Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

There is nothing in the link about turning Gaza to rubble. That's an invention of the (mostly) left leaning media.
I'm no historian. I don't really know for sure who in this skirmish are the 'good' guys and who are the 'bad' guys. My suspicion is that at some point forward from now, none of that will matter. Eventually all that we'll have is 'who is remaining' and 'who is not.' But just the fact that Israel has announced, 'we're coming, get out now' speaks volumes to me vs what Hamas did yesterday in using surprise as a weapon to inflict maximum pain, carnage, and chaos. One approach seems far more noble than the other.
What Israel "announced" is a massive war crime.
This could end up being unprecedented in the history of Israeli conflicts.
We'll see, but I wouldn't want to have any association whatsoever with Hamas right now.

Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now' and says Hamas will pay an 'unprecedented price' after they kidnapped grans and launched shocking attack that has left hundreds dead on both sides​

Hamas needs to be exterminated and there should be no safe haven for it. But how exactly or where to can the people of Gaza flee?

This did not occur in a vacuum.
Hamas needs to be exterminated and there should be no safe haven for it. But how exactly or where to can the people of Gaza flee?

This did not occur in a vacuum.
A lucky few might swim to Egypt, the rest can die.
And when has Iran not been emboldeded?

They've always been doing stuff, whether in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Palestine/Israel.

A weak Biden administration is why. The complete failure In Afghanistan, the giving of 6 billion by the U.S. was a tell tail to them and the fact that this Administration is rudderless with no strong leader. They probably figure this attack can drive a wedge between Israel and the Saudis' peace deal, and then the U.S. basically lost its position of influence in the M.E. since Biden/Harris took over. It was the perfect time for Iran.
A weak Biden administration is why. The complete failure In Afghanistan, the giving of 6 billion by the U.S. was a tell tail to them and the fact that this Administration is rudderless with no strong leader. They probably figure this attack can drive a wedge between Israel and the Saudis' peace deal, and then the U.S. basically lost its position of influence in the M.E. since Biden/Harris took over. It was the perfect time for Iran.

How many US troops have died in Afghanistan under Biden's administration?

13, and it'll remain at 13 forever.

Under Trump it was 65

Biden pulled out of a country that was incapable of standing on its own two feet after TWENTY YEARS of US puppet government. Says a lot about the US and it's abilities.

Also, it was TRUMP who signed the deal to leave. TRUMP.

Iran was the reason for the insurgency in Iraq. So, for eight years Iran was pumping money into Iraq and getting loads of US troops killed. Dubya disbanded the Iraqi police and army, guess where those guys went, oh, to the Iranian funded insurgency to kill Americans.

After Iraq, Iran was pumping money into Syria and Afghanistan. At no time has Iran stopped doing this. They didn't cower because Trump was in power, they carried on doing what they did.

Obama put heavy sanctions against Iran, Trump didn't.

So, I think you're seeing what you want to see, rather than what actually happened.
Israel would be reduced to cinders if it did.

Do you want Israel reduced to cinders?
^^^^^ muzzie pig bravado----WE CAN AND YOU CAN'T. For those
who do not know----the "we can shit on you at will" is part and
parcel of ISLAMIC "LAW"---under the vile stench of islamic law---
a muslim may abuse a "dhimmi" in any way and it is a CAPITAL
crime for the dhimmi to so much as defend him (her)self. This
perversity is jammed into the minds of muslim kids and they tend
not to give it up even with a decent education.

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