Netflix must see

America : Imagine the world without here.

The title is not accurate.

must see before it's taken off

Documentaries are important for information. The title of those documentaries are just as important.

It took me 3 seconds to research your topic, is "America: Imagine the World Without Her" the title of this Documentary?
Documentaries are full of facts.

I've only seen ONE Right Wing Documentary. They were meth heads attacking Occupy. They literally didn't have all their teeth or facts.

An anti-global warming documentary would be fun to watch :) You know, one based on the millions the Koch brothers spent in hopes to "inform" people it isn't really a thing. lol
Documentaries are full of facts.

I've only seen ONE Right Wing Documentary. They were meth heads attacking Occupy. They literally didn't have all their teeth or facts.

An anti-global warming documentary would be fun to watch :) You know, one based on the millions the Koch brothers spent in hopes to "inform" people it isn't really a thing. lol
Lol it's no longer global warming cuz the planet hasn't changed in 17 years. It's climate change. Which is vague on purpose because the climate changes no duh.

If liberals really believed in science they would know that science is a constant state of hypothesis.

And the earth has the ability to adapt and change without it being man's doing.
Saw it on Amazon earlier this year. It begins with some credible statements, and as it goes on it becomes less and less credible - till it descends into conspiracy theories, historical revisionism and white man's burden. Nice piece of propaganda, but it is like watching a 'History of Russia' directed by Putin's cronies.
Documentaries are full of facts.

I've only seen ONE Right Wing Documentary. They were meth heads attacking Occupy. They literally didn't have all their teeth or facts.

An anti-global warming documentary would be fun to watch :) You know, one based on the millions the Koch brothers spent in hopes to "inform" people it isn't really a thing. lol
Which is why you won't see one made by a progressive.
Saw it on Amazon earlier this year. It begins with some credible statements, and as it goes on it becomes less and less credible - till it descends into conspiracy theories, historical revisionism and white man's burden. Nice piece of propaganda, but it is like watching a 'History of Russia' directed by Putin's cronies.

another white man's burden story, written by a hindu
Right wing documentaries are always such dramatic things that struts and frets it's hour upon the screen, they are tales told by idiots full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Right wing documentaries are always such dramatic things that struts and frets it's hour upon the screen, they are tales told by idiots full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

i'm surprised you were able to find so many right wing documentaries to make that point
Right wing documentaries are always such dramatic things that struts and frets it's hour upon the screen, they are tales told by idiots full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

i'm surprised you were able to find so many right wing documentaries to make that point

Youtube has an abundance of fearful speculative pieces ranging from slideshows narrated by some lone loon to slick productions put together by lobbyists and other assorted special interests. Some of them are somewhat factual, some are fantasy, all try to be scary.
Saw it on Amazon earlier this year. It begins with some credible statements, and as it goes on it becomes less and less credible - till it descends into conspiracy theories, historical revisionism and white man's burden. Nice piece of propaganda, but it is like watching a 'History of Russia' directed by Putin's cronies.

another white man's burden story, written by a hindu
Guess you haven't paid much attention to history. The India-Pakistan wars, Hindu vs Muslim riots, and the caste system, hardly make Hindu's morally superior (if anyone is 'morally superior').
Right wing documentaries are always such dramatic things that struts and frets it's hour upon the screen, they are tales told by idiots full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Sounds familiar, somehow............ I am going to doubt it's wholly original...............:cool-45:

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