Netanyahu vows to continue to cause problems for US

If only we had a real president. We should ship his ass back to Kenya.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?
Bad deal by a bad president, go Netanyahu.
Traitor cheering for foreign country. Big surprise.
Obuthole is the traitor, you are a fool.
He is the rightfully and legally elected president of the US who is doing what is in the US best interest not Israels. YOU and YOUR KIND are traitors.
You must be getting paid to post this BS. No one could possibly be that stupid.
No one could possibly be so stupid to be loyal to a foreign country.
You are loyal to a Kenyan PoTUS.
If only we had a real president. We should ship his ass back to Kenya.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?
Bad deal by a bad president, go Netanyahu.
Traitor cheering for foreign country. Big surprise.
Obuthole is the traitor, you are a fool.
He is the rightfully and legally elected president of the US who is doing what is in the US best interest not Israels. YOU and YOUR KIND are traitors.
You must be getting paid to post this BS. No one could possibly be that stupid.
No one could possibly be so stupid to be loyal to a foreign country.
Obuthole is loyal to his Muslim brethren.
Am I the only one who remembers the Bush/Gore election?
One of the big arguments against Gore/Lieberman from the Right was that Lieberman was a Jew. When did the Right change sides?
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.
So, you are opposed to foreign government officials visiting other nations to look out for their best interests? Of course you don't seem to feel this way when Obama does so. I guess that is different somehow.
I just have enough with this Netanyahu shit. Any deal with Iran is bad deal for Netanyahu. He is not offering any other option except go to war at the expense of US soldiers life. Obama made the deal at the best interest of US. I have nothing against Jewish people but Netanyahu this SOB making me sick. He is acting like cry baby that we owe him a dime. He should be reminded that he is receiving billions of aid every year. I have several republicans jewish friends but they hate bibi.
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

an open letter to Benjamin Netanyahu from American patriots

you best be taken a big step back We are America..we will fuck you up nutty..and if you retaliate we will us it as an excuse to fuck you up even more .we put a man on the moon motherfucker ! we saved yer asses from the ovens motherfucker ..all the smartest Jews work for us mother fucker ..don't piss us you head on home boy..we aint got no candy for you today..arite
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
-- Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Why It’s Important for Us to Know
Dual Citizens in Congress?
“You are not entitled to that information!” That’s what a staffer in Senator Markey’s office bluntly told me when I called to ask for help in identifying Members of Congress who hold dual citizenship.

Seems that’s a question no one wants to hear. The Internet sources are flaky, with only unreliable estimates for both House and Senate. So I telephoned the Washington, DC offices of my three Congressional representatives from Massachusetts to ask for their help in obtaining definitive data from the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which responds to Congressional offices, but not to the general public.
Dual Citizens in Congress CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

So then tell me how it is that Obama had no compunction whatsoever trying to overthrow Netanyahu in the last election?

Guess you'd be happy if Israel were vaporized tomorrow, right? You anti-semite piece of garbage....
Give me a fucking break with that happy horseshit. Nutanyajew started this shit and we will finish it. You are damn right I would. Wanna see the ME problems go away....destroy Israel. Then destroy the bastard Arab countries that suckle at their teet and the US's teet like Saudi Arabia....Oh and I am ANTI JEW! I am also PRO AMERICAN. Something 99% of you son of a bitches seem to get confused with each other.

And I'm black. You looking to hang me from a tree, buddy? Give it your best shot.

Your name has "1" to many L's

Not really, do a little research.
I just have enough with this Netanyahu shit. Any deal with Iran is bad deal for Netanyahu. He is not offering any other option except go to war at the expense of US soldiers life. Obama made the deal at the best interest of US. I have nothing against Jewish people but Netanyahu this SOB making me sick. He is acting like cry baby that we owe him a dime. He should be reminded that he is receiving billions of aid every year. I have several republicans jewish friends but they hate bibi.

Sonny, you have been watching too much MSNBC.....
I just have enough with this Netanyahu shit. Any deal with Iran is bad deal for Netanyahu. He is not offering any other option except go to war at the expense of US soldiers life. Obama made the deal at the best interest of US. I have nothing against Jewish people but Netanyahu this SOB making me sick. He is acting like cry baby that we owe him a dime. He should be reminded that he is receiving billions of aid every year. I have several republicans jewish friends but they hate bibi.

Sonny, you have been watching too much MSNBC.....
that is the entirety your rebuttal ?
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

When do we start gassing the Jews?
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

When do we start gassing the Jews?
what a stupid thing to say..nuttyyahoo is a prime minster elected by the skin of his teeth..why pretend that rejecting his policy equates to gassing people ? many Israelis also rejected them
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

How is this a problem for the U.S.? It's only a problem for Iran and it's allies, so I guess Obama sees this as a problem.

The left's hatred towards Israel is what I find irrational. Take your anti-Semitic bullshit and shove it.
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

How is this a problem for the U.S.? It's only a problem for Iran and it's allies, so I guess Obama sees this as a problem.

The left's hatred towards Israel is what I find irrational. Take your anti-Semitic bullshit and shove it.

anyone who disagrees with nuttyahoos policies is anti-Semitic ?
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal - Telegraph

Obama declare this POS open target please...nothing but a terror threat to the US and its quest for peace in the ME.

He said that he had spoken to “about two-thirds” of all of America’s members of Congress and was urging them to pressure the White House to hold out for “a better deal” that stops Iran from enriching any uranium.

That shit needs to stop. He is NOT an American politician and has NO say so in our politics.

How is this a problem for the U.S.? It's only a problem for Iran and it's allies, so I guess Obama sees this as a problem.

The left's hatred towards Israel is what I find irrational. Take your anti-Semitic bullshit and shove it.

Funny how this started up in earnest when the faculty lounge communist began his reign. Either that or these cowards finally found some clown to give their hatred a "voice". We all know that the Tyrant Obama despises England and Israel. It's nothing new.

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