New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

Even if this accusation is true he did sign her yearbook. He didn't have to do that for her, but he did.

He left a paper trail.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I KNEW you'd say that as soon as someone showed you the evidence you requested. How did I know? Because you always ignore facts that contradict your beliefs.
well I have no idea what that photo is. I don't even know if that is a high school yearbook? I don't know that is his signature. maybe it is another roy moore. is there only one? too funny.
Gloria Alred is summoned from the Netherworld. :FIREdevil:

The standard Democrat character assassination plan is in full swing.

So do you think Moore didn't date any of these girls...or that he did, but didn't do anything sexual with them...or that he did sexual things with them but it's all OK because it happened 40 years ago?
I have no idea, and neither do you and neither does the Washington Post because it ALLEGEDLY happened 40 years ago and no complaint was filed, no official record, no nothing. This is same dog and pony show the Democrats trot out every election complete with that hideous witch Gloria Alred. Open your eyes and you will see.
or it is all fake. yep that's the ticket. no evidence.

it's not all just admitted that Moore admits he "touched and kissed" some of these high school girls.

So what part is fake? The part where Moore admits to pursuing these girls, or the parts where Moore admits he "touched and kissed" them?
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference
This is horrible. Moore is said to have tried to make her suck his dick forcefully.
LOL! You people are sick useless pieces of meat.
Even if this accusation is true he did sign her yearbook. He didn't have to do that for her, but he did.

He left a paper trail.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I cant help that you are not smart or you cant see. We have his signature and he is free to sue her for libel. He wont though because she would then be able to sue him and win.
He left a paper trail.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I KNEW you'd say that as soon as someone showed you the evidence you requested. How did I know? Because you always ignore facts that contradict your beliefs.
well I have no idea what that photo is. I don't even know if that is a high school yearbook? I don't know that is his signature. maybe it is another roy moore. is there only one? too funny.
How many Roy Moores that flirted with her in the same restaraunt would sign their name and add "DA" at the end?
Even if this accusation is true he did sign her yearbook. He didn't have to do that for her, but he did.

He left a paper trail.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I cant help that you are not smart or you cant see. We have his signature and he is free to sue her for libel. He wont though because she would then be able to sue him and win.
we will see. I don't care what he does or doesn't do. I'm merely pointing out repeatedly what you don't have. and that is factual evidence of anything.
Apparently the people of Massachusetts liked what he did for them.....but when he ran for President more than once, he was soundly rejected.....

Anymore other people you want to deflect to rather than talk about Child Grabber Moore?
and we're talking senate seat. funny it doesn't bother you.

false equivalency, idiot.
moore isn't going for a senate seat? hmmmm I thought it was and that's what the massachute's folks constantly voted kennedy to office for a senate seat. Shit he even was a high ranking member. ewwww. hypocrite.

keep defending a child molester, pondscum.
I defend no man. I have no skin in the game. I merely asked you for evidence he did anything and you have none. so you are making false accusations at a man you don't even know. you are pond scum and lack any integrity.

Corroborating witnesses. The FIVE named women told people at the time the incidents occurred.
He left a paper trail.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I cant help that you are not smart or you cant see. We have his signature and he is free to sue her for libel. He wont though because she would then be able to sue him and win.
we will see. I don't care what he does or doesn't do. I'm merely pointing out repeatedly what you don't have. and that is factual evidence of anything.
Feel free to point. It wont change the facts you are desperately pretending not to see.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I KNEW you'd say that as soon as someone showed you the evidence you requested. How did I know? Because you always ignore facts that contradict your beliefs.
well I have no idea what that photo is. I don't even know if that is a high school yearbook? I don't know that is his signature. maybe it is another roy moore. is there only one? too funny.
How many Roy Moores that flirted with her in the same restaraunt would sign their name and add "DA" at the end?
well why didn't she use this 38 years ago if something actually happened as you suggest? it must not mean anything.
I have no idea

Actually, you do have an idea, you're just suppressing the idea because you're a hack:

1. Moore has admitted to pursuing high school girls.
2. Moore has admitted to "touching and kissing" high school girls.

So what about this don't you know? We have witness and victim accounts about his pattern of creeping, stalking, and then pursuing these girls.

When it comes to the accusation of assault, it's his word vs. theirs. But the damage is already done...Moore's already been exposed as a creeping perv, assault or no assault. So why would anyone believe Roy Moore didn't assault high school girls when he has a long pattern of perving and creeping on them?

because it ALLEGEDLY happened 40 years ago and no complaint was filed, no official record, no nothing. This is same dog and pony show the Democrats trot out every election complete with that hideous witch Gloria Alred. Open your eyes and you will see.

