Never Hillary

I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.

Are you typing this imbecility from some women's locker room?...Get out of there, you pervert !!! LOL
I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.

What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States?
She corrupt and dishonest, so anything that she would do would be detrimental to American people in one way or another.
so you don't like her personality. not many people could survive 25 years of character assassination like she has, but even if you truly find her untrustworthy it's telling you can't articulate a specific fear

so you don't like her personality.
Her personality doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.
not many people could survive 25 years of character assassination like she has
Character assassination, that's laughable. :lol:

She is what she is and that's being corrupt and dishonest. Libs like to ignore the facts and pretend that she's not. :cuckoo:
right. there hasn't been a 25 year effort to tear her down. sure.

but even if you believe it, what specific harm do you think she will cause? you're great with generalities, now try doing more than talk radio level thinking
It's 25 years of her corruption, and the media protects them.
i'm going to bump this again - if you're a republican that's not enthralled with trump (you know, not brain-dead) but still a 'never hillary' voter, what do you fear so much from a clinton presidency that you would consider voting trump?
She lied about the deaths of 4 americans. She couldn't even keep 4 people safe, and you expect she could keep millions safe? Britain and the red cross got their people out.
I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
again, this has fuckall to do with this thread. you really don't understand what the thread is about, do you? but then again, i'm pretty sure you support trump, so i doubt you understand what most things are about.
You don't understand how Bill's serial contemptible behavior
first, you clearly will believe anything

second - bill is on his first marriage. which is the donald on?
Third I believe. It's certainly more honorable to end a bad marriage than just screwing nearly every woman or young girl he can find while the wife enables him.
lol. and trump has never had an affair?

Quit being so faggoty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
are you a trump supporter?
The social justice warrior bullshit in this country needs to be nipped in the bud not nurtured as Hillary definitely would. It is a poison put upon our country by the left. Succeeding in life requires you to leave your "safe space"
I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
are you a trump supporter?
Not my first choice, but anyone but Hillary.
I'm curious. I'm certain that there are some Republicans here that are not happy with the nomination of Donald Trump. You see him for what he is, a brash know-nothing with a hot temper that's more likely to drive us into WWIII than he is to ever do have the stuff he promises and gives no details on.

And yet some of you still say "Never Hillary." I want to know why. What is it you think that Hillary Clinton will do that will be so detrimental to the United States? What would possibly make you think a Trump presidency is more desirable?

I'm sure plenty of Trump supporters will chime in, but really, your input is useless. You've already proven you don't think or care about issues and have signed on to a cult of personality. But for the rest of you considering pulling the lever for Trump as a vote against Hillary I'm really curious about just what it is you fear, and what makes you believe it'll happen.
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
are you a trump supporter?
Not my first choice, but anyone but Hillary.
and yet you cant tell us why...

unless we are to believe your vote centers around bathroom privileges
Hillary would continue a Obama presidency, the one that brought us men in women's locker rooms. Also people claiming to be dogs. Anyone but Hillary.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
are you a trump supporter?
Not my first choice, but anyone but Hillary.
and yet you cant tell us why...

unless we are to believe your vote centers around bathroom privileges
The bathroom thing was the last draw on liberals making America a cesspool. That one will hurt Hillary in November. Most dads with small children doesn't like that a man could walk in on his daughter in the bathroom.
i can completely see why you'd risk economic ruin and wwiii because you don't want to treat different people with respect
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
are you a trump supporter?
Not my first choice, but anyone but Hillary.
and yet you cant tell us why...

unless we are to believe your vote centers around bathroom privileges
The bathroom thing was the last draw on liberals making America a cesspool. That one will hurt Hillary in November. Most dads with small children doesn't like that a man could walk in on his daughter in the bathroom.
the rise of the bathroom voter. lol.

i choose to believe that most people aren't that shalow that they'd risk trump's horrible policies because somebody somewhere might have different parts than the person in the stall next to them
The economy still sucks and Hillary would continue his bad policies. So man that CHOOSES to be a woman can disrespect real women and use their bathroom? You do realize most women are against it?
are you a trump supporter?
Not my first choice, but anyone but Hillary.
and yet you cant tell us why...

unless we are to believe your vote centers around bathroom privileges
The bathroom thing was the last draw on liberals making America a cesspool. That one will hurt Hillary in November. Most dads with small children doesn't like that a man could walk in on his daughter in the bathroom.
the rise of the bathroom voter. lol.

i choose to believe that most people aren't that shalow that they'd risk trump's horrible policies because somebody somewhere might have different parts than the person in the stall next to them
That's not the only reason. Hillary is a failed , crooked, stupid bitch. Oh and also incompetent.
She corrupt and dishonest, so anything that she would do would be detrimental to American people in one way or another.
so you don't like her personality. not many people could survive 25 years of character assassination like she has, but even if you truly find her untrustworthy it's telling you can't articulate a specific fear

so you don't like her personality.
Her personality doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with it.
not many people could survive 25 years of character assassination like she has
Character assassination, that's laughable. :lol:

She is what she is and that's being corrupt and dishonest. Libs like to ignore the facts and pretend that she's not. :cuckoo:
right. there hasn't been a 25 year effort to tear her down. sure.

but even if you believe it, what specific harm do you think she will cause? you're great with generalities, now try doing more than talk radio level thinking

right. there hasn't been a 25 year effort to tear her down. sure.
Oh so she hasn't ever done anything wrong? She's the victim? Is that the crap that you're trying to imply? :cuckoo:

what specific harm do you think she will cause?
She was terrible as Secretary of State she will be worse as prez. She can't be trusted with the highest office.
so very... specific

are you a trump supporter?
Not my first choice, but anyone but Hillary.
and yet you cant tell us why...

unless we are to believe your vote centers around bathroom privileges
The bathroom thing was the last draw on liberals making America a cesspool. That one will hurt Hillary in November. Most dads with small children doesn't like that a man could walk in on his daughter in the bathroom.
the rise of the bathroom voter. lol.

i choose to believe that most people aren't that shalow that they'd risk trump's horrible policies because somebody somewhere might have different parts than the person in the stall next to them
That's not the only reason. Hillary is a failed , crooked, stupid bitch. Oh and also incompetent.
again, such a well stated list of policy problems you have with her...
once again - every attempred response has been a failure.

can any of the people unhappy with trump (you're out there) explain why you're more willing to risk the obviously damaging policies of a trump administration over a clinton admin?
what are you so afraid that clinton will do that you'll risk economic ruin and wwiii?

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