Netanyahu to Trump: You Have Been the Greatest Friend that Israel Has Had in the W.H.

Well, Trump is a great man for the Jewish people.

But you gotta separate things brother.

Unfortunately in the United States, most Jews are 'Reformists'. They say Free Palestine and all this shit.

When you speak of the United States, The Orthodox Jews will almost always support Trump [ Because they love Israel and care about Judaism ] while the Reformists will support Bernie and all this crap.

Godless Jews lead the attacks on Trump. It’s something they would rather cover up but it’s kind of obvious.
A girl where I work was reading something on impeachment recently and she looked up and asked “how many Jews in the US?”
Less than 1.7% was my reply and I left it at that. But her brow was furrowed as she went back to reading.

90% of American Jews and 90% of Western Jews in general are Godless, they are Atheist, it's why they actively support AND promote the Leftist Globalist Agenda which is a Godless and Jesus Christ HATING Agenda and that they are Atheist this is also the reason why Leftist Jews in Israel cannot stand the Orthodox Jews and also in Israel the Israeli Leftists hate the Orthodox Jews more than they do the Palestinians.

90 precent will be just not true but you got it right in the basic Idea.

The Leftist Jews who are the majority are beyond toxic and in America they use their two main organisations the SPLC and the ADL to smear ANYONE who is not Pro-Open Borders and Pro-Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes they even use these THUG tactics against other Jews IF they are Rightist and NOT on the Leftist Globalist Jew Plantation.

An example is Stephen Miller who is a Rightist Jew and is behind many of The Donald's policies on Anti-Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes and this is how the SPLC and the ADL operate against him in the SAME way they operate against Non-Jews, the SPLC and the ADL YEARS ago should have been declared Hate Organisations, put under Severe Observation and basically SHUT DOWN.

The below who the FUCK do these Leftist Jewish THUGS at the SPLC and the ADL think they are? My opinion also is the SAME reasons they want Stephen Miller gone are many of the SAME reasons why they want Trump Impeached and thrown out of Office, it's ALL about Opening The Borders and getting TENS OF MILLIONS of from Third World Shit Holes into another First World Nation, they will NOT rest UNTIL EVERY Western nation is literally swamped with Third World Shit Holers because the End Game is to destroy EVERYTHING Western Civilisation has ever represented.

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In Israel? Soros donated millions of dollars for pro african immigration.
Trump has already picked up a lot of black votes, now a lot of Jewish votes.

Netanyahu hails Donald Trump as a ‘true friend’ of Israel


The Donald might be polling at 89% with Orthodox Jews in America, but they are not the majority of Jews who are Atheist and Leftist, there is no votes in this then for The Donald or ANY Rightist because the Orthodox are the minority and the majority are beyond TOXIC and HATE the man in an insane organic way and they should be considered The Enemy because they are The Enemy, the majority consist of a BIG part of the Globalist Left and the Globalist Left are The Enemy and yes they HATE Bibi also for many of the SAME reasons they hate The Donald.

Some examples of the toxic reality and not the fantasy:

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Trump 'biggest threat' to US Jews: Jewish Democrats

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Opinion | Donald Trump Is Bad for the Jews

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Jewish leaders criticized Trump for telling Jewish audience they have 'no choice' but to vote for him instead of Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax - CNNPolitics

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Why American Jews slander President Trump

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US Jews are ‘still immune’ to Donald Trump’s Israel overtures, report finds

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Jewish groups denounce Trump's 'vile' remarks at Israeli-American Council

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SEND A MESSAGE: Netanyahu and AIPAC do not speak for American Jews!

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What Donald Trump Will Never Understand About Jews

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'A Bullhorn to His White Nationalist Base': Progressive Jews Hit Back After Trump's Anti-Semitic Smear

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The anti-Semitism of Trump and Netanyahu

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Trump Goes Full Anti-Semite in Room Full of Jewish People
You cite nothing but moonbat Leftard websites. That just means they’re afraid of a Trump/Jewish vote alliance, just as they are with a black vote alliance. .

American Jews have always voted Democrat, they have always been Leftist and in 2020 they will in a majority vote for whoever the Democrat is and again vote overwhelmingly against Trump.

Below not a Leftist website and not using Leftist Data, again the below is the reality and not some bizarro Evangelical fantasy, the below from The Jewish Virtual Library using the main source of "Jews in American Politics" written and edited by two American Jews L. Sandy Maisel and Ira Forman:

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So let's just go now from 1952-2016:

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Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections
I know Jews have historically voted Dem. Just like blacks have.

