"New" 9-11 Video Surfaces

I don't discern between one country and the other, it was a war of ideologies, not nations.

When I see something like that all I can think is "Fucking Muslims." 🤬
I've mellowed towards Muslims over the years, for good or bad. INDIVIDUALLY the ones I know are fine people. Some I really love and respect. Still, some cultures are simply better than others. Right now, America is an embarrassment. Nothing but godless spoiled, self centered brats
I kind of figured the top would eventually fall off a piece at a time, but assumed the bottom would stay intact.
All that ignited jet fuel pouring down and the elevator shafts acting as a chimney. The heat would be intense and steel softens at those temperatures. The thousands of tons of weight isn't going to stay out.
I've mellowed towards Muslims over the years, for good or bad. INDIVIDUALLY the ones I know are fine people. Some I really love and respect. Still, some cultures are simply better than others. Right now, America is an embarrassment. Nothing but godless spoiled, self centered brats
Brilliant!!! Thats exactly how i feel. Ive softened too, but there are still plenty of reasons to have issues with lesser cultures. The US isnt perfect, but we are pretty fucking good on most things. Everywhere in the world where you find islamic populations, you find widespread misery. Shitty cultures produce shitty results.
I don't discern between one country and the other, it was a war of ideologies, not nations.

When I see something like that all I can think is "Fucking Muslims." 🤬

You got the Muslim part right. And Saudi Arabia is the the birthplace of Islam and its associated Wahhabi kill the non-beleivers theology.
They had no idea the towers were going to fall. They were just in shock. They probably hadnt even considered how many people as were dead from it.

I remember saying to my buddy, "How the fuck do they put out a fire that high?", before the towers fell. I didnt know what would happen, i figured it would be bad, but i wasnt expecting the towers to fall like that.
In1993 the World Trade Center was bombed by an explosive filled truck parked in the bottom of the parking structure. The theory was that one tower would be knocked off its foundation and crash into the other tower causing both to collapse.

It didn't work. Osama Bin Laden was then in Sudan while Bill Clinton pondered capturing him for the African Embassy Bombings. Upon legal advice, Clinton let him go. Bin Laden went to Pakistan to plan the successful bombing of the World Trade Center. Bin Laden was an educated, trained, structural engineer. He knew precisely how to bring those towers down. All he needed were the plans for the building. Plans which were easily available from the New York City planning office. A few bucks and he had all he needed.

If there is any blame for bringing the towers down a big chunk of it belongs to American authorities. The hijackers came here on student visas but never attended a class. They got financial assistance to attend flight school but never wanted to learn take off and landing. A flight instructor that had question was called a racist. After his death, Mohammed Atta received notification that his flight school was fully paid for.

Days before the attack the FBI had Zacarias Moussaoui in custody. A FISA judge refused a request to open Moussaoui's laptop. He had privacy concerns. That laptop had the plans, names, flight numbers. Everything. The whole thing could have been stopped.

When I come across nonsense like it was bombs, cargo planes, no planes or any other bilge 8 can only wonder, why hide true culpability?
Brilliant!!! Thats exactly how i feel. Ive softened too, but there are still plenty of reasons to have issues with lesser cultures. The US isnt perfect, but we are pretty fucking good on most things. Everywhere in the world where you find islamic populations, you find widespread misery. Shitty cultures produce shitty results.
At least we are free to determine our own destiny. It does seem Man can't handle freedom, but I still prefer to he right to be independent thought and the right to determine my own future

Someone onc said "a democracy will ALWAYS fall into anarchy (which is where we are now) and anarchy will ALWAYS lead to tyranny" which is where the Democrat Party is taking us right now.

They are doing their damndest to squash all political opposition
If 9/11 had as many d*cks stickin' outta it as it had in it, it'd look like a .........

I think he was on the board of directors with Halliburton
Nope. It was actually quite funny. Upon running for vice president, enemy democrats got so hysterical over Halliburton that Cheney was forced to resign and sell all Halliburton stock. Right after that, Halliburton took a tumble and the stock lost more than half its value. Cheney made a fortune. Then insane democrats wanted Cheney investigated for insider trading because he sold all his stock. Insanity, democrat insanity.
Id forgotten that


First response - did you do it? NO

(after gotten to by Mossad/CIA)

Second response days later - YES, but I do not understand how the towers fell....

Col tim Osman was a well educated person of science, and that is why he understood that the "planes" (really just one) would not bring down a tower...
You got the Muslim part right. And Saudi Arabia is the the birthplace of Islam and its associated Wahhabi kill the non-beleivers theology.

Explains why they told the FBI to "fuck off" on 913, and why Crown Prince bin Salman was Jeff Epstein's #1 customer...
I've mellowed towards Muslims over the years, for good or bad. INDIVIDUALLY the ones I know are fine people. Some I really love and respect. Still, some cultures are simply better than others. Right now, America is an embarrassment. Nothing but godless spoiled, self centered brats

Islam did not do 911, the USS Liberty, the first hit on the WTC, RFK, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, but were false flag hate hoaxed by Zionist Fascists each time. SUBS who hate Muslims the most have never met one, but are "experts" because they parrot Faux and a Jew Fraud of a "Christian Preacher" and "their knowledge" is simply proof they have ZERO ability to understand BASIC SCIENCE...

The biggest problem in America today is our inability to demonstrate IQ over 5 and actually assess things correctly, and RELIGION plays a CRUCIAL ROLE in misleading and misinforming ABSOLUTELY TREASONOUS MORONS....
The "plane" is going about 50 mph. The explosion is real, the plane is not. North Tower exploded out all four sides at the same time - a bomb inside.
When did you meet "Osama," or was he still Col Tim Osman at the time??
Islam did not do 911, the USS Liberty, the first hit on the WTC, RFK, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, but were false flag hate hoaxed by Zionist Fascists each time.
Ah, our fav MAGA ----poster EMH.

I resisted joining this thread but it sometimes is challenging to not notice prolific poster EMH's musings from his corner of MAGAstan.

Now, if I was MAGA, or Q-Anon, or Alt-Right, or any other of those Alex Jones fanboys....well, I'd be proud to have EMH as our spokesman.

But, alas.......I ain't any of those nutters. Which leaves MAGA with EMH...all to themselves.
Ah, our fav MAGA ----poster EMH.

I resisted joining this thread but it sometimes is challenging to not notice prolific poster EMH's musings from his corner of MAGAstan.

Now, if I was MAGA, or Q-Anon, or Alt-Right, or any other of those Alex Jones fanboys....well, I'd be proud to have EMH as our spokesman.

But, alas.......I ain't any of those nutters. Which leaves MAGA with EMH...all to themselves.

Is this controlled demolition or not?

It takes an ABSOLUTE FUCKING MORON to still believe that BULLSHIT!!!

911 was an obvious FRAUD. It takes an IQ over 5 to notice this WAS indeed controlled demolition... proving the official version is bull.

You’re absurd

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