Netanyahu vows to continue to cause problems for US

Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

When do we start gassing the Jews?
what a stupid thing to say..nuttyyahoo is a prime minster elected by the skin of his teeth..why pretend that rejecting his policy equates to gassing people ? many Israelis also rejected them
Skin of his teeth?

He won quite handedly - doing even better than in the past.

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