Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

Not the one with Egypt, but they do exert influence over the Egyptians.
LOL good one----poor Egypt---under the JEW-THUMB. Have you ever
so much as talked to an Egyptian----ask one about Da BALESTINIANS---
be prepared for the egyptian to UP CHUCK
Netanfuckyou is an asshole! Gazan's can't leave without Israeli permission.

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"Families were butchered in cold blood. In one home, a terrorist shot the parents dead, took a child’s cellphone and started broadcasting it all in a livestream on their Facebook account. Grandmothers were pulled in wheelchairs to waiting vehicles ready to carry them as hostages into Gaza. Then came the mothers carrying babies. Footage circulated on social media, put there by Hamas, of an Israeli child asking his mother if the gunmen that surrounded them were going to kill them. “They said they won’t,” the mother replied as they were taken outside to some unknown fate."
^ Are you a deranged Nazi spewing antisemitic delusion, or merely insane?

One must wonder how many more war crimes will Israel commit today...

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"Families were butchered in cold blood. In one home, a terrorist shot the parents dead, took a child’s cellphone and started broadcasting it all in a livestream on their Facebook account. Grandmothers were pulled in wheelchairs to waiting vehicles ready to carry them as hostages into Gaza. Then came the mothers carrying babies. Footage circulated on social media, put there by Hamas, of an Israeli child asking his mother if the gunmen that surrounded them were going to kill them. “They said they won’t,” the mother replied as they were taken outside to some unknown fate."
So you had to go back to 2012 to find something that she allegedly said. What a joke.

You and she enjoyed this, didn't you?

"Families were butchered in cold blood. In one home, a terrorist shot the parents dead, took a child’s cellphone and started broadcasting it all in a livestream on their Facebook account. Grandmothers were pulled in wheelchairs to waiting vehicles ready to carry them as hostages into Gaza. Then came the mothers carrying babies. Footage circulated on social media, put there by Hamas, of an Israeli child asking his mother if the gunmen that surrounded them were going to kill them. “They said they won’t,” the mother replied as they were taken outside to some unknown fate."
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"Families were butchered in cold blood. In one home, a terrorist shot the parents dead, took a child’s cellphone and started broadcasting it all in a livestream on their Facebook account. Grandmothers were pulled in wheelchairs to waiting vehicles ready to carry them as hostages into Gaza. Then came the mothers carrying babies. Footage circulated on social media, put there by Hamas, of an Israeli child asking his mother if the gunmen that surrounded them were going to kill them. “They said they won’t,” the mother replied as they were taken outside to some unknown fate."
It hasn't orgasmed so much in YEARS.

.,...,.Probably not since September of 2001.
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"Families were butchered in cold blood. In one home, a terrorist shot the parents dead, took a child’s cellphone and started broadcasting it all in a livestream on their Facebook account. Grandmothers were pulled in wheelchairs to waiting vehicles ready to carry them as hostages into Gaza. Then came the mothers carrying babies. Footage circulated on social media, put there by Hamas, of an Israeli child asking his mother if the gunmen that surrounded them were going to kill them. “They said they won’t,” the mother replied as they were taken outside to some unknown fate."
it's cultural Some people do music, some comedy, some drama--
muslims do murder and mutilation
I'm not sure many people who actually know anything about the conflict saw Trump as bring any kind of peace at all.

Trump had a meeting to make a peace plan, but didn't invite the Palestinians.

The Palestinians therefore rejected the proposal.

This invasion has nothing to do with a peace deal with Palestinians. This is about Iran, not allowing peace to take place. The Biden administration has allowed Iran to once again be emboldened. they called this shot.
I will object in advance to the wailing over how Israel responds
Don’t attack and murder and there will not be a response

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