Nevada school board candidate: Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional

One thing that is rather amusing is how those on the left wrong seek out reports of alleged extreme outliers such as this, and try to smear all of the right by association therewith, when the overwhelming vast majority of us on the right would gladly repudiate those outliers; yet the mainstream left wrong embraces elements on its own side which are even more extreme, more insane, and more outright evil than those scarce outliers with which they try to smear us on the right.

For example, a subplot of this story is the support from the left wrong of homosexuality and other depraved sexual perversions. They are at least as wrong in supporting this filth as the guy in the OP story would be, assuming it's true, for believing what he does about the Constitution; but it's no just extreme outliers on the left wrong that support this filth; it's the mainstream left wrong that supports it.
Homosexuals have been around since the beginning of time. Maybe God made them too. Perhaps you should ignore them unless they are interfering in your life.
Thank you for admitting that for all of your whining about murdering the unborn, you have no problem letting those who do get born to die a slow death from poverty and lack of medical care.

States with the strictest laws against abortion like Mississippi also have the highest rates of infant mortality, lack of pre natal care and low birth weight because of hypocrites like you.
That's true. Texas has a high maternal mortality rate... Like they were a third world country. Fortunately, the abortion rate in the US has declined steadily over the past 30 years. Every town used to have a back alley abortionist on the other side of the tracks and often it was an old black woman or a pharmacist. Americans are such sanctimonious Christian hypocrites. Well to do girls and women could always get a safe abortion with a real doctor.
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So two fudge packers can make a baby? ... :cuckoo:

Sure, by donating sperm to a host uterus.
Similarly, lesbians can just borrow sperm and have twice as many children.
If procreation was the mandate, then gay couples would win by being able to produce the most offspring.
In fact, the male body can also support a fetus, since all it takes is enough blood supply.
The fact a caesarian is necessary, is not relevant.
It's a pretty safe bet that there is not so much as a single word—a single letter, in the Constitution, as originally written or as later amended—that was authored by anyone who did not clearly understand what marriage was—a union between a man and a woman—and who would have given the slightest bit of credence to the idea that a disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage ought to be granted any kind of equal status to that of genuine marriage.

I dare say that if anyone who had any part in writing or amending the Constitution had thought that his contribution might ever be twisted to give credence to the homosexual mockery thereof, that he would have included language specifically to prevent it from being so twisted.

Anyone who knows anything about medicine, law, government, etc., knows there are lots of exceptions, like hermaphrodites, and that everyone has to choose what is important to them.
Government gets no say in anything.
The only time anything coercive is authorized is when necessary to resolve conflicts between the inherent rights of individuals.
So have thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters, and other depraved subhuman filth.

And the ONLY reason why anything can be done to constrain "thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters, and others" is when they infringe upon the rights of others.
Since homosexuality harms no one else, it can never be made illegal in a republic.
If it is made illegal, then the government has to be autocratic and not a republic, because it is no longer based on inherent individual rights.
Anyone who knows anything about medicine, law, government, etc., knows there are lots of exceptions, like hermaphrodites, and that everyone has to choose what is important to them.
Government gets no say in anything.
The only time anything coercive is authorized is when necessary to resolve conflicts between the inherent rights of individuals.
There is only one reason homo's want to have children or be around them.
And it ain't good. ... :nono:
That's a tuff one for progressives


Far-right Nevada school board candidate claims the Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional

Holy shit! What? Who is going to defend this crap??!!

Where does the Constitution say that people must procreate?

Does that include heterosexual people who cannot, or chose not to procreate?

Gay people do in fact procreate and have children in a variety of ways just like straight people do.

Homosexuality is unconstitutional? ( Not gay rights...HOMOSEXUALITY itself)

The far right keeps descending further and further into insanity
Clark County...he won't win there....but they'd welcome him with open arms in Nye County where the schools are so bad they aren't even certified.

Far-right Nevada school board candidate claims the Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional

Holy shit! What? Who is going to defend this crap??!!

Where does the Constitution say that people must procreate?

Does that include heterosexual people who cannot, or chose not to procreate?

Gay people do in fact procreate and have children in a variety of ways just like straight people do.

Homosexuality is unconstitutional? ( Not gay rights...HOMOSEXUALITY itself)

The far right keeps descending further and further into insanity

This claim is bizarre.

What is the justification for calling this guy far right ?

Just curious.

He clearly not a conservative (in what I consider to be the traditional form of conservatives).
It’s not just the ‘far’ right – this is typical of most conservatives.

And it’s yet another example of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the Constitution and conservatives’ desire to violate the rights and protected liberties of the American people.

Typical ?

I've never heard the argument this guy is making from anyone I know who is conservative (and that is a great many people).

I can't accept your claim that it is typical.
I would also like to see someone argue that the Constitution requires procreation and that gayness is unconstitutional. Even Thomas and Alito would ridicule them.

Someone has stated this is typical of conservatives.

I, for one, don't buy that.

I'd be surprised if anyone supported this notion.
The problem is that you poorly educated types ( who Trump famously said that he loves) have an abysmal understanding of the Constitution. You think that the only rights are those that are specifically enumerated. The fact is that there are many other rights that flow from the basic rights that are stated such as the right to due process, and equal protection under the law.

That is only per William O. Douglas.

The rights that came out of the shadows to form Roe are about to go back into the shadows.

There is no fact. There is certainly a contention and it will always be that way.

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