Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

muhummad understood that neither jews nor christians would
worship HIM
The Jewish People have been faithful to G-d. Earlier, I was reading the book of Joshua, chapter 1:
"There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of good courage"
Netanfuckyou is an asshole! Gazan's can't leave without Israeli permission.
Gee---min Trut agreed with this ^^^^^ islamo-nazi lie. Not unusual----
islamo nazi propaganda is parroted without a scintilla of THOUGHT----
all the time. For the record "netanfuckyou" is simply a shit mouth
fart----but the idiot statement "gazans can't leave without Israeli
permission" is hardcore filth islamo nazi LIBEL----something like the blood
libels of the pigs that instigated pogroms in christian lands in the past---
and in muzzie shit holes even now
Gee---min Trut agreed with this ^^^^^ islamo-nazi lie. Not unusual----
islamo nazi propaganda is parroted without a scintilla of THOUGHT----
all the time. For the record "netanfuckyou" is simply a shit mouth
fart----but the idiot statement "gazans can't leave without Israeli
permission" is hardcore filth islamo nazi LIBEL----something like the blood
libels of the pigs that instigated pogroms in christian lands in the past---
and in muzzie shit holes even now
Dr Rose, please do not say this about the Prime Minister, especially in a time of war.


The Jewish People have been faithful to G-d. Earlier, I was reading the book of Joshua, chapter 1:
"There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of good courage"
If they were faithful, they never would have given Arabs control over the Temple Mount. That was the beginning of all this.
No, you're the one who supports hamas, which is terrorist group that kills innocent people. You also support the nerve center, iran, who plans murders and death. You need help.
Look around. Did you see the crowd of pro terrorists in Times Square? Did you see them in front of the White House? In Chicago? Many in this country support Hamas.
2 million people and who knows who is who. The bluster is just that.
Well, Israel expelled them in 48 and has tried making separate states, only to be rebuffed, and now the Israelis may try to go full out just driving them into the desert.

And the Israelis and Iranians and Pales who kept this going won't be harmed.
It's not the Arabs' land. Let them go back to the Arabian Peninsula, where they're originally from!
Bull-fucking-shit! Fuck you! Israel has maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years. Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. Israel is a sick, disgusting, apartheid government that can go to hell!

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