Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign

I swear it never ends with this woman. How anybody can continue to be behind her presidential run is just astonishing to me. If it's not her engaging in the corruption then it's somebody who works with or for her. I can't even begin to imagine the level of corruption that will be going on in our government if she ever makes it to the White House. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign

As soon as you get that through a reputable source, let us know.

Do try to keep up

James O’Keefe Releases His Most Damning Clinton Campaign Sting Video Yet [VIDEO]

Just another example of those continuous false accusations. I really miss when the GOP had integrity.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Any actual legal investigation based on a James O'Keefe video is invariably going to end up turning up bullshit. Look at the quote from the "top election official" mentioned in the headline:

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

In other words, some yahoo saw the video, believed it, and filed a complaint.
Actually the lawyer for Clinton in Nevada has deleted her website.........................I wonder if she is currently wiping her hard drives. It's real, what it will amount to is another question.
I swear it never ends with this woman. How anybody can continue to be behind her presidential run is just astonishing to me. If it's not her engaging in the corruption then it's somebody who works with or for her. I can't even begin to imagine the level of corruption that will be going on in our government if she ever makes it to the White House. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign
Thanks Taz................ one stroke at a time we can cast this demon back into hell
I swear it never ends with this woman. How anybody can continue to be behind her presidential run is just astonishing to me. If it's not her engaging in the corruption then it's somebody who works with or for her. I can't even begin to imagine the level of corruption that will be going on in our government if she ever makes it to the White House. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign

As soon as you get that through a reputable source, let us know.

Do try to keep up

James O’Keefe Releases His Most Damning Clinton Campaign Sting Video Yet [VIDEO]

Just another example of those continuous false accusations.


She shut her Web site down, by the way. That sure screams innocence, doesn't it.
I swear it never ends with this woman. How anybody can continue to be behind her presidential run is just astonishing to me. If it's not her engaging in the corruption then it's somebody who works with or for her. I can't even begin to imagine the level of corruption that will be going on in our government if she ever makes it to the White House. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign

As soon as you get that through a reputable source, let us know.

Do try to keep up

James O’Keefe Releases His Most Damning Clinton Campaign Sting Video Yet [VIDEO]

Oh, I am quite familiar with James O'keefe, you know, the one who has been in prison for breaking the law and such....
I swear it never ends with this woman. How anybody can continue to be behind her presidential run is just astonishing to me. If it's not her engaging in the corruption then it's somebody who works with or for her. I can't even begin to imagine the level of corruption that will be going on in our government if she ever makes it to the White House. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign

As soon as you get that through a reputable source, let us know.

Do try to keep up

James O’Keefe Releases His Most Damning Clinton Campaign Sting Video Yet [VIDEO]

Oh, I am quite familiar with James O'keefe, you know, the one who has been in prison for breaking the law and such....
Are you familiar with Christina Gupana the attourney for Clinton in Nevada who has just deleted her website? Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign IIs she looking for a good wipe too?
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Any actual legal investigation based on a James O'Keefe video is invariably going to end up turning up bullshit. Look at the quote from the "top election official" mentioned in the headline:

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

In other words, some yahoo saw the video, believed it, and filed a complaint.
Actually the lawyer for Clinton in Nevada has deleted her website.........................I wonder if she is currently wiping her hard drives. It's real, what it will amount to is another question.

She almost certainly shut down her website to avoid being hassled by Breitbart clowns.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Any actual legal investigation based on a James O'Keefe video is invariably going to end up turning up bullshit. Look at the quote from the "top election official" mentioned in the headline:

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

In other words, some yahoo saw the video, believed it, and filed a complaint.

Might have been the librarian who actually witnessed the misconduct and showed the law to the people campaigning and registering voters at the same time.

Possibly. But not likely.

Either way, she'll likely be interviewed for the investigation since she was so prominent in the video, an eye witness is hard to refute.

I can almost guarantee the "investigation" won't get that far.

Almost, only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and atom bombs.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Any actual legal investigation based on a James O'Keefe video is invariably going to end up turning up bullshit. Look at the quote from the "top election official" mentioned in the headline:

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

In other words, some yahoo saw the video, believed it, and filed a complaint.

Might have been the librarian who actually witnessed the misconduct and showed the law to the people campaigning and registering voters at the same time.

Possibly. But not likely.

Either way, she'll likely be interviewed for the investigation since she was so prominent in the video, an eye witness is hard to refute.