But both are starting to move off the plantation.

It would be a great thing if in The West in general both groups would move off the Leftist Plantation, perhaps why more do not is because when they do the Leftist Thug Organisations smear them and begin an organised campaign of Hate against them both in the MSM and across Social Media, look at an example I have just provided regarding Stephen Miller, a Rightist Jew who is against Open Borders and Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes and all these Leftist Jew Thug Organisations have launched their usual Smear and Hate Campaign against him, no different to how they all operate when well known Blacks say they are Conservative and it's naked, ugly open intimidation to either keep them ON the Leftist Plantation or DESTROY their life and career for NEVER being ON the Leftist Plantation.
Well, Trump is a great man for the Jewish people.

But you gotta separate things brother.

Unfortunately in the United States, most Jews are 'Reformists'. They say Free Palestine and all this shit.

When you speak of the United States, The Orthodox Jews will almost always support Trump [ Because they love Israel and care about Judaism ] while the Reformists will support Bernie and all this crap.

Godless Jews lead the attacks on Trump. It’s something they would rather cover up but it’s kind of obvious.
A girl where I work was reading something on impeachment recently and she looked up and asked “how many Jews in the US?”
Less than 1.7% was my reply and I left it at that. But her brow was furrowed as she went back to reading.

90% of American Jews and 90% of Western Jews in general are Godless, they are Atheist, it's why they actively support AND promote the Leftist Globalist Agenda which is a Godless and Jesus Christ HATING Agenda and that they are Atheist this is also the reason why Leftist Jews in Israel cannot stand the Orthodox Jews and also in Israel the Israeli Leftists hate the Orthodox Jews more than they do the Palestinians.

90 precent will be just not true but you got it right in the basic Idea.

The Leftist Jews who are the majority are beyond toxic and in America they use their two main organisations the SPLC and the ADL to smear ANYONE who is not Pro-Open Borders and Pro-Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes they even use these THUG tactics against other Jews IF they are Rightist and NOT on the Leftist Globalist Jew Plantation.

An example is Stephen Miller who is a Rightist Jew and is behind many of The Donald's policies on Anti-Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes and this is how the SPLC and the ADL operate against him in the SAME way they operate against Non-Jews, the SPLC and the ADL YEARS ago should have been declared Hate Organisations, put under Severe Observation and basically SHUT DOWN.

The below who the FUCK do these Leftist Jewish THUGS at the SPLC and the ADL think they are? My opinion also is the SAME reasons they want Stephen Miller gone are many of the SAME reasons why they want Trump Impeached and thrown out of Office, it's ALL about Opening The Borders and getting TENS OF MILLIONS of from Third World Shit Holes into another First World Nation, they will NOT rest UNTIL EVERY Western nation is literally swamped with Third World Shit Holers because the End Game is to destroy EVERYTHING Western Civilisation has ever represented.

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In Israel? Soros donated millions of dollars for pro african immigration.

Yes George Soros did do that, he's also funding many Leftist Activist Groups in Israel, the POS is a menace to International Society, why he and his family have not had their Assets Freezed who knows. The thing is of course IF anyone criticises George Soros or even mentions that his organisations are funding nearly every Open Borders group and many of the NGO Anti-Western maniacs then they are called Anti-Semitic and this does actually illustrate in it's most purest form that they use the Anti-Semitic thing to literally attempt to silence ANY critics.
But we need to build a wall- right?!

Hey is this anti-Semitic?
If you ask IM2, it's white privilege


Both are under investigation

Crooks attract crooks?

And based on the comments here, antisemites attract antisemites.
Be specific. Cite the anti-Semitic statements.

Hey is this anti-Semitic?

View attachment 302903
Which is crazy to me because it’s obvious the Democrat party hates us now.

Yes. The Democrats hate Jews. But The Democrats hate Christians even worse. So they feel like they can control them. It’s why the bring in Muslims by the boatloads as well. Muslims may hate Jews but they can’t get to them. In the meantime they divide the population.

What’s this...a popularity contest or a power grab?
Crooks attract crooks?

And based on the comments here, antisemites attract antisemites.
Be specific. Cite the anti-Semitic statements.

Hey is this anti-Semitic?

View attachment 302903
Which is crazy to me because it’s obvious the Democrat party hates us now.

