New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

How to be a hypocrite:

Make continuous assumptions and presumptions about the motives of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without any sort of proof or support, but suddenly clam up and demand tangible proof when it comes to Moore touching little girls (BTW - tangible proof is the account of the victims. Moore hasn't proven his innocence).

There is not a shred of proof in the account of the victims. Just ask the Rolling Stone magazine. Ask Lena Dunham. Ask any of the women now proven to have lied about being raped or sexually abused.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word until the democrats want him out.
Isn't all this about Moore 'going back a ways', steno?

really? is ted kennedy running for office?
he killed a woman and made it to office repeatedly. you want me to fall for some 40 year old smoke screen like it's more important than that that no democrat cared about. right here.

Not ta Kennedy thread either... Again this is a Roy Moore thread... You are not defending Moore...
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

I'm guessing that's because Moore is indefensible?
he's innocent until evidence is presented. You'd want that if it were you right? I bet you have a reputation that you'd like protected against fake accusations? how did the reported find the woman if there is no evidence? that's the strange thing I find interesting.
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

How to be a hypocrite:

Make continuous assumptions and presumptions about the motives of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without any sort of proof or support, but suddenly clam up and demand tangible proof when it comes to Moore touching little girls (BTW - tangible proof is the account of the victims. Moore hasn't proven his innocence).

There is not a shred of proof in the account of the victims. Just ask the Rolling Stone magazine. Ask Lena Dunham. Ask any of the women now proven to have lied about being raped or sexually abused.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word until the democrats want him out.
ah...but there were many many words all the way back to when these things happened.
Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS

What is "made up" or "Fake" about this?

Here's what we know to be true:

1. Moore pursued high school girls as an adult.
2. Moore "dated" high school girls as an adult.
3. Moore did "kissing and hugging" with high school girls as an adult.
4. As an adult, Moore creeped at HS football games, and stalked a high school-age waitress.

Here's the accusation:

1. Moore sexually assaulted one (or more) of these high school girls he was pursuing, dating, kissing, hugging, creeping, and/or stalking.

So you are contending that Moore was, what, a perfect Southern Christian gentleman with these girls? Only, you can't say that because he already admitted to "kissing and hugging" them. So....
"In light of the most recent allegations and the cumulative effect of others, I believe #RoyMoore would be doing himself, the state, the GOP, and the country a service by stepping aside. If he continues this will not end well for Mr. Moore." - Lindsey Lissy The Sissy Graham
I feel he would be doing his voters an injustice. they already voted for him once. there wasn't any evidence then nor is there now. taking someone's word is hardly evidence. so nope, I'd like to know how the reporter found the woman. let's see that evidence.
Moore is all over the map with denials, partially denials and blame for Obama and Clinton. Obama didn't nominate him to be Senator, actually Trump didn't either. Not a popular guy, with many.
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

How to be a hypocrite:

Make continuous assumptions and presumptions about the motives of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without any sort of proof or support, but suddenly clam up and demand tangible proof when it comes to Moore touching little girls (BTW - tangible proof is the account of the victims. Moore hasn't proven his innocence).

There is not a shred of proof in the account of the victims. Just ask the Rolling Stone magazine. Ask Lena Dunham. Ask any of the women now proven to have lied about being raped or sexually abused.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word until the democrats want him out.

Not the Democrats..his own people, the Republican Party..they're running this show. Admit it--this is civil war in the party..not the left at all.
Willhaftamakeanassoutofmyself calls it “he said she said. “
No it’s he said, she said, she said, she said,she said, she said”
Yet he puts this false front on that he’s this neutral person.

Way to exhibit morally repugnant behavior for not calling out a sexual predator because he’s “ out of your voting district.”
the accusations are 40 years old, it's a "he said, she said" situation.

It's not he said, she said...

It's he said...she said, she said, she said, she said, and (now) she said.

Why should anyone believe Roy Moore?

Well outside of my voting district, so I really don't care if he wins or loses.

Well, that makes no sense because if you didn't care you wouldn't be posting here. So who the fuck are you trying to fool with this shit post? It matters a great deal for the Trumpanzees for Moore to win because that way, they preserve their narrow 52-48 majority. If they lose in AL, that majority shrinks to 51-49 and all it takes are two "moderates" (Murkowski, Collins, Graham, McCain, Flake, Corker) to sink the entire Trump agenda.
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

How to be a hypocrite:

Make continuous assumptions and presumptions about the motives of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without any sort of proof or support, but suddenly clam up and demand tangible proof when it comes to Moore touching little girls (BTW - tangible proof is the account of the victims. Moore hasn't proven his innocence).

There is not a shred of proof in the account of the victims. Just ask the Rolling Stone magazine. Ask Lena Dunham. Ask any of the women now proven to have lied about being raped or sexually abused.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word until the democrats want him out.

Not the Democrats..his own people, the Republican Party..they're running this show. Admit it--this is civil war in the party..not the left at all.
well sure it is the demolosers, otherwise this would have come up during the primary.
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
And who the fuck do we see ? Gloria Allred, lol. See, before this I could entertain the idea Roy is a weirdo. That creepy ass smile, that stupidity d stunt with the horse, waving the gun around all of that was and is just weird. But that this is a political hit is undeniable. Go back over the years and see for your selves. It’s always Gloria Allred.

And why do you think that is?

Her daughter also fights for women to be treated justly.

Most attys specialize.

Sent from my iPhone using

How many innocent lives has that shyster ambulance chaser Gloria Alred ruined? The immoral bitch should be fed to an alligator.

Hold up man, gaters are still an endangered species. You can’t just poison them like that.
Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS

What is "made up" or "Fake" about this?

Here's what we know to be true:

1. Moore pursued high school girls as an adult.
2. Moore "dated" high school girls as an adult.
3. Moore did "kissing and hugging" with high school girls as an adult.
4. As an adult, Moore creeped at HS football games, and stalked a high school-age waitress.

Here's the accusation:

1. Moore sexually assaulted one (or more) of these high school girls he was pursuing, dating, kissing, hugging, creeping, and/or stalking.

So you are contending that Moore was, what, a perfect Southern Christian gentleman with these girls? Only, you can't say that because he already admitted to "kissing and hugging" them. So....

This is a fake, the old ladies are now well paid to be outraged. Roy Moore is going to be elected senator. He is for traditional marriage. He supports the Ten Commandments. He is driving the democrats crazy.

How do you think Gloria Allred will be treated when she goes to Alabama to plead her fake client's case? Her evidence is an autograph in a high school yearbook. How many other men have signed that yearbook? Who are they? What relationship did they have with this girl? Did any girls sign that yearbook? Isn't this evidence of a lesbian relationship if girls signed?

It's garbage. That's all it is.
Willhaftamakeanassoutofmyself calls it “he said she said. “
No it’s he said, she said, she said, she said,she said, she said”
Yet he puts this false front on that he’s this neutral person.

Way to exhibit morally repugnant behavior for not calling out a sexual predator because he’s “ out of your voting district.”
dude you're lost. go over and sit in the corner the grownups are discussing Roy Moore falsely being accused.
There is not a shred of proof in the account of the victims.

The victims' account is the proof. And what is it you think isn't proven? That he pursued these girls or that he assaulted them? You seem to be OK with him pursuing high school girls as an adult. Why would he be telling the truth about any of this?

Just ask the Rolling Stone magazine. Ask Lena Dunham. Ask any of the women now proven to have lied about being raped or sexually abused. 40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word until the democrats want him out.

None of that has to do with Moore sexually assaulting high school girls.
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
don't need proof. all one has to do is accuse. An allegations is for him to prove didn't happen.

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