I can almost guarantee the "investigation" won't get that far.

Almost, only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and atom bombs.

Well, we will see.
how she can still get out there and run as if nothing is going on shows the type of person she is. She should step aside and let someone else try for it but she acts like she's ENTITLED and by golly you all OWE her after you kicked her to curb for that nobody man/boy Obama. that is the picture of a arrogant elitist witch.

The establishment wants a female president and Hillary is part of the establishment. Bill Clinton and Obama proved that the only good that comes out of a democratic president is the swing back to a moderate supreme court. If Hillary is appointed by the puppet masters, the supreme court could be 6 to 3 or even 7 to 2 moderate jurists. That means the democrats will control the supreme court for a generation or 2.
I swear it never ends with this woman. How anybody can continue to be behind her presidential run is just astonishing to me. If it's not her engaging in the corruption then it's somebody who works with or for her. I can't even begin to imagine the level of corruption that will be going on in our government if she ever makes it to the White House. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see.

Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign

As soon as you get that through a reputable source, let us know.

Do try to keep up

James O’Keefe Releases His Most Damning Clinton Campaign Sting Video Yet [VIDEO]

Just another example of those continuous false accusations.


She shut her Web site down, by the way. That sure screams innocence, doesn't it.

Right, as much as the hildabeast's IT guy taking the 5th.
Might have been the librarian who actually witnessed the misconduct and showed the law to the people campaigning and registering voters at the same time.

Possibly. But not likely.

Either way, she'll likely be interviewed for the investigation since she was so prominent in the video, an eye witness is hard to refute.

I can almost guarantee the "investigation" won't get that far.

Almost, only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and atom bombs.

Well, we will see.

Ran out of equivocation I see, and yes we will.
Possibly. But not likely.

Either way, she'll likely be interviewed for the investigation since she was so prominent in the video, an eye witness is hard to refute.

I can almost guarantee the "investigation" won't get that far.

Almost, only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and atom bombs.

Well, we will see.

Ran out of equivocation I see, and yes we will.

I'm not equivocating, I'm stating clearly that I think nothing will come of this, just like nothing has come from any of O'Keefe's "bombshells".
Either way, she'll likely be interviewed for the investigation since she was so prominent in the video, an eye witness is hard to refute.

I can almost guarantee the "investigation" won't get that far.

Almost, only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and atom bombs.

Well, we will see.

Ran out of equivocation I see, and yes we will.

I'm not equivocating, I'm stating clearly that I think nothing will come of this, just like nothing has come from any of O'Keefe's "bombshells".

Oh right! Along with your everybody does it, no big deal posts. LMAO
Last edited:
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Any actual legal investigation based on a James O'Keefe video is invariably going to end up turning up bullshit. Look at the quote from the "top election official" mentioned in the headline:

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

In other words, some yahoo saw the video, believed it, and filed a complaint.

Well, we (Nevada) did to OJ what California failed to do.........still, not getting hopes up.
I can almost guarantee the "investigation" won't get that far.

Almost, only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and atom bombs.

Well, we will see.

Ran out of equivocation I see, and yes we will.

I'm not equivocating, I'm stating clearly that I think nothing will come of this, just like nothing has come from any of O'Keefe's "bombshells".

Oh right! Along with your everybody does it, no big deal posts. LMAO

Yep. I'm pretty clear about that, too.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Any actual legal investigation based on a James O'Keefe video is invariably going to end up turning up bullshit. Look at the quote from the "top election official" mentioned in the headline:

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

In other words, some yahoo saw the video, believed it, and filed a complaint.
Actually the lawyer for Clinton in Nevada has deleted her website.........................I wonder if she is currently wiping her hard drives. It's real, what it will amount to is another question.

She almost certainly shut down her website to avoid being hassled by Breitbart clowns.
Or she is wiping her server of the e-mails from Clinton headquarters that told her to do what she did.

Almost certainly
True. She does seem to be the victim of continuous false accusations. The only people to give them any credence is the crazy right fringe. Of the literally hundreds of false accusations made about her, how many have been proven to be false?

True. She does seem to be the victim of continuous false accusations. The only people to give them any credence is the crazy right fringe. Of the literally hundreds of false accusations made about her, how many have been proven to be false?

Actually you are partly correct, however the FBI is investigating this one and 12 judges are assigned to the case, are they all right fringe???

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