. Muslims do not like atheists. They would allow the Jews and Christians to become second class citizens, but I'm sure they would just dispose of the atheists. They are the biggest sinners, in their eyes.

I think the atheists are afraid of Islam, honestly. They know they are safe to say things about Christians, Jews, and even pretty much any other religion, but not the Muslim religion. Lol. It's all quite humorous if you stand back and observe.
Well, they have many things in common. Both hate Jews and Christians. Both hold them in utter disdain. They figure the enemy of my enemy is my friend.....until I don't need them anymore....and I can just saw their heads off.
So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes. Please, they are a reasonable country that doesn't want to start a world war, obviously. They have shown incredible restraint. You obviously have a delusional hatred for Israel.
Yes and thank to the American tax payer subsidizing Israel budget they can afford to give free abortions to 20 to 34 year olds
Israel, a nation with a forceful religious lobby and a conservative prime minister, is poised to offer its female citizens some of the most liberal abortion coverage in the world.

Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email
and never miss our top stories

The nation’s Health Ministry commission, led by Dr. Yonatan Halevy, last week announced its state-subsidized “health basket,” the package of medications and services that all Israeli citizens are entitled to under the nation’s health care system. It was approved by the cabinet on Sunday. The health basket is analyzed and amended on an annual basis, and among the many additional treatments to be offered to Israelis in 2014 are free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.

Israel has always had a liberal stance on abortion, allowing women facing medical emergencies or those who are victims of rape or abuse to receive subsidies to help them terminate their pregnancies. Outside of those regulations, women can apply for abortions for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the baby’s father. All women who seek to end a pregnancy must appear before a three-member committee to state their case, but 98 percent of requests are approved. Women under the age of 20 or over the age of 40 were also previously eligible for subsidized abortions, regardless of the reason.

With the newly amended health care package, however, funding will now be available for more than 6,000 additional women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, at the cost at some NIS 16 million ($4.6 million). No medical reason for the abortion is required.

Halevy, director general of Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, rejects the idea that the health commission’s move is in any way radical, and is quick to point out that the boost in abortion funding is but one small piece of several alterations to Israel’s state-sponsored health care, ranging from mental health care to the treatment of diabetes and beyond.

“We want large families in Israel. We definitely encourage birth,” he says. “But when pregnancy occurs and it is undesired or inadvertent, I think we should supply the means to end the pregnancy properly.”

Read more: Israel's abortion law now among world's most liberal | The Times of Israel Israel s abortion law now among world s most liberal The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Do you realize that the Muslims share more in common with the Christians you love to hate? Lol. They would be looking to behead people like you who advocate for women to have abortions. :D You guys are a real riot.
Christians in the Roman Catholic Church 600 years ago. Not Protestants.

No, I mean the belief system. The Muslims respect Christians and even Jews more than they do atheists. Muslims do not like atheists. They would allow the Jews and Christians to become second class citizens, but I'm sure they would just dispose of the atheists. They are the biggest sinners, in their eyes.

I think the atheists are afraid of Islam, honestly. They know they are safe to say things about Christians, Jews, and even pretty much any other religion, but not the Muslim religion. Lol. It's all quite humorous if you stand back and observe.
Well, they have many things in common. Both hate Jews and Christians. Both hold them in utter disdain. They figure the enemy of my enemy is my friend.....until I don't need them anymore....and I can just saw their heads off.

I think they would make Jews and Christians second-class citizens and charge them special taxes for being so, what they refer to as a "dhimmi tax." They would just dispose of the atheists because they do not respect those that don't believe in a God. The 3 major religions share God in common.
Apparently, Obama giving Israel 30 billion over this decade is "anti-Israel". To be a good underling, it looks like needs to kiss the feet of Netanyahu to prove he isn't an "antisemite" to the neoconservatives and zionists.

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to 'implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade -- investments to Israel's security that will not be tied to any other nation.'

"In August 2007, the Bush administration signed a 'memorandum of understanding' that outlined a 10-year framework for U.S. military assistance to Israel, according to the Congressional Research Service. It calls for incremental yearly increases in foreign military financing to Israel, with $3 billion allocated by fiscal year 2011.

"Funding under the memorandum "has been fully provided in the prior fiscal years and in 2012 appropriations,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a liberal group active on issued related to Israel.

"Specifically, Congress approved $3.075 billion in security assistance for Israel as part of a larger spending package for fiscal year 2012, according to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"That marks the fourth consecutive year the memorandum"s terms have been met, AIPAC said.

