Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support
Wow. This is a story worth mentioning. Lmfao.
Why were we funding baby murdering in the Netherlands to begin with? If they want to kill innocents the Netherlands can pay for it
Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.

They truly believe shit like this folks...

Stupidity at that level is dangerous. Helping libturds abort their genetic garbage here in the states is a priority. Stupid libturds in the Netherlands will be wiped out by their moose limb "guests". They can fund their own murders in the mean time.
On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".
No doubt if Margaret Sanger, the avowed eugenics racist and founder of Planned Parenthood were still alive. She would be pleased as punch the unwashed inferior races where being aborted all over the world, thanks to her. ...... :cool:

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

Me thinks you have stock in coat hanger factory

BTW use United States steel
Thank you president Trump!

Why the hell we were ever spending US tax dollars on foreign abortions is complete fiscal stupidity, courtesy of our Washington professional political class.

So what happened virtually the minute the Netherlands found out the gravy train was over? They came up with a way to raise voluntary money to replace ours. Hope the other countries are paying attention to them.

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

You know what would be awesome?

If they spent a few billion dollars on their own defense instead of us having to pay for it.

Good... that is the way it should have been done in the first place.
A voluntary fundraiser not a mandatory tax. Now let the liberals put their money where their mouth is.
They can now donate as much as they want to their cause. Be interesting to find out how successful they are.
Serious question, why do you liberals think we should pay for other peoples abortions? I don't expect to get an answer. Can you guys pay my mortgage?

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

They should launch a fund raiser for more police...their immigration policy should be more of a concern than American women who want to kill their babies.....
The US is 20 trillion in debt with many living in poverty. Yet someone actually thought it was a good idea to send money to the Netherlands for abortions? Just think about that for a second. How the fuck does that make any sense at all? Half the US doesn't want to pay for someone else's mistake in their own country, let alone someone else's country. Whoever thinks this is a good idea needs to be bitch slapped, flogged and sent to common sense training. Seriously, you can't reason and negotiate with sheer stupidity and complete lack of common sense. Liberals need to be eradicated from every part of Government and decision making until they can prove they are capable of making good decisions.

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

It's their money.

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