Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

One person on CNN was describing this as a catastrophic intelligence failure for Israel. And an extraordinary intelligence success for Iran. I mean, I think we all can ask ourselves because Israel has had informants within Iran and Gaza. How the hell did this even happen. And if people are unwilling to accept at, this could be a false flag operation then they are only lying to themselves. A country as strong as Israel with their intelligence services, being able to Thwart previous attacks…

for a coordinated attack like this, including Iranians, gliding into Israel, coming from the land, the air, the sea in this extraordinary attack that Winston Churchill would certainly call daring. …. For that go unnoticed is completely unbelievable.

People cannot discount possibility that some number of Israel intelligence officials let this happen in order to cause outright chaos and get people in America all riled up to send billions of dollars to Israel. Come on man.

We got homeless people in America. We have a terrible economy.
A lot of good people in Israel are saying how in the world did the Mossad allow this to happen, how in the world did Israel intelligence fail.
One person on CNN was describing this as a catastrophic intelligence failure for Israel. And an extraordinary intelligence success for Iran. I mean, I think we all can ask ourselves because Israel has had informants within Iran and Gaza. How the hell did this even happen. And if people are unwilling to accept at, this could be a false flag operation then they are only lying to themselves. A country as strong as Israel with their intelligence services, being able to Thwart previous attacks…

for a coordinated attack like this, including Iranians, gliding into Israel, coming from the land, the air, the sea in this extraordinary attack that Winston Churchill would certainly call daring. …. For that go unnoticed is completely unbelievable.

People cannot discount possibility that some number of Israel intelligence officials let this happen in order to cause outright chaos and get people in America all riled up to send billions of dollars to Israel. Come on man.

We got homeless people in America. We have a terrible economy.
The plans were likely in place for years. Biden just financed the action.
Yes, the year is there for everyone to see. What's your point?
You think this woman feels any different today? I can assure you, she does not!
She has no power to stop the US from helping Israel. Not then, not now.

That is my point.

[ Telling lies is really not going to help the Republicans ]

Under the arrangement, Tehran will be granted access to the roughly $6 billion in Iranian oil revenues that were blocked in South Korean banks because of U.S. sanctions. But U.S. officials say Qatar’s central bank will oversee the funds and Iran will be permitted to use the money only for humanitarian purposes in accordance with U.S. sanctions.

In response to Raisi’s remarks, a senior Biden administration official said the released funds would first be transferred to Qatar. The Treasury Department would then track all transactions closely to ensure the money is used exclusively for humanitarian purposes.

“It’s going to be held in a bank in Qatar and each transaction will be monitored by U.S. Treasury — transaction by transaction," the official said. "It’s for humanitarian aid only.”

The State Department said the U.S. could freeze the released funds again if Iran tried to spend the money in violation of U.S. sanctions.

“The money can only be used for humanitarian purposes, and we will remain vigilant in watching the spending of those funds and have the ability to freeze them again if we need to,” State Department spokesperson Matt Miller told reporters.

In other words, none of the 6 Billion given recently to Iran, which is under Qatar trust, has been used to arm Hamas or Hezbollah. Not a penny.
[ Telling lies is really not going to help the Republicans ]

Under the arrangement, Tehran will be granted access to the roughly $6 billion in Iranian oil revenues that were blocked in South Korean banks because of U.S. sanctions. But U.S. officials say Qatar’s central bank will oversee the funds and Iran will be permitted to use the money only for humanitarian purposes in accordance with U.S. sanctions.

In response to Raisi’s remarks, a senior Biden administration official said the released funds would first be transferred to Qatar. The Treasury Department would then track all transactions closely to ensure the money is used exclusively for humanitarian purposes.

“It’s going to be held in a bank in Qatar and each transaction will be monitored by U.S. Treasury — transaction by transaction," the official said. "It’s for humanitarian aid only.”

The State Department said the U.S. could freeze the released funds again if Iran tried to spend the money in violation of U.S. sanctions.

“The money can only be used for humanitarian purposes, and we will remain vigilant in watching the spending of those funds and have the ability to freeze them again if we need to,” State Department spokesperson Matt Miller told reporters.

In other words, none of the 6 Billion given recently to Iran, which is under Qatar trust, has been used to arm Hamas or Hezbollah. Not a penny.
Iranian oil money
I'm not sure many people who actually know anything about the conflict saw Trump as bring any kind of peace at all.

Trump had a meeting to make a peace plan, but didn't invite the Palestinians.

The Palestinians therefore rejected the proposal.

Why would there be a need for a Trump peace plan after 8 years of Obama/Biden

After decades of senator Biden

After secretary of state Clinton

The obvious answer is Democrats don't bring peace, they bring war.
One person on CNN was describing this as a catastrophic intelligence failure for Israel. And an extraordinary intelligence success for Iran. I mean, I think we all can ask ourselves because Israel has had informants within Iran and Gaza. How the hell did this even happen. And if people are unwilling to accept at, this could be a false flag operation then they are only lying to themselves. A country as strong as Israel with their intelligence services, being able to Thwart previous attacks…

for a coordinated attack like this, including Iranians, gliding into Israel, coming from the land, the air, the sea in this extraordinary attack that Winston Churchill would certainly call daring. …. For that go unnoticed is completely unbelievable.

People cannot discount possibility that some number of Israel intelligence officials let this happen in order to cause outright chaos and get people in America all riled up to send billions of dollars to Israel. Come on man.

We got homeless people in America. We have a terrible economy.
An army attacks Isreal and you blame Isreal.

Of all the sorry apologists siding with the enemies of the west, this is as low as it gets.
An army attacks Isreal and you blame Isreal.

Of all the sorry apologists siding with the enemies of the west, this is as low as it gets.
This will come here , I was just installing new optics on one of my rigs .
Biden and the Democrats built Iran and gave them the ability to start this war with Isreal.
An army attacks Isreal and you blame Isreal.

Of all the sorry apologists siding with the enemies of the west, this is as low as it gets.
Questioning how Israeli intelligence was caught off guard isn’t “blaming Israel”. It’s a natural question after any terrorist attack.

I guarantee the Israeli government is asking the same question.

Israel has probably the most sophisticated intelligence system in the world. They’ll be studying this intelligence failure for decades.
Questioning how Israeli intelligence was caught off guard isn’t “blaming Israel”. It’s a natural question after any terrorist attack.

I guarantee the Israeli government is asking the same question.

Israel has probably the most sophisticated intelligence system in the world. They’ll be studying this intelligence failure for decades.
It was an act of war

It is sick to blame Isreal.because their intelligence was unable to prevent this.

A better question is why did the Democrats give millions to the Palestinians enabling this war to begin.
Questioning how Israeli intelligence was caught off guard isn’t “blaming Israel”. It’s a natural question after any terrorist attack.

I guarantee the Israeli government is asking the same question.

Israel has probably the most sophisticated intelligence system in the world. They’ll be studying this intelligence failure for decades.
So far best guess is months of planning using hand written notes and courier / Messenger

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