Netanyahu discredited by guess who?

Neo Cons never change, and the Republicans are full on them.

It isn't there fault. Being the world's #1 superpower, America has been identified by the Zionists as the best source of muscle to defend the Jewish state, so they've secretly spoon-fed traditional Christians a diet of White guilt and a macho image of the military. And it's paid dividends for Israel. Every time I see Ratenyahu's face I want to stamp on it.

Build up your own military idiot. We shouldn't have to be responsible for you Europeans as you spend on your social programs. You Europeans started two world wars. We had to rebuild Europe because of you idiots. it was we who brought down the soviet block as you pathetic Europeans (other than Margret Thatcher of course) attempted to make stupid deals with them and thought Reagan a cowboy. You people are a joke

The point of what you quoted me on clearly sailed above your head, son. I suggest you re-read it.
Well, I don't feel comfortable tossing about accusations about other posters whom I don't really know anything about aside from a screen name. :)
You don't have to. I took care of it > tossing the suspicions (not quite accusations)
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I have sensed for a long time that "georgephillip is a Muslim jihadist, masquerading behind the mask of an American sounding name.

Extremely weak replies do one thing. They confirm the suspicions, that the weak, :lame2: reply was trying to reply to. :laugh:
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Well, you are showing sympathy to a known terrorist state that has a terrible record of multiple human rights violations, not just against Israelis but also against their own people. Do you realize the kind that you are supporting?
Do you want to compare Israel's human rights record with Iran"s?
"Human rights in Israel refers to the human rights record of Israel as evaluated byintergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and human rights activists, often in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the wider Arab-Israeli conflict and Israel internal politics."
Human rights in Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Well, you are showing sympathy to a known terrorist state that has a terrible record of multiple human rights violations, not just against Israelis but also against their own people. Do you realize the kind that you are supporting?
Do you want to compare Israel's human rights record with Iran"s?
"Human rights in Israel refers to the human rights record of Israel as evaluated byintergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and human rights activists, often in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the wider Arab-Israeli conflict and Israel internal politics."
Human rights in Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Comparing human rights in Israel with that in Iran. What a joke. If Israel had the same human rights category as the USA in 1945, Hamas would have been nuked, after being carpet bombed. If anything, Israel was too mild.
Comparing human rights in Israel with that in Iran. What a joke. If Israel had the same human rights category as the USA in 1945, Hamas would have been nuked, after being carpet bombed. If anything, Israel was too mild.
Perhaps you people should stop stealing Arab land and water if you don't want condemnation of your human rights atrocities.
"Administrative Detention[edit]
See also: Administrative detention and Palestinian prisoners in Israel

"Administrative detention is a procedure under which prisoners are held without charge or trial. The sentences are authorized by an administrative order from the Israeli Ministry of Defence or Israeli military commanders.

"Amnesty International believes that the practice breaches Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which 'makes clear that no-one should be subjected to arbitrary detention and that deprivation of liberty must be based on grounds and procedures established by law'.

"Amnesty International is also concerned that prisoners of conscience are being 'held solely for the non-violent exercise of their right to freedom of expression and association'.[62]

"According to B'Tselem there are currently 645 Palestinians being held under administrative detention by the Israel Prisons Service and 105 by the IDF.[63] Most are kept in the West Bank in Ofer Military Camp or in the Ansar 3/Ketziot Military Camp in the Negev desert.

Human rights in Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jews are NOT that SPECIAL.
We get valuable intelligence data at the least from the Israelis. They are MUCH more so our "friends" than any of those other nuts. Would you trust any of them other than the Israelis?
We only need that intelligence because we are ass-deep in the Middle East. We need to expand Green and alternative energy, and U.S. laws about protecting U.S. resources for Americans, and withdraw from the Middle East.