"It's premature to say that the succeeding six years of the memorandum"s terms will be met. But so far, Obama has followed the lead of President George W. Bush and stuck to the terms of the funding agreement. As the 2012 elections approach, there"s no evidence that this is anything but a Promise Kept."

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact

Thirty billion $ over ten years to advance the cause of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Hitler and all his useful idiots would celebrate:


Will Israel turn Gaza white in November 2016?

Hyperbole much? That money is what Israel, the tiniest territory in the ME, uses to protect itself against hostile nations that would like nothing more than to destroy it, and you must know that. You are so dishonest and a turd.
I have sensed for a long time that "georgephillip is a Muslim jihadist, masquerading behind the mask of an American sounding name. It's rather unusual to see a computer forum name with both a first and last name. And isn't it interesting when we do see that, the names (like george phillip) are very American and/or British sounding, and these same individuals (Jake Starkey is another example) are very sympathetic to Islam, to Islamism/Jihadism.
Apparently, Obama giving Israel 30 billion over this decade is "anti-Israel". To be a good underling, it looks like needs to kiss the feet of Netanyahu to prove he isn't an "antisemite" to the neoconservatives and zionists.

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to 'implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade -- investments to Israel's security that will not be tied to any other nation.'

"In August 2007, the Bush administration signed a 'memorandum of understanding' that outlined a 10-year framework for U.S. military assistance to Israel, according to the Congressional Research Service. It calls for incremental yearly increases in foreign military financing to Israel, with $3 billion allocated by fiscal year 2011.

"Funding under the memorandum "has been fully provided in the prior fiscal years and in 2012 appropriations,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a liberal group active on issued related to Israel.

"Specifically, Congress approved $3.075 billion in security assistance for Israel as part of a larger spending package for fiscal year 2012, according to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"That marks the fourth consecutive year the memorandum"s terms have been met, AIPAC said.

"It's premature to say that the succeeding six years of the memorandum"s terms will be met. But so far, Obama has followed the lead of President George W. Bush and stuck to the terms of the funding agreement. As the 2012 elections approach, there"s no evidence that this is anything but a Promise Kept."

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact

Thirty billion $ over ten years to advance the cause of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Hitler and all his useful idiots would celebrate:


Will Israel turn Gaza white in November 2016?

Hyperbole much? That money is what Israel, the tiniest territory in the ME, uses to protect itself against hostile nations that would like nothing more than to destroy it, and you must know that. You are so dishonest and a turd.
How many nuclear weapons does Israel possess? How about conventional military forces? What possible relationship does the size of a country bear on its ability to dominate its neighbors?
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes. Please, they are a reasonable country that doesn't want to start a world war, obviously. They have shown incredible restraint. You obviously have a delusional hatred for Israel.
Delusional AND jihadist.
Israel was our best ally till Obama came along.
Never. Britain and France have been our best ally.

Britain and France are not in the Middle East. Israel is our only real ally in that part of the world. They are very important. Why do you think our government is SO generous with them? Do you think we aren't getting something in return? Of course we are. We get valuable intelligence data at the least from the Israelis. They are MUCH more so our "friends" than any of those other nuts. Would you trust any of them other than the Israelis?
Apparently, Obama giving Israel 30 billion over this decade is "anti-Israel". To be a good underling, it looks like needs to kiss the feet of Netanyahu to prove he isn't an "antisemite" to the neoconservatives and zionists.

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to 'implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade -- investments to Israel's security that will not be tied to any other nation.'

"In August 2007, the Bush administration signed a 'memorandum of understanding' that outlined a 10-year framework for U.S. military assistance to Israel, according to the Congressional Research Service. It calls for incremental yearly increases in foreign military financing to Israel, with $3 billion allocated by fiscal year 2011.

"Funding under the memorandum "has been fully provided in the prior fiscal years and in 2012 appropriations,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a liberal group active on issued related to Israel.

"Specifically, Congress approved $3.075 billion in security assistance for Israel as part of a larger spending package for fiscal year 2012, according to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"That marks the fourth consecutive year the memorandum"s terms have been met, AIPAC said.

"It's premature to say that the succeeding six years of the memorandum"s terms will be met. But so far, Obama has followed the lead of President George W. Bush and stuck to the terms of the funding agreement. As the 2012 elections approach, there"s no evidence that this is anything but a Promise Kept."

