New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

What's really going on here is the Left has this mentality where if a high profile person on the Left is caught, they come up with all kinds of horseshit in an attempt to deflect from the truth.

See, The Regressive Left cannot thrive on truth. Their madness can only thrive on the darkness of deception and they know it.

This is why they are all riled up.....

Hollywood is crumbling and that's a MAJOR support column for their BS. So this whole thread is nothing more than scared Leftist doing what they do when faced with truth and reality.....make up nonsense and fling lies.
so I am a bit confused, how is it the WaPO reporter could find this person from 38 years ago. Let's see the evidence that got her to the woman. please post that. because the woman did not come forward on her own.
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.

Tired deflection noted:
nice photo on a sexual thread. funny, figures it's where you'd go.
Does it..figure??? Odd response..but what the hey..I suspect one or two might actually get it; You sure don't.
Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
going back a ways there, aren't you, drug addled loon?

Isn't all this about Moore 'going back a ways', steno?

really? is ted kennedy running for office?
he killed a woman and made it to office repeatedly. you want me to fall for some 40 year old smoke screen like it's more important than that that no democrat cared about. right here.

Not ta Kennedy thread either... Again this is a Roy Moore thread... You are not defending Moore...
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.
If he's guilty, let's let the EVIDENCE convict him. Stop all these moronic, uninformed public convictions already.You don't know shit. Yet that's all that comes out of your mouth.

The evidence is the word of these accusers.

Here's what we already know to be true:

1. Moore admits to pursuing high school girls.
2. Moore admits to "kissing and hugging" high school girls.
3. Moore stalked and creeped on high school girls (his signature in that girl's yearbook is proof of that, as are the eyewitness accounts of him creeping at HS football games).
4. Moore was deputy district attorney, which means any assault cases would go up through the DA's office, of which Moore was a part.

Here's what Moore is denying:

1. Moore denies the accusation he sexually assaulted a 14 year old girl, but admits to dating them and pursuing them.

So whether or not he sexually assaulted a high school girl doesn't change the fact that he was perving and creeping on high school girls, even "dating" them, "kissing and hugging" them.

Why should we believe Roy Moore, an admitted creeper, when he says he never assaulted these girls despite showing all the warning signs?'s OK..he asked the Moms first!
What's the latest on Weinstein raping women, the BFF of the Obama's and Clintons?

who is defending, Weinstein, moron?

no one....

now go defend the sexual predator again.

Liberals, you defended and protected him for decades while he abused women.
I never even knew Weinstein let alone defended and protected certainly think I'm one powerful person.

Don't go there... They are desperate to derail every thread about Moore bringing up anything else...
Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
going back a ways there, aren't you, drug addled loon?

Isn't all this about Moore 'going back a ways', steno?

really? is ted kennedy running for office?
he killed a woman and made it to office repeatedly. you want me to fall for some 40 year old smoke screen like it's more important than that that no democrat cared about. right here.

Not ta Kennedy thread either... Again this is a Roy Moore thread... You are not defending Moore...

not really.

the accusations are 40 years old, it's a "he said, she said" situation.

Well outside of my voting district, so I really don't care if he wins or loses.
so I am a bit confused, how is it the WaPO reporter could find this person from 38 years ago. Let's see the evidence that got her to the woman. please post that. because the woman did not come forward on her own.

The WaPo reporter wasn't even intending to write a story about Moore...the reporter was writing a story about Alabama's political climate, but found out about Moore's skeeviness while doing the reporting.
I'm beginning to believe this is the new Communists/Progressive strategy.....

Fake News, Fake Polls, Fake Crocodile tears by Obama etc, now Fake accusations.
They know that all an accusation has to do is cast a shadow of doubt, whether it's true or not and the damage is done.

You Christians and right wingers still sitting on the bench waiting for Christ's return, the Constitution to protect you or someone else to "do" something are digging your own hole fast.

These people are at war with you, your family, your country and your faith. They are out to bury you.
Better see the light soon. Once they get your guns and dilute your nation, it's a short hop to a dictator.
Don't fool yourself into thinking it cannot happen here. I ASSURE you, yes it can.

