Never The Twain Shall Meet

The claim by a Liberal was that Trump ignored the threat of the Chinese virus, and said it didn’t exist, that it was simply a Democrat hoax.

Trump did call it a hoax and he is ignoring the threat to this day. So much so that he demands his staff not wear a mask and would not even wear one in a clean zone in a factory. They had to discard everything that was produced while he was there.

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Without a care in the world , or without batting an eye , they just lie , lie, lie. . . Right on que.

Show the lie then or STFU
If you're saying you don't know you're lying when you're lying, you're just lying. And we all know it, including yourself.
Show the lie or STFU
There ya go lying again.
Did you have to learn to lie like that or did it just come naturally? Was it nature or nurture. Were your parents habitual liars too? Maybe it's a genetic defect.
Still waiting for you to show what is untrue.
Democrat supporters use lying as their main debating technique......

And they see it in their elites as well.

"Joe Biden’s Campaign Director James Clyburn takes denial of truth to never-before-seen levels of avoidance and lying. During an interview earlier today the Biden campaign architect claimed there was no evidence of violence in Washington DC last week.

According to Clyburn there was no violence, rioting, looting, arson or attacks against police. The burned out cars, buildings and churches, the videos of rampant looting, and the 150 police officers taken to the hospital were apparently staged and made up. According to his claims, none of what you saw actually happened.
Clyburn seems confident media will protect him and not call him out on his false claims. Judging by the non-response of Neil Cavuto, his confidence is accurate."


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