New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.

3 women have come forward with allegations of what would have been illegal then- and yes- their testimony is evidence.

But would it matter to you if what they say is true? Or would you be fine voting for him knowing that he did molest a 14 year old?

Only two have made an accusation of misconduct. Go and read the WP article again.
These women have nothing to gain coming forward and everything to lose. They’ve been attacked and death threats towards them by Trump supporters.
The new one was smart to hire an attorney and the best in the business.

Bring this pervert to his knees.
For idiots like Tiny Dick, he still doesn’t understand the climate has changed in this country with women now feeling emboldened to tell the truth.

Let every woman who’s ever been assaulted come forward and speak up.
Maybe DEPLORABLES are afraid of this new climate of the things THEY’VE done in their lives.
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The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
going back a ways there, aren't you, drug addled loon?
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.
Yeah, they used to say the same thing about CNN....

...before they started using white supremacist web sites as legit news, started retracting fake news stories, firing fake news reporters, and admitting live on air how they have 'done all we can do to help Hillary win, to include not report on her scandals'. :p

I look forward to the evidence she presents. If the allegations are true, Moore definitely needs to go.
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.
Allred took down Bob Packwood.

So what's your problem with her? She too good at her job?
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
Twice as many as you said there was last week. Your hero is a creep.

No hero. Has been known as a good man. No evidence has been presented as to his guilt. And I believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Pizzagate and Seth Rich: You didn't request evidence for those.
Hell they still believe in Pizzagate.

Hell they still believe Hillary killed Vince Foster!
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures
all I can say is clinton and your argument is flushed to shit.
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
going back a ways there, aren't you, drug addled loon?

Isn't all this about Moore 'going back a ways', steno?
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.

Yeah I kinda feel that way also.

But that being said- seeing how the women who have come forward have been attacked, going to someone like Gloria Alred probably makes sense.

We will have to see what else comes out. I did expect that after the 4 women came forward we would likely hear from others.

What makes this one less believable to me is that there was implied force there- which was not part of the other women's stories. That doesn't mean its not true- it just doesn't seem to quite match up with the others.

Oh, it could very well be true, just as all of these accusations could very well be false. I was thinking the same thing when she claimed that there was force involved. If the other accusations are true then it certainly doesn't match his M.O.

As far as going to Gloria Alred to avoid attacks, if that's why then she's doing it all wrong. Going to Alred is the way to be attacked. Get some unknown lawyer who isn't known for jumping in front of the marching band.

Again, it could all be true, but this accusation reeks of bullshit.

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