New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.

3 women have come forward with allegations of what would have been illegal then- and yes- their testimony is evidence.

But would it matter to you if what they say is true? Or would you be fine voting for him knowing that he did molest a 14 year old?

Only two have made an accusation of misconduct. Go and read the WP article again.

This is the third one who has made an accusation of misconduct- one woman accused him of buying liquor for her when she was underage.

See I actually read the WP should too
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.

Yeah I kinda feel that way also.

But that being said- seeing how the women who have come forward have been attacked, going to someone like Gloria Alred probably makes sense.

We will have to see what else comes out. I did expect that after the 4 women came forward we would likely hear from others.

What makes this one less believable to me is that there was implied force there- which was not part of the other women's stories. That doesn't mean its not true- it just doesn't seem to quite match up with the others.

Oh, it could very well be true, just as all of these accusations could very well be false. I was thinking the same thing when she claimed that there was force involved. If the other accusations are true then it certainly doesn't match his M.O.

As far as going to Gloria Alred to avoid attacks, if that's why then she's doing it all wrong. Going to Alred is the way to be attacked. Get some unknown lawyer who isn't known for jumping in front of the marching band.

Again, it could all be true, but this accusation reeks of bullshit.

Alred is famous- and easy to find- some local podunk attorney doesn't have the resources she has. I can see why someone would go to her- though I wouldn't.
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
going back a ways there, aren't you, drug addled loon?

Isn't all this about Moore 'going back a ways', steno?

really? is ted kennedy running for office?
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
5 women now. And no denial from Moore about dating highschoolers while in his 30's.

Fuck you> Original story had two women who dated him and said nothing happened beyond hugging and kissing. One woman in the WP story said her mother didn't allow her to date him.

Only Marjorie aka Leigh made the accusations.

Just this morning there was an article with headlines about another woman who said she refused to lie and make a charge against Moore. Damn Liberal pukes are desperate to get another commie into the Senate.
What's the latest on Weinstein raping women, the BFF of the Obama's and Clintons?
Who's supporting THAT creep? He lost his job and will be want to make Moore a Senator.

First we have to determine how many women he abused, what's it up to over 30 now? And how many holier than thou liberals knew it was going on and did nothing. Its been hilarious watching the liberal's Hollywood base implode.
What's the latest on Weinstein raping women, the BFF of the Obama's and Clintons?

who is defending, Weinstein, moron?

no one....

now go defend the sexual predator again.
you defend bill clinton. rest my case.

A POTUS abuses an intern, in the work place, then lies about it and tries to destroy the young woman's reputation, only comes clean when DNA evidence of his lies surface, and still the left defend this pig.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
5 women now. And no denial from Moore about dating highschoolers while in his 30's.

Fuck you> Original story had two women who dated him and said nothing happened beyond hugging and kissing. One woman in the WP story said her mother didn't allow her to date him.

Only Marjorie aka Leigh made the accusations.

Just this morning there was an article with headlines about another woman who said she refused to lie and make a charge against Moore. Damn Liberal pukes are desperate to get another commie into the Senate.
What far right fake news blog did you see that article on?
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
5 women now. And no denial from Moore about dating highschoolers while in his 30's.

Fuck you> Original story had two women who dated him and said nothing happened beyond hugging and kissing. One woman in the WP story said her mother didn't allow her to date him.

Only Marjorie aka Leigh made the accusations.

Just this morning there was an article with headlines about another woman who said she refused to lie and make a charge against Moore. Damn Liberal pukes are desperate to get another commie into the Senate.
You got a link?
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures
Are you claiming we voted for a Bubba?
When I was stationed in the Deep South, I rarely met any women who had not had sex with a much older man when they were underaged.

It's the culture down there. Older men preying on kids. Creepy as shit.

Quite a few women had had sex with preachers when they were teens.

You don't meet a lot of women in the South who weren't pregnant before the age of 18.

Two kids before 18 is about par for the course.

The South is stuck in the Neanderthal stage.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.

3 women have come forward with allegations of what would have been illegal then- and yes- their testimony is evidence.

But would it matter to you if what they say is true? Or would you be fine voting for him knowing that he did molest a 14 year old?

Gloria Allred. Eminently predictable. Even if it’s all true, no one will ever believe it now. I will shit myself laughing if Roy Moore wins.
When I was stationed in the Deep South, I rarely met any women who had not had sex with an older man when they were underaged.

It's the culture down there. Creepy as shit.

Quite a few women had had sex with preachers when they were teens.

You don't meet a lot of women in the South who weren't pregnant before the age of 18.

Two kids before 18 is about par for the course.

The South is stuck in the Neanderthal stage.

Was that during one of your top secret undercover KKK missions? Or were you jus there for the girls?
What's the latest on Weinstein raping women, the BFF of the Obama's and Clintons?

who is defending, Weinstein, moron?

no one....

now go defend the sexual predator again.
you defend bill clinton. rest my case.

A POTUS abuses an intern, in the work place, then lies about it and tries to destroy the young woman's reputation, only comes clean when DNA evidence of his lies surface, and still the left defend this pig.
Perhaps both should be shown the door. Wait, that's not what you meant. LOL

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