Yes. The Democrats hate Jews. But the Jews feel they can control them. What’s this...a popularity contest or a power grab?
It’s ignorance. My parents were Democrats for 40 years and now they feel betrayed. I am an Independent but it’s tough for me to vote Blue these days with their blatant antisemitism
But we need to build a wall- right?!

Hey is this anti-Semitic?
If you ask IM2, it's white privilege


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You talking to me? I hope not. That is pure BS. Do not lump all of us together. Ever hear of Ben Shapiro? Don’t be an Alt Right dick.

You surprise me.
I think White Privilege is Leftist BS. I think leftists are ruining this country. I do not get the disdain you have for my people? It boggles my mind. Unfortunately it doesn’t surprise me. And your Avatar...No one hates Jews more than Islamists.
But we need to build a wall- right?!

Hey is this anti-Semitic?
If you ask IM2, it's white privilege


View attachment 302956
You talking to me? I hope not. That is pure BS. Do not lump all of us together. Ever hear of Ben Shapiro? Don’t be an Alt Right dick.

You surprise me.
I think White Privilege is Leftist BS. I think leftists are ruining this country. I do not get the disdain you have for my people? It boggles my mind. Unfortunately it doesn’t surprise me. And your Avatar...No one hates Jews more than Islamists.
The thing is of course IF anyone criticises George Soros or even mentions that his organisations are funding nearly every Open Borders group and many of the NGO Anti-Western maniacs then they are called Anti-Semitic and this does actually illustrate in it's most purest form that they use the Anti-Semitic thing to literally attempt to silence ANY critics.


It's all about control cloaked in the guise of an anti-semitic narrative...

Trump is Netanyahu's bitch.

Even one of our potus' since Israels creation has been

because they do our dirty work in the M.E.

how else would we do biz with the Suadi's ?

Fact: Trump has been impeached

Which means absolutely nothing given the lack of evidence or facts in the case. Every President going forward, can and likely will be, impeached by the opposition Party in the House due to the precedent that has been set. We don't like the guy/gal, lets impeach.
Trump is Netanyahu's bitch. Maybe 2020 he will run on what he really means. MIGA. Make Israel Great Again. He sure doesn't give a shit about America or Americans

Not sure what America you live in. America has gotten MUCH better for the vast majority of Americans under Trump. Facts don't lie, but the MSM does.
Trump has already picked up a lot of black votes, now a lot of Jewish votes.

Netanyahu hails Donald Trump as a ‘true friend’ of Israel

Trump is Netanyahu's bitch. Maybe 2020 he will run on what he really means. MIGA. Make Israel Great Again. He sure doesn't give a shit about America or Americans.
The stock market disagrees with you.
The stock market is a global construct

Trump has already picked up a lot of black votes, now a lot of Jewish votes.

Netanyahu hails Donald Trump as a ‘true friend’ of Israel

Trump is Netanyahu's bitch. Maybe 2020 he will run on what he really means. MIGA. Make Israel Great Again. He sure doesn't give a shit about America or Americans.
The stock market disagrees with you.
The stock market is a global construct

Indeed. But the US drives global markets.
The thing is of course IF anyone criticises George Soros or even mentions that his organisations are funding nearly every Open Borders group and many of the NGO Anti-Western maniacs then they are called Anti-Semitic and this does actually illustrate in it's most purest form that they use the Anti-Semitic thing to literally attempt to silence ANY critics.


It's all about control cloaked in the guise of an anti-semitic narrative...

Trump is Netanyahu's bitch.

Even one of our potus' since Israels creation has been

because they do our dirty work in the M.E.

how else would we do biz with the Suadi's ?

Which one of these is not like the other

Socialism Kills

Hitler Killed 20 Million
Stalin Killed 60 Million
Mao Killed 100 Million

Between The Roman Destruction of Israel in 70 AD (1 Million)
The Islamic Armenian Genocide of Jews in WWI (2 Million)
And Democrat Socialist Nazi Party Holocaust of WWII (7 Million)
Israel has had 10 Million of it's people murdered by Anti-Semites, just like you.

You are a Sanders Supporter, aren't you? Matters not though all Democrats are Anti-Semites and All Anti-Semites are Democrats.
Trump is Netanyahu's bitch. Maybe 2020 he will run on what he really means. MIGA. Make Israel Great Again. He sure doesn't give a shit about America or Americans

Not sure what America you live in. America has gotten MUCH better for the vast majority of Americans under Trump. Facts don't lie, but the MSM does.

That improvement has been going on for years before Trump took office.

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