Never before in history has there been such a “brave” people


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Let us not forget, on Oct. 7 the brave Palestinian freakdom fighters put babies in ovens, raped women, mutilated little kids, decapitated kids and civilians, branded their hostages with hot pipes Nazi style, and then ran and hid behind their own kids and in their tunnels underneath hospitals.

Never before in history has there been such brave freakdom fighters as the Palestinians. :clap2:
Let us not forget, on Oct. 7 the brave Palestinian freakdom fighters put babies in ovens, raped women, mutilated little kids, decapitated kids and civilians, branded their hostages with hot pipes Nazi style, and then ran and hid behind their own kids and in their tunnels underneath hospitals.

Never before in history has there been such brave freakdom fighters as the Palestinians. :clap2:
They wouldn't be able to put up a fight at all if not for underhanded tactics. I'm not condoning their behavior at all, but from their perspective, desperation calls for desperate measures. They have no chance at all against Israel in a fair fight.
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Let us not forget, on Oct. 7 the brave Palestinian freakdom fighters put babies in ovens,
Ovens? Crematoriums? Is this another reference to the supposed 'gas ovens'?

Fwiw, there is no such thing. It's confusion between gas chambers and coal fired crematoriums.

Or could this be a suggestion that Palestinians put Zionist babies in their domestic stove ovens to cook? Like a turkey?

I hope I've cleared up the ongoing confusion over the 'OVENS' for good?
They wouldn't be able to put up a fight at all if not for underhanded tactics. I'm not condoning their behavior at all, but from their perspective desperation calls for desperate measures. They have no chance at all against Israel in a fair fight.
Rape and putting babies in ovens in not a form of resistance or “fighting back”. Nor has it ever been.
Rape and putting babies in ovens in not a form of resistance or “fighting back”. Nor has it ever been.
They see it as revenge probably, and there is not much else they can do to hurt israel, other than cowardly attacks on innocent people. There are a lot of people over there filled to the brim with hate. It bubbles over in very ugly ways.
They wouldn't be able to put up a fight at all if not for underhanded tactics. I'm not condoning their behavior at all, but from their perspective desperation calls for desperate measures. They have no chance at all against Israel in a fair fight.
Good. They shouldn’t fight. Or they should die.
Good. They shouldn’t fight. Or they should die.
Yeah, I mean, I understand how you feel. Their reality is their reality though. They own it, not us. In their way of seeing things they have been backed into a corner and are using whatever they can to inflict hurt.
They see it as revenge probably, and there is not much else they can do to hurt israel, other than cowardly attacks on innocent people. There are a lot of people over there filled to the brim with hate. It bubbles over in very ugly ways.
Lets just not get into the gas ovens crap and the bloodfilled passover pastries again!
Ovens? Crematoriums? Is this another reference to the supposed 'gas ovens'?

Fwiw, there is no such thing. It's confusion between gas chambers and coal fired crematoriums.

Or could this be a suggestion that Palestinians put Zionist babies in their stove ovens to cook? Like a turkey?

I hope I've cleared up the ongoing confusion over the 'OVENS' for good?
Palestinians did that, they put a baby in the oven, then tied the dad to a chair and let him watch his wife get gang raped by your beloved freakdom fighters, while his child was cooking. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what they did on Oct. 7. Maybe the animals were trying to outdo the Nazis, and show the world how it’s done?

Unfortunately for you they proudly video taped and documented what they did, so their people and leaders especially could rejoice and celebrate their barbarism and savagery. Which they did. So if you’re denying it happened you’re just another run of the mill, Jew hating mentally ill Hamas supporter.
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They see it as revenge probably, and there is not much else they can do to hurt israel, other than cowardly attacks on innocent people. There are a lot of people over there filled to the brim with hate. It bubbles over in very ugly ways.
So you shouldn’t be upset over Israel’s response then. This is not the 1940’s when Jews couldn’t fight back.
So you shouldn’t be upset over Israel’s response then. This is not the 1940’s when Jews couldn’t fight back.
I'm a neutral observer. I just watch people and try to understand them. I don't take sides in your politics, and I certainly don't get emotional over them.
Yeah, I mean, I understand how you feel. Their reality is their reality though. They own it, not us. In their way of seeing things they have been backed into a corner and are using whatever they can to inflict hurt.
Probably a correct analysis. But their view of reality is still distorted and it constitutes no good basis for their cowardly, insidious behavior.
Probably a correct analysis. But their view of reality is still distorted and it constitutes no good basis for their cowardly, insidious behavior.
Nah. I'm not saying they are justified. I'm just trying to get inside their heads with cognitive empathy so I can better understand their rationale. That's all I really do in politics.
Palestinians did that, they put a baby in the oven, then tied the dad to a chair and let him watch his wife get gang raped by your beloved freakdom fighters, while his child was cooking. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what they did on Oct. 7. Maybe the animals were trying to outdo the Nazis, and show the world how it’s done?

Unfortunately for you they proudly video taped and documented what they did, so their people and leaders especially could rejoice and celebrate their barbarism and savagery. So if you’re denying it happened you’re just another run of the mill, Jew hating mentally ill Hamas supporter.
There are a million and one ways to kill the enemy and none of the methods are out of bounds to either side.

Cooking a baby is one of them but cooking a live one would be pushing the boundaries of human decency, similar to the machine gunning of babies in the arms of Vietnamese mothers.
I'm a neutral observer. I just watch people and try to understand them. I don't take sides in your politics, and I certainly don't get emotional over them.
Nothing to understand. This is a religious war, like the Crusades, and today’s Palestinians are barbaric savage Jihadi’s that will do anything to remove the Jews. This is not about land. If the Jews in Israel converted to Islam the problem would be over. Jihadis want any land that at some point in history Muslims controlled back, that includes Spain.
Nah. I'm not saying they are justified. I'm just trying to get inside their heads with cognitive empathy so I can better understand their rationale. That's all I really do in politics.
It’s hard to get “inside the head” of idiots.

They could have long had a true and independent “state” of Palestine. They made choices. And they chose based on their hatred of Israel and Jews — rather than on their own best interests.

And their “freedom fighters” are mere pig- dog scumbags.
There are a million and one ways to kill the enemy and none of the methods are out of bounds to either side.

Cooking a baby is one of them but cooking a live one would be pushing the boundaries of human decency, similar to the machine gunning of babies in the arms of Vietnamese mothers.
Cooking a baby is pushing the bounds of “decency”? I bet it too take a long time for you to come to that conclusion. :cuckoo:
It’s hard to get “inside the head” of idiots.

They could have long had a true and independent “state” of Palestine. They made choices. And they chose based on their hatred of Israel and Jews — rather than on their own best interests.

And their “freedom fighters” are mere pig- dog scumbags.
"freedom fighters"
Let us not forget, on Oct. 7 the brave Palestinian freakdom fighters put babies in ovens, raped women, mutilated little kids, decapitated kids and civilians, branded their hostages with hot pipes Nazi style, and then ran and hid behind their own kids and in their tunnels underneath hospitals.

Don't forget our own brave LIbErals here, in this country, that murder thousands of children every day via abortion, mutilate many of them by promoting sexual confusion in the form of “transgenderism”, and otherwise subject children to destructive sexual brainwashing, grooming, and other related abuses.

The Palestinians are nothing compared to our own left wrong.
Good to see the Palestinian Freedom Fighters sending Racist Roudy into hysterical paroxysms of fury .

Cannot get his little head around the Israeli Terrorists being led around by their big noses

Allahu Akbars winning nicely so far .

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