The Obameter Provide 30 billion over 10 years to Israel PolitiFact

Thirty billion $ over ten years to advance the cause of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Hitler and all his useful idiots would celebrate:


Will Israel turn Gaza white in November 2016?

Hyperbole much? That money is what Israel, the tiniest territory in the ME, uses to protect itself against hostile nations that would like nothing more than to destroy it, and you must know that. You are so dishonest and a turd.
I have sensed for a long time that "georgephillip is a Muslim jihadist, masquerading behind the mask of an American sounding name. It's rather unusual to see a computer forum name with both a first and last name. And isn't it interesting when we do see that, the names (like george phillip) are very American and/or British sounding, and these same individuals (Jake Starkey is another example) are very sympathetic to Islam, to Islamism/Jihadism.

Well, I don't feel comfortable tossing about accusations about other posters whom I don't really know anything about aside from a screen name. :)
So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes.
So why are you WHINING about Iran owning a few nukes? After all, Iran isn't stealing Arab land and water like Israel is.

Because Iran is run by a bunch of crazy mullahs! Hello??? Anybody home?
So? We have nuclear weapons too. So does Pakistan, amongst others. North Korea anyone? Lol. You are concerned with ISRAEL owning some nukes.
So why are you WHINING about Iran owning a few nukes? After all, Iran isn't stealing Arab land and water like Israel is.

Oh, and BTW, the ONLY one whining around here is you and your friends about how mean Israel is to Palestine. Lol. Pathetic. So do tell . . . are you a terrorist sympathizer? Just who's side are YOU on anyway?
I have sensed for a long time that "georgephillip is a Muslim jihadist, masquerading behind the mask of an American sounding name.


Well, you are showing sympathy to a known terrorist state that has a terrible record of multiple human rights violations, not just against Israelis but also against their own people. Do you realize the kind that you are supporting?
Neo Cons never change, and the Republicans are full on them.

It isn't there fault. Being the world's #1 superpower, America has been identified by the Zionists as the best source of muscle to defend the Jewish state, so they've secretly spoon-fed traditional Christians a diet of White guilt and a macho image of the military. And it's paid dividends for Israel. Every time I see Ratenyahu's face I want to stamp on it.
Because Iran is run by a bunch of crazy mullahs! Hello??? Anybody home?
Because Israel is run by racist, crazed Jews? Do you know anything about this subject?
"The Hamas charter is undeniably a racist document that denies Israel’s right to exist; however,Hamas officials have repeatedly said that the group would accept an Israel based on the 1967 borders and that the resistance would end when Israel ends the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

"Unfortunately, the written documentation (the Hamas charter) exists as ‘proof’ that Hamas cannot be trusted.

"But what about Israeli PM Netanyahu’s Likud Party?

"The Likud Party’s founding charter (while perhaps less racist than the Hamas document) similarly denies the existence of a Palestinian state.

"If we were to take a quick look comparing the Likud charter:

"'The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting…'

"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river."

Do racist Jews like Netanyahu appeal to your ignorance or intolerance?

How Does Likud Compare to Hamas
Israel was our best ally till Obama came along.
Never. Britain and France have been our best ally.
Obama insulted the Brits by returning a bust to them, and insulted France by not sending anyone to their peace march after they were attacked. He's busy burning bridges with our friends while he's kissing the asses of our enemies, Iran and Cuba.
Oh, and BTW, the ONLY one whining around here is you and your friends about how mean Israel is to Palestine. Lol. Pathetic. So do tell . . . are you a terrorist sympathizer? Just who's side are YOU on anyway?
Those who don't profit from killing people for their land and water; what about YOU?

Do YOU believe Jews are entitled to ALL the land of Palestine?
Neo Cons never change, and the Republicans are full on them.

It isn't there fault. Being the world's #1 superpower, America has been identified by the Zionists as the best source of muscle to defend the Jewish state, so they've secretly spoon-fed traditional Christians a diet of White guilt and a macho image of the military. And it's paid dividends for Israel. Every time I see Ratenyahu's face I want to stamp on it.

Build up your own military idiot. We shouldn't have to be responsible for you Europeans as you spend on your social programs. You Europeans started two world wars. We had to rebuild Europe because of you idiots. it was we who brought down the soviet block as you pathetic Europeans (other than Margret Thatcher of course) attempted to make stupid deals with them and thought Reagan a cowboy. You people are a joke

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