New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS

What is "made up" or "Fake" about this?

Here's what we know to be true:

1. Moore pursued high school girls as an adult.
2. Moore "dated" high school girls as an adult.
3. Moore did "kissing and hugging" with high school girls as an adult.
4. As an adult, Moore creeped at HS football games, and stalked a high school-age waitress.

Here's the accusation:

1. Moore sexually assaulted one (or more) of these high school girls he was pursuing, dating, kissing, hugging, creeping, and/or stalking.

So you are contending that Moore was, what, a perfect Southern Christian gentleman with these girls? Only, you can't say that because he already admitted to "kissing and hugging" them. So....

This is a fake, the old ladies are now well paid to be outraged. Roy Moore is going to be elected senator. He is for traditional marriage. He supports the Ten Commandments. He is driving the democrats crazy.

How do you think Gloria Allred will be treated when she goes to Alabama to plead her fake client's case? Her evidence is an autograph in a high school yearbook. How many other men have signed that yearbook? Who are they? What relationship did they have with this girl? Did any girls sign that yearbook? Isn't this evidence of a lesbian relationship if girls signed?

It's garbage. That's all it is.
Good job

Throw away the women's vote republicans

Music to our ears
don't need proof. all one has to do is accuse. An allegations is for him to prove didn't happen.

Well, the trouble is Roy has already admitted to pursuing, dating, kissing, hugging, stalking, and creeping on high school girls. So...
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.

Same thing the Dems did to Herman Cain.
Umm, yeah I think it's about the same.

Herman Cain Settlement: Woman Who Made Sexual Harassment Allegations Reportedly Received $45,000 (UPDATE) | HuffPost

Guilty as hell.

Annoyance buy-off. Happens in courts nationwide every day.

So O'Reilly's $32M settlement with his accuser was just an annoyance? Pretty pricey annoyance.
Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS

What is "made up" or "Fake" about this?

Here's what we know to be true:

1. Moore pursued high school girls as an adult.
2. Moore "dated" high school girls as an adult.
3. Moore did "kissing and hugging" with high school girls as an adult.
4. As an adult, Moore creeped at HS football games, and stalked a high school-age waitress.

Here's the accusation:

1. Moore sexually assaulted one (or more) of these high school girls he was pursuing, dating, kissing, hugging, creeping, and/or stalking.

So you are contending that Moore was, what, a perfect Southern Christian gentleman with these girls? Only, you can't say that because he already admitted to "kissing and hugging" them. So....

This is a fake, the old ladies are now well paid to be outraged. Roy Moore is going to be elected senator. He is for traditional marriage. He supports the Ten Commandments. He is driving the democrats crazy.

How do you think Gloria Allred will be treated when she goes to Alabama to plead her fake client's case? Her evidence is an autograph in a high school yearbook. How many other men have signed that yearbook? Who are they? What relationship did they have with this girl? Did any girls sign that yearbook? Isn't this evidence of a lesbian relationship if girls signed?

It's garbage. That's all it is.
Good job

Throw away the women's vote republicans

Music to our ears

Ummmm ... you said that last year. :laugh:
And why do you think that is?

Her daughter also fights for women to be treated justly.

Most attys specialize.

Sent from my iPhone using

How many innocent lives has that shyster ambulance chaser Gloria Alred ruined? The immoral bitch should be fed to an alligator.

You tell me.

Let's see one example of an "innocent person" whose life was ruined by Gloria Allred.

Show us one she helped.

All of the clients that she's helped in her career.

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

There's all the information, knock yourself out.


Wow, she really made a career of nonsensical shit.

The fact that you believe that her career is "nonsensical shit" is why you guys are having such a hard time wrapping your head around what's going on right now.

You just don't get it.
Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS

What is "made up" or "Fake" about this?

Here's what we know to be true:

1. Moore pursued high school girls as an adult.
2. Moore "dated" high school girls as an adult.
3. Moore did "kissing and hugging" with high school girls as an adult.
4. As an adult, Moore creeped at HS football games, and stalked a high school-age waitress.

Here's the accusation:

1. Moore sexually assaulted one (or more) of these high school girls he was pursuing, dating, kissing, hugging, creeping, and/or stalking.

So you are contending that Moore was, what, a perfect Southern Christian gentleman with these girls? Only, you can't say that because he already admitted to "kissing and hugging" them. So....

This is a fake, the old ladies are now well paid to be outraged. Roy Moore is going to be elected senator. He is for traditional marriage. He supports the Ten Commandments. He is driving the democrats crazy.

How do you think Gloria Allred will be treated when she goes to Alabama to plead her fake client's case? Her evidence is an autograph in a high school yearbook. How many other men have signed that yearbook? Who are they? What relationship did they have with this girl? Did any girls sign that yearbook? Isn't this evidence of a lesbian relationship if girls signed?

It's garbage. That's all it is.
Good job

Throw away the women's vote republicans

Music to our ears

Ummmm ... you said that last year. :laugh:
Silly you. You thought trump barely crawled across the finish line from white men

Nope, it was white women ~ Moore's victims ~ and the new face of the GOP
Basic Human Vomit: The regressive left thrives on lies.
As he ignores the 2000 documented lies from the Liar in Chief.

Anyone who sticks with a sexual predator over many women’s stories of sexual assault when they were teenagers has an ugly agenda or just plain hates women.
The South is great..if you're a 50+ white man...who has a penchant for Junior HS girls..and likes to spout the 'N' word a lot.

The defenders of the child molester are engaging in the same old, tired logical fallacies.

"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

"Hey, look over here at my red herring!"

How many innocent lives has that shyster ambulance chaser Gloria Alred ruined? The immoral bitch should be fed to an alligator.

You tell me.

Let's see one example of an "innocent person" whose life was ruined by Gloria Allred.

Show us one she helped.

All of the clients that she's helped in her career.

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

There's all the information, knock yourself out.


Wow, she really made a career of nonsensical shit.

The fact that you believe that her career is "nonsensical shit" is why you guys are having such a hard time wrapping your head around what's going on right now.

You just don't get it.

Au contraire, I know precisely what's going on. It's happened before.
You tell me.

Let's see one example of an "innocent person" whose life was ruined by Gloria Allred.

Show us one she helped.

All of the clients that she's helped in her career.

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

There's all the information, knock yourself out.


Wow, she really made a career of nonsensical shit.

The fact that you believe that her career is "nonsensical shit" is why you guys are having such a hard time wrapping your head around what's going on right now.

You just don't get it.

Au contraire, I know precisely what's going on. It's happened before.


Let me guess - you're going to reference the Satanic Ritual Abuse moral panic.

I'm beginning to believe this is the new Communists/Progressive strategy.....

Fake News, Fake Polls, Fake Crocodile tears by Obama etc, now Fake accusations..

Actually it is the old Communist-new Russia strategy- convince the gullible Americans- the contards- that all of the actual news is fake- to not believe anything reported in the news.

But rely upon 'alt-news' sources- that the Russians can easily infiltrate and believe anything that Emperor Trump tweets.

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