Then we won't need so much intel, for our protection.
Why do you think our government is SO generous with them?
Because there are so many more Jews living in the U.S. than there are living in Israel. It's a big and important voting block.
don't forget about the *cough* "lobby" that all Presidential candidates must go to kneel down to before every election. The only lobby that does so. Best gov't $$$ can buy :thup:
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We get valuable intelligence data at the least from the Israelis. They are MUCH more so our "friends" than any of those other nuts. Would you trust any of them other than the Israelis?
We only need that intelligence because we are ass-deep in the Middle East. We need to expand Green and alternative energy, and U.S. laws about protecting U.S. resources for Americans, and withdraw from the Middle East.

Then we won't need so much intel, for our protection.

I agree that we need to become independent when it comes to our resources, but they need to be worked on a bit before they are even thought about being expanded. They need to be affordable if not outright cheap (given how our fellow Americans are struggling right now and there really aren't a lot of good jobs out there for the taking), and it needs to be reliable. So far, we haven't seem to come up with something that is cheap and reliable. IOW, it needs to be as cheap and as reliable as the methods we currently use. However, it seems that some liberals are against us using our own resources until we can come up with such alternative energy sources, such as our coal (fracking), our own oil here (mostly environmental concerns) and nuclear power (very cheap and reliable, also pretty safe relatively speaking). We could become more independent if we were to use all of our own resources but there are people who have environmental concerns (some of which are downright silly, IMO, and some which could be valid). So, we are like in between a rock and a hard place until someone comes up with a viable alternative.

Also, we actually get most of oil from Canada, here at home already and from various South American and perhaps some Central American countries. I think China and Russia are the biggest consumers of Middle Eastern oil.
Do you think we aren't getting something in return? Of course we are.
No. We get little that we actually need from Israel.

And how would you know? You don't actually think the government tells us everything do you? :)
that equally applies to you.

Of course our government isn't giving them all that money for nothing. It is for defense and of course, we practically own them, so they will be giving us things in return. It is silly to think otherwise.
Do you think we aren't getting something in return? Of course we are.
No. We get little that we actually need from Israel.

And how would you know? You don't actually think the government tells us everything do you? :)
that equally applies to you.

Lol. Yeah sure, the big bad bullies, the United States, who invade other countries just to line our own pockets??? You think we just give away "aid" for free? :D
Do you think we aren't getting something in return? Of course we are.
No. We get little that we actually need from Israel.

And how would you know? You don't actually think the government tells us everything do you? :)
that equally applies to you.

Of course our government isn't giving them all that money for nothing. It is for defense and of course, we practically own them, so they will be giving us things in return. It is silly to think otherwise.
I think you got it backwards hun. The POTUS, up to & possibly including 44 are mere figureheads. Sorry to awaken you from your slumber.
:up: his own intelligence service, among others

Leaked cables show Netanyahu s Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad World news The Guardian

Delicious given the Repubs have been recently falling over themselves to play state dept.


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This has less to do with an Iranian bomb than Netanyahu's fear of international agreements affecting Israel's "defense." Everyone paying attention knows that a serious Iranian nuclear threat would result in Tehran being turned to glass in less than half an hour. The Iranians know this, and they are not crazy.

Likud doesn't want a settlement (-: of the west bank imposed upon it by international agreement. The need to keep the west bank for security has been contradicted by the IDF over and over, and the Iranian nuclear deal has as well. Likud is afraid of Iran being taken as a serious party for international compromise. As long as Iran is Hezbollah, Iran has little leverage in the region.

And Boehner is just engaging in theatre to amuse the 40-60 bombthrowers in his own party. They are not getting rid of obamacare, and they are not going to deport all the illegals. He gives them this instead.
Do you think we aren't getting something in return? Of course we are.
No. We get little that we actually need from Israel.

And how would you know? You don't actually think the government tells us everything do you? :)
that equally applies to you.

Of course our government isn't giving them all that money for nothing. It is for defense and of course, we practically own them, so they will be giving us things in return. It is silly to think otherwise.
I think you got it backwards hun. The POTUS, up to & possibly including 44 are mere figureheads. Sorry to awaken you from your slumber.

Oh, so you think we give them all that money AND they own us too? Come now, that is a little silly. :D I really do think it's the other way around. And if it is the way you say, then they must be doing us some HUGE favors. Lol.

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