Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste: Marxists Blame Capitalism (and America) For Sandy Hoo


Nov 13, 2012
By: LaborUnionReport
December 24th, 2012


As though the tragedy of the Sandy Hook massacre–where a lone psychopath killed nearly 30 people–couldn’t take any more twisted turns, the Marxists at Workers World are bizarrely blaming America and capitalism for Adam Lanza’s rampage.

In a long, rambling post on the Workers World website, Marxist writer Larry Hales doesn’t bother stopping at the more popular Left-wing arguments for gun control.

Rather, the Marxist shrugs off the gun control argument and the psychopathic actions of the rather affluent lunatic behind the trigger and, instead, places the blame on America and the economic system writ large.

Following his indictment of the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of America, Hales takes aim at corporations like Sturm Ruger, Smitch & Wesson, as well as General Electric, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin “or the other corporations that receive tens of billions of dollars per year from the federal government.”

Then, Hales goes full anti-America tilt [Emphasis added.]:

The gun culture is more than that, though. The U.S. was built from seized land, land that was taken from the original inhabitants, who were then massacred — children, women and men. Whole nations were disappeared, killed by guns, knives and an early form of biological warfare, where diseased materials were used to introduce foreign illnesses to Indigenous peoples.

Slavery was maintained by the gun and brutal violence that saw the rise of the first standardized police force, the slave catchers. To this day, it has been violence that has maintained U.S. political and economic hegemony over most of the world.

Read more at:
Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste: Marxists Blame Capitalism (and America) For Sandy Hook Massacre | RedState
Too funny. I've always wondered why American Communists just don't go to "promised lands" like Cuba or Venezuela.
What I find funny is how much attention pay to communists, when there are so few of them and we have real problems facing us. Trying to make a connection between them and liberals is counter-productive and does nothing to address the situation.
In two years if present trends continue, the deaths from gun violence will outnumber the deaths from traffic accidents.

Gun owner either have to address this issue, or those that do not own guns will decide the issue for you.

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