Never Heard Of This When I Was A Kid

Perhaps keeping all the kiddies safe inside away from nature instead of allowing free-range play has weakened their systems.

Just a thought.

'Christmas Tree Syndrome': Doctors Issue Health Warning For Real Tree Owners
Yeah, it's a real thing alright. I went through a rash all over my hands and arms up to elbows, and stuffed up sinuses, every year when I set up the real tree. Smelled lovely, traditional and full of memories, but I'm allergic to mold AND certain trees, so like the article said, the Christmas tree can cause symptoms.
I finally went to a fake tree about ten years ago. It took a few years to get used to, but I don't miss the allergy attacks.

It has nothing to do with being isolated from fresh air, though--they had all they could do to drag me in the house when I was a kid.
It's just allergies.

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