Never trust anti gunners....they lie because they have an irrational fear of guns....

I have seen YOU talk about gun owners wanting to shoot "darkies" far more than I have seen any gun owners do so. Other than a very few serious racists, I have not seen anyone talk about just shooting darkies.

Really? So you go around not paying attention to people like cultsmasher, Ernie S, shootspeeders, meathead and a few others here who just can't stop talking about their bloodlust?

Do they talk about just shooting people? Or about defending themselves when attacked? There is a difference, you know.
And this is when you WANT to compare us to other nations. Other times you don't because their "culture" makes it different.

Considering that 99.9% of gun owners do not commit any crime, there is not much chance of banning guns completely.

You know, that's what folks in the UK and Australia said, until it happened.


Yeah, this simply shows your ignorance. You want a complete ban on firearms. And then use Australia as an example of how that worked out. lmao
Yeah, this simply shows your ignorance. You want a complete ban on firearms. And then use Australia as an example of how that worked out. lmao

I'd settle for gun laws like Germany has.

But two points I start at.
1) There's no right to own a gun, no matter how much you want to pervert the Militia Amendment.
2) There's no good reason for most civilians to own a gun, and a lot of them shouldn't.
Guns are above and beyond the Constitution.....the Bill of Rights merely states what the right doesn't create the right....nor can anti gunners get rid of that right by changing the Constitution....or amending it out of the Bill of Rights....

there are 4 reasons why free people need to own a gun, and carry a gun....

1) criminals
2) the dangerously mentally ill
3) the government is unwilling or unable to protect it's citizens from 1) and 2)
4) the government decides to murder it's citizens becoming 1) or 2)

anyone foolish to think that people should not own guns deserve what they and their descendants get.....
there are 4 reasons why free people need to own a gun, and carry a gun....

1) criminals
2) the dangerously mentally ill
3) the government is unwilling or unable to protect it's citizens from 1) and 2)
4) the government decides to murder it's citizens becoming 1) or 2)

anyone foolish to think that people should not own guns deserve what they and their descendants get.....

1 or 2, you'd never get your gun out in time. Which again, is why DGU's numbers are bullshit.

4) Government has tanks, they have jet fighters, they have drones, they have artiliery pieces. The minute they decide you are someone they want to take out, they are going to totally take you out.

Probably to the cheers of your neighbors, because you were frightening their children.
there are 4 reasons why free people need to own a gun, and carry a gun....

1) criminals
2) the dangerously mentally ill
3) the government is unwilling or unable to protect it's citizens from 1) and 2)
4) the government decides to murder it's citizens becoming 1) or 2)

anyone foolish to think that people should not own guns deserve what they and their descendants get.....

1 or 2, you'd never get your gun out in time. Which again, is why DGU's numbers are bullshit.

4) Government has tanks, they have jet fighters, they have drones, they have artiliery pieces. The minute they decide you are someone they want to take out, they are going to totally take you out.

Probably to the cheers of your neighbors, because you were frightening their children.

It seems 1.6 million times a year Americans do get their guns either displayed or drawn in time and only have to kill 200 monsters a year (your number). The restraint of American gun carriers should be applauded. They act incredibly responsibly in the face of violent criminals.

The government also had tanks, artillery, satellites and the whole nine yards in Iraq and Afghanistan....and we are leaving....and you think that if the government ever turned on us and began killling us in large numbers that we couldn't do better than terrorists.....of course...that is why the pro 2nd amendment crowd fights to keep the standard infantry rifle accessible to the citizens of this country....
You know Joe.....we have countless examples of countries that murder their disarmed citizens....and they have done it repeatedly throughout history....and the innoncent, DISARMED, citizens have died in their millions....

It would be nice to see what happens if a murderous left wing government had to actually deal with well armed citizens determined not to be murdered.....that would be a nice historical change...wouldn't it......unless you like it when innocent, DISARMED, people are butchered in their millions......
You know Joe.....we have countless examples of countries that murder their disarmed citizens....and they have done it repeatedly throughout history....and the innoncent, DISARMED, citizens have died in their millions....