The Left will make fun of it because they are the beneficiaries of all this dangerous fakeness. we mark you down as supporting Child Chaser Moore?
..and the beat goes on.....Republican's eating their own..and Dems grabbing bags of popcorn

New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s


Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS while Harvy Weinstein and the rest of the Left are the real ones with things to hide. People like Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein etc etc etc
Again, the Left are not the ones pressing's Red on Red. Hard not to kneejerk, ain't it?
Again, I don't care if he gratified all the women with the same cigar, and smoked it with Augusto Pinochet while throwing commies out of helicopters.

After the democrooks kept Ted Kennedy in the senate, and not in prison where ANYONE ELSE (except maybe McLame) would have gone, the left has ZERO moral authority or credibility.


Nothing to do with Moore.... IF you want to talk about Kennedy... Start a different thread...
This woman must be telling the truth about Roy Moore, other wise how would she have such a fine, prestigious, respectable, revered, honorable lawyer like Gloria Allred!
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

How to be a hypocrite:

Make continuous assumptions and presumptions about the motives of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without any sort of proof or support, but suddenly clam up and demand tangible proof when it comes to Moore touching little girls (BTW - tangible proof is the account of the victims. Moore hasn't proven his innocence).
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference
  • Beverly Young Nelson said that Roy Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old.
  • Nelson said that Moore assaulted her, leaving her injured, in his car in the parking lot of a restaurant that she worked at as a teenager.
  • Nelson, who voted for President Donald Trump, said that her accusations "have nothing to do with the Republicans or the Democrats."

Beverly Young Nelson said that Roy Moore, who is running for US Senate in Alabama, sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old.

Nelson said she got to know Moore when she was working as a waitress at the Old Hickory House restaurant in Alabama when he was the District Attorney of Etowah County.

She said Moore, then in his 30s, was a regular at the restaurant and often complimented her on her looks and would sometimes touch her long hair as she walked past his seat at the counter. One day, Moore offered Nelson a ride home after her shift ended at 10 pm.

RELATED: Women accusing Roy Moore of sexual assault when they were young
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.
Allred took down Bob Packwood.

So what's your problem with her? She too good at her job?

She got Weiner, OJ, and many others to pay up.

Allred is great at jumping in front of the marching band, then declaring victory. Packwood was facing 10 accusations and pressure from Mitch McConnell and many others. OJ and Weiner weren't exactly hard targets either. Now she's jumping in once again late in the game, and if Moore drops out she can take credit.
If she brings the straws which break the child molester's back, then she deserves credit.
where was your outrage when Clinton didn't resign?

The accusation is against Moore, you are trying to attack someone else as some sort of defense... A murder using a "I'm not as bad as hitler defense.."

If you want to talk about clinton start your own thread...
going back a ways there, aren't you, drug addled loon?

Isn't all this about Moore 'going back a ways', steno?

really? is ted kennedy running for office?
he killed a woman and made it to office repeatedly. you want me to fall for some 40 year old smoke screen like it's more important than that that no democrat cared about. right here.

Not ta Kennedy thread either... Again this is a Roy Moore thread... You are not defending Moore...
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

I'm guessing that's because Moore is indefensible?
What's really going on here is the Left has this mentality where if a high profile person on the Left is caught, they come up with all kinds of horseshit in an attempt to deflect from the truth.

See, The Regressive Left cannot thrive on truth. Their madness can only thrive on the darkness of deception and they know it.

This is why they are all riled up.....

Hollywood is crumbling and that's a MAJOR support column for their BS. So this whole thread is nothing more than scared Leftist doing what they do when faced with truth and reality.....make up nonsense and fling lies.

Against Moore is the topic of the thread... You are trying to deflect your support for a kiddies raper...
"In light of the most recent allegations and the cumulative effect of others, I believe #RoyMoore would be doing himself, the state, the GOP, and the country a service by stepping aside. If he continues this will not end well for Mr. Moore." - Lindsey Lissy The Sissy Graham

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