Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

I told you all this felt different. Will the U.S and others be able to convince him otherwise?
No.... Especially because there's a pretty good chance that US had something to do with it in the first place. I will never believe that the intelligence community did not know this was about to happen.
No.... Especially because there's a pretty good chance that US had something to do with it in the first place. I will never believe that the intelligence community did not know this was about to happen.
Huh? They were apparently sharing informatiin via passing notes. Bibby has his career in the line now after this failure.NO one could be this evil. The world isn't perfect.
This invasion has nothing to do with a peace deal with Palestinians. This is about Iran, not allowing peace to take place. The Biden administration has allowed Iran to once again be emboldened. they called this shot.

And when has Iran not been emboldeded?

They've always been doing stuff, whether in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Palestine/Israel.
You and she enjoyed this, didn't you?

"Families were butchered in cold blood. In one home, a terrorist shot the parents dead, took a child’s cellphone and started broadcasting it all in a livestream on their Facebook account. Grandmothers were pulled in wheelchairs to waiting vehicles ready to carry them as hostages into Gaza. Then came the mothers carrying babies. Footage circulated on social media, put there by Hamas, of an Israeli child asking his mother if the gunmen that surrounded them were going to kill them. “They said they won’t,” the mother replied as they were taken outside to some unknown fate."
^ Spamming the thread.
you farted out war crimes and your answer to what war crimes? is
"google" google this one "BULL SHIT for brains"
A picture of YOU came up! :eek:

But yeah, educate yourself or not.

Trolling me won't teach you anything. :)
This could end up being unprecedented in the history of Israeli conflicts.
We'll see, but I wouldn't want to have any association whatsoever with Hamas right now.

Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now' and says Hamas will pay an 'unprecedented price' after they kidnapped grans and launched shocking attack that has left hundreds dead on both sides​

I'm no historian. I don't really know for sure who in this skirmish are the 'good' guys and who are the 'bad' guys. My suspicion is that at some point forward from now, none of that will matter. Eventually all that we'll have is 'who is remaining' and 'who is not.' But just the fact that Israel has announced, 'we're coming, get out now' speaks volumes to me vs what Hamas did yesterday in using surprise as a weapon to inflict maximum pain, carnage, and chaos. One approach seems far more noble than the other.
I'm no historian. I don't really know for sure who in this skirmish are the 'good' guys and who are the 'bad' guys. My suspicion is that at some point forward from now, none of that will matter. Eventually all that we'll have is 'who is remaining' and 'who is not.' But just the fact that Israel has announced, 'we're coming, get out now' speaks volumes to me vs what Hamas did yesterday in using surprise as a weapon to inflict maximum pain, carnage, and chaos. One approach seems far more noble than the other.
I may know more about it than do you. Feel free to ask questions
The American left will not be happy until the Muslim world controls and operates every square inch of this entire region of the world.

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