Well, no, we really don't. What we have a lot of examples of countries that had civil wars or invasions, both sides had guns and the side with the most guns won and killed the side without guns.
I support Kleck's number but you know I have been using the 1.6 number as the average number of the 19 studies done over 40 years.....Kleck's study is the most accurate, but you anti gunners seem to focus on him for some reason...considering at least 2 other studies put their numbers at 3 million....that is more than Klecks...but you only focus on Kleck's study.....and for you anti gunners...I also averaged in the flawed numbers from the NCVS....
It would be nice to see what happens if a murderous left wing government had to actually deal with well armed citizens determined not to be murdered.....that would be a nice historical change...wouldn't it......unless you like it when innocent, DISARMED, people are butchered in their millions......

Well, that happened. The Kulaks definitely didn't like the Communists giving away the land to the people who worked it. And they actually fought back in case you missed that whole Russian Civil War thing.

They lost
You know Joe.....we have countless examples of countries that murder their disarmed citizens....and they have done it repeatedly throughout history....and the innoncent, DISARMED, citizens have died in their millions....

Well, no, we really don't. What we have a lot of examples of countries that had civil wars or invasions, both sides had guns and the side with the most guns won and killed the side without guns. realize you just made our argument for us...right? then why would you take any gun out of the hands of the good guys....considering the left wing bad guys murder people in the millions.....?
Ah side with the mass murdering communists.....not surprising at all....and it explains why you want people disarmed........thanks for the Christmas present Joe....honesty from the left is so extremely rare it is truly an amazing gift....
I support Kleck's number but you know I have been using the 1.6 number as the average number of the 19 studies done over 40 years.....Kleck's study is the most accurate, but you anti gunners seem to focus on him for some reason...considering at least 2 other studies put their numbers at 3 million....that is more than Klecks...but you only focus on Kleck's study.....and for you anti gunners...I also averaged in the flawed numbers from the NCVS....

Actually, they are all horseshit numbers, because the very premise is subjective. Since we don't have the criminal's side of it, if there even was a criminal and not a raccoon looting around in trash at 3 AM, we don't know how many of those "that gun made me feel better about my tiny dick" stories actually involved any real danger.

And, yes, we focus on Kleck because in his case, we actually saw what his methodology was, and how completely flawed it was. realize you just made our argument for us...right? then why would you take any gun out of the hands of the good guys....considering the left wing bad guys murder people in the millions.....?

Uh, guy, I"m entirely sure who were "bad guys"

Who were the Good Guys in the Russian Civil War? The Tsar and his supporters, who plunged the country into a war they couldn't win, shot down opponents in the street, sided with foreign invaders. Maybe you need to read about Admiral Kolchak and the way he conducted the civil war for the Whites, and was so bloody that his foreign backers finally abandoned him.

Same thing in China. Mao was a bastard, but Chiang Kai-Shek (Or as the State Department lovingly referred to him "Cash My Check") was pretty much a Nazi, and the Germans considered making an alliance with him. The only reason they didn't was the Japanese had a navy.
Yes....we do have the criminals side in various other studies...prisoners were asked if they were ever stopped from comitting a crime by someone with a gun.......the numbers are greater than the other gun studies. ...from what I have heard...

And, yes, we focus on Kleck because in his case, we actually saw what his methodology was, and how completely flawed it was.

Sorry....only lying anti gunners working with gun control groups, like hemenway, lie about Kleck's study.....
Ah side with the mass murdering communists.....not surprising at all....and it explains why you want people disarmed........thanks for the Christmas present Joe....honesty from the left is so extremely rare it is truly an amazing gift....

Thanks for pointing out your profound ignorance of history as to why the Communists won those civil wars.

It had nothing to do with gun control.

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