What does "no official record" entail? Because it seems to me that is a false standard you just invented on the spot. And also, the allegations that Roy Moore was perving on high school girls isn't false. He was. It seems to me that you've admitted he was a perv, but you don't think he was a perv who sexually assaulted those he was perving. Is that what you think? That he was just a 30 year old perv but never assault anyone? Goinna be hard to have that position since he admitted to "kissing and hugging" them. I would consider an adult romantically kissing and hugging a high schooler assault. But that's just me...I have morals, and you don't.
well first let's see the signatures.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I cant help that you are not smart or you cant see. We have his signature and he is free to sue her for libel. He wont though because she would then be able to sue him and win.
we will see. I don't care what he does or doesn't do. I'm merely pointing out repeatedly what you don't have. and that is factual evidence of anything.
Feel free to point. It wont change the facts you are desperately pretending not to see.
there are no facts and I will keep pointing that out to you all.
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.
  1. Ad hominem -- Alred's participation has nothing to do with the veracity of the woman's claim. As an attorney, Moore knows damn well that the guilt-by-association line of refutative argument he's providing would never stand in courtroom, yet he hasn't the integrity or, apparently, probative content that soundly refutes the claim.
  2. Unlike the others, Ms. Nelson is one whom Roy cannot parlay the benefit of the doubt and exploit the passing of the statute of limitations into a jurisprudentially untestable assertion that he'd never met her.


  3. If the earlier accusations are convincing to one, this latest one should be all the more so. The woman's accusations are no less compelling in terms of detail and it's incontrovertibly clear that Roy had met her, which, AFAIK, isn't the case with the others.
and we're talking senate seat. funny it doesn't bother you.

false equivalency, idiot.
moore isn't going for a senate seat? hmmmm I thought it was and that's what the massachute's folks constantly voted kennedy to office for a senate seat. Shit he even was a high ranking member. ewwww. hypocrite.

keep defending a child molester, pondscum.
I defend no man. I have no skin in the game. I merely asked you for evidence he did anything and you have none. so you are making false accusations at a man you don't even know. you are pond scum and lack any integrity.

Corroborating witnesses. The FIVE named women told people at the time the incidents occurred.
where are those people? those are who actually corroborate them.
I already posted his signature.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I KNEW you'd say that as soon as someone showed you the evidence you requested. How did I know? Because you always ignore facts that contradict your beliefs.
well I have no idea what that photo is. I don't even know if that is a high school yearbook? I don't know that is his signature. maybe it is another roy moore. is there only one? too funny.
How many Roy Moores that flirted with her in the same restaraunt would sign their name and add "DA" at the end?
well why didn't she use this 38 years ago if something actually happened as you suggest? it must not mean anything.
Why didnt the boys raped by priests not do something until 40 years later? The reasons are various and I am not a mind reader. The reasons really dont matter. What matters is that Moore the pedophile and attempted rapist has been exposed.
I believe the previous accusers, but any time Gloria Allred is involved it destroys your credibility. I call bullshit on this newest accusation.
  1. Ad hominem -- Alred's participation has nothing to do with the veracity of the woman's claim. As an attorney, Moore knows damn well that the guilt-by-association line of refutative argument he's providing would never stand in courtroom, yet he hasn't the integrity or, apparently, probative content that soundly refutes the claim.
  2. Unlike the others, Ms. Nelson is one whom Roy cannot parlay the benefit of the doubt and exploit the passing of the statute of limitations into a jurisprudentially untestable assertion that he'd never met her.


  3. If the earlier accusations are convincing to one, this latest one should be all the more so. The woman's accusations are no less compelling in terms of detail and it's incontrovertibly clear that Roy had met her, which, AFAIK, isn't the case with the others.
you have no fking idea what that is.
Gloria is desperate to divert attention away from her daughter Lisa Bloom's support of Harvey Weinstein's horrible abuse of women.
of something I don't have any idea what it is. and you don't have a copy of his signature to match. maybe she just signed it to make a point. i have no fking clue what it is you posted. fk, she could have just done it today. let's examine the ink.
I KNEW you'd say that as soon as someone showed you the evidence you requested. How did I know? Because you always ignore facts that contradict your beliefs.
well I have no idea what that photo is. I don't even know if that is a high school yearbook? I don't know that is his signature. maybe it is another roy moore. is there only one? too funny.
How many Roy Moores that flirted with her in the same restaraunt would sign their name and add "DA" at the end?
well why didn't she use this 38 years ago if something actually happened as you suggest? it must not mean anything.
Why didnt the boys raped by priests not do something until 40 years later? The reasons are various and I am not a mind reader. The reasons really dont matter. What matters is that Moore the pedophile and attempted rapist has been exposed.
I have no idea, it has always baffled me. I was an alter boy, never happened in our churches.

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