Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

I tend to agree is was stupid for the protestors to block the road.
However the reservation police violated the law by pointing guns at them.
That is reckless endangerment and conduct regardless of life.
That is about a million times more illegal than the protest.

It was a taser, dummy
His actions were not legal.
Police do not have the authority to endanger people like that.

I think the protest was foolish, but did not require violence.
I think the rules are different on reservations. The tribes are independent nations. They have limited jurisdiction over non-tribal members, but their citations and other actions are handled in tribal courts. The demonstrators will have a tough time getting and legal satisfaction in a tribal court.
I think the rules are different on reservations. The tribes are independent nations. They have limited jurisdiction over non-tribal members, but their citations and other actions are handled in tribal courts. The demonstrators will have a tough time getting and legal satisfaction in a tribal court.
They will get Jack Squat!

Who cares. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You will notice these chicken shits only do this in western countries.

They haven't got the stones to do it where the real pollution is happening.

So fuck 'em.
Oh, there's tards that do it in other countries too. Smearing paint on irreplacable historical paintings n stuff.

Fuckin' morons.

Like 16th Century painters had what to do with "Climate Change"? Fuckin' morons.
I tend to agree is was stupid for the protestors to block the road.
However the reservation police violated the law by pointing guns at them.
That is reckless endangerment and conduct regardless of life.
That is about a million times more illegal than the protest.

This is a clusterfuck, and the violent cop will be the scapegoat for exposing this weird jusistdictional shit to the nation.

Hats off to the connies here for amplifying this so the cop can be dealt with. :)
It may have been sick, but kind of fitting if someone just hooked up to their trailer and slowly drug their asses out into the desert

for a 1/4 mile or so. And left.
No!! Those folks were blocking the only road there and it was hot. There was a long line of cars on the road. The authorities had to do something because those assholes refused to move.
The something they did was incredibly reckless.
Yup - this isn’t going away.
Yes, it is. You got all the Burning Man libs and tribal police and government against you. Fuck Off.

Here's a hint, dipshit. You know all them crazy people that talk all that "Sovereign Citizen" BS?

Well Indians actually are all that on their reservations which is where this took place, and that's that.

Btw, have you even had an ass carbuncle? Asking for a friend. ;)
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I watched it again, and you could be right.
I could not really tell if a taser or real pistol.
But it is still illegal to point a stun gun at an unarmed person, because a taser is still considered lethal force, since it does sometimes kill.
It was also reckless to plow into the trailer they had in the road, since they appeared to be chained to it. Turns out they weren't, but they easily could have been.
They should have checked it out on foot first.
They acted in a very risky manner.
Yeah - the video is unreal.

The laws on reckless endangerment are generic, and it makes no difference where or who.
The ability to use a weapon is based on the principle of self defense.
So it there is not threatening weapon, it is always illegal to escalate with a weapon.
It’s a good thing the entire incident was caught on video.

Let the lawsuits begin.

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