Netanyahu : "Poles co-operated with the Germans" during the Holocaust. Muscovites did the same


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Netanyahu : "Poles co-operated with the Germans" during the Holocaust. Why he never mentioned that Muscovites did the same? many say that mr. Netanyahu has great relation with crime cartel Ozero and Muscovite thugs Oligarchs . what do you think?

Polish PM cancels trip amid Holocaust row

Ozero - Wikipedia

Ozero (Russian: О́зеро, lit. lake) is a dacha housing cooperative associated with Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Contents. 1 History; 2 Ozero members; 3 Security .
NuttyYahoo is a disgrace, a barbarian, a murderous baboon, and an idiot who knows nothing of history.

Why not blame Jews for the Holocaust?
For Jewish Nazi collaborators like Jewish Kapos, Jewish Ghetto Police, Jewish Sonderkommandos, Judenrate, Group 13, the Haavara Agreement, and the Stern Gang?
While all Soviet people were fighting against German fascists, Western Ukrainians were cooperating with Germans successfully murdering civilians in Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. Now they are concidered to be heroes in "democratic" Ukraine.

Polish Senate pays tribute to the citizens of the Second Polish Republic brutally murdered by Ukrainian nationalists, says the resolution.

On July 15, 2013, Poland's Sejm adopted a special resolution dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Volyn massacre. The resolution stated that crimes committed by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army were of "the nature of an ethnic cleansing with signs of genocide." The resolution also specifies the number of Polish victims, killed in Volyn and Eastern Galicia in 1942-1945, to be around 100,000 people.

Senate of Poland voted for recognizing Volyn 1940 massacre as a genocide

Senate of Poland acknowledged the Volyn massacre as genocide

The Polish Senate adopted a resolution on recognizing Volyn tragedy genocide


Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.
Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism - Reuters

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