Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
''Get off the highway, this is a state route''....''Everybody will be arrested if not...30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle...let’s talk...get off the fucking road.”

Thankfully the Ranger made it home safely. People are getting tired of these career ''activists.'' They've been placated for far too long, as have the NGO that bus them everywhere to cause these sorts of problems for the working man who is just trying to get to work or wherever.
''Get off the highway, this is a state route''....''Everybody will be arrested if not...30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle...let’s talk...get off the fucking road.”

Thankfully the Ranger made it home safely. People are getting tired of these career ''activists.'' They've been placated for far too long, as have the NGO that bus them everywhere to cause these sorts of problems for the working man who is just trying to get to work or wherever.

Good. We need to start treating terrorists like terrorists.
That shit should have ended long before the cops got there.

Burning Man weenies must be a bunch of pussys themselves.

That's probably one of, if not, the best recordings of normal folks dealing with these clowns that I've seen.

You know...there's a bigger lesson to be learned by these is one which must be learned through lived experience. It has to play out on its own. In time, people will start getting tired of, not only these specific antics, but also so many other similar antics that the NGOs employ these career antagonists to perform.

When they finally realize that the people themselves have had it with them, that's when you'll see them start retreating and hiding under their beds.

The reality is that these Marxist types avoid physical confrontation in the same manner in which they avoid logic. Once people realize that there is no need to fear them or their enablers, I think we'll start to see the enablers look to different tactics.

As it is, they feel protected because the entities who toss them out there like a bobber to serve as useful idiots have infiltrated varying levels of government. And this emboldens them. But...when people have nothing to lose? Well..they lose it. When they learn that, which will undoubtedly have to be through lived experience, they'll start thinking twice...
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I don't want citizens beating up on citizens. But I think citizens are right to intervene in cases of wacko nuts blocking public roads, businesses etc. that do little for whatever cause they're promoting but hurt everybody.

Apparently they can do that in Germany without repercussions? Too many wacko governments/prosecutors in the USA would prosecute those intervening instead of those unlawfully blocking other citizens from going about their daily lives.

That is one thing that seriously needs to change in America. We should be able to do citizen arrests and such of those who break our laws without being prosecuted ourselves. And our laws should be enforced instead of punishing the law abiding.
Yeah, stopped going there years ago. Anyone who was paying attention could see something like this coming. The activism that was always part of man was getting into the lunatic fringe area. Hopefully this will be a message to the organizers who have let it fester for too long. We all know better.

Not that it matters here but you want to know why? Man used to be just come as you are and do what you want. About 10 years ago it started becoming more and more corporate. They tried to disguise it of course but they don’t even do that any more. Glamping; essentially permanent structures...agendas.

"NPR said about Burning Man, "Once considered an underground gathering for bohemians and free spirits of all stripes, Burning Man has since evolved into a destination for social media influencers, celebrities and the Silicon Valley elite."

Goggles, a hydration pack, a sombrero and a blanket over your shoulders...miss it.
If you block a road like that you shouldn't be able to file a complaint if you get your ass kicked, and the people kicking the ass shouldn't be held responsible.

Those are just idiot modern day hippies doing it for a cheap sense of smug self satisfaction and because they are attention whores.

I feel they were treated too gently in that video.
That shit should have ended long before the cops got there.

Burning Man weenies must be a bunch of pussys themselves.

The burning man weenies would likely be protestors themsevles.

That's what makes this so stupid.

This is my daughters first year there.....she is sympathetic to their cause....I'll be that changes.
There were not many of the kooks blocking the highway but they managed when blocking to clog up the highway to Burning Man as a protest. They are climate kooks. They think the politicians are correct and they refuse to listen to scientists. A good source of information is videos done by Canadian John Robinson.

That shit should have ended long before the cops got there.

Burning Man weenies must be a bunch of pussys themselves.


Oh, they are! My dear hubby's not-so-normal, sexually very confused brother and his wife loved going to Burning Man.

I could never see the point of spending three days stoned out of your simple gourd in the desert looking at weirdly dressed people.

If you block a road like that you shouldn't be able to file a complaint if you get your ass kicked, and the people kicking the ass shouldn't be held responsible.

Those are just idiot modern day hippies doing it for a cheap sense of smug self satisfaction and because they are attention whores.

I feel they were treated too gently in that video.
I second this. Whatever does or doesn't happen to these people, they only bring it all on themselves when they choose to go and make such a public spectacle of themselves.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How they can be out there in such hot weather anyway is beyond me.

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