New acid test for RNC emplyees.

"Leftists" don't proudly walk around with the stink of orange baby Huey's ass on their face like the MAGA herd does.

And you wonder why sane people avoid you?
What on earth and even Hell would your type do if there
never was a Donald John Trump.
Proilly invent one.
That is Irrational in the extreme.
Even Humpty Dumpty would never resort to that mindset.
Ah, thanx, Blues Legend.
You are MAGA. MAGA is you.
You are QAnon, too.
You make a good rep for them, a faithful spokesman.
True to the brand.
So believe it when someone says "By thy words we shall know ye."
True that.

You are fun.
And useful.
For posters like me. ;)
please ----don't get banned just yet.
What are you blabbering about? Yank the Dem Kool-Aid IV out of your arm.
I actually just did. But you ought to be able to fathom it all by yourself, crepe.
No, you didn't. You made an unsubstantiated accusation.

Either show us how this thread violates the rules nor STFU about it.

I'm so fucking sick of you idiots who think your opinion is a fact.

" Definately " says Waterfront enforcer { Truck } standing next to
Tillio outside Johnny Friendly's meeting place { watering hole }.
In - On the Waterfront - { 1954 | one of cinema's most
powerful movies.

Kinda like the way the Waterfront was run.Not on the
up and up.Like the Election of 2020?
Is there a chance you could just speak english for a change?
Apparently inthe tRump owned RNC you must answer one question before you can be hired:

"was the 2020 election stolen"

And I think you know what the answer has to be if you want the job.

Silly tripe from an internet tabloid.
If you apply for any job and your potential employer asks you if you agree with their company's policies and product, and you say, no, you won't get hired.
It's about loyalty.
If I was interviewing people that wanted to represent the Republican Political Party, I would strap them to a polygraph machine and ask them some of the following questions:
1. Are you a Marxist or Socialist? If they answer yes, toss them out the door.
2. Do you support the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, as is? If they answer no, toss them out the door.
3. Do you believe in having national borders with strong border control and merit based entry? If they answer no, toss them out the door.
4. Are you a strong supporter of the Republican Party? If they say yes, but the Polygraph indicated deceit, toss them out. (You want to eliminate the RINO's)
Lame excuse.
No, you didn't. You made an unsubstantiated accusation.

Either show us how this thread violates the rules nor STFU about it.

I'm so fucking sick of you idiots who think your opinion is a fact.

View attachment 923921
Wrong again, Crepe. Just before the post of mine you just quoted, I had posted the answer.

Plus, nobody gives a damn what you are sick of. Read and educate yourself or practice what you preach and just stfu.

Meanwhile, your op is not by the rules even if no mod these days would bother to enforce their rules when it comes to some of their favorite pet posters.
No’am. As long as dolts like you dislike it, I’ll keep talking and telling the truth; and the truth is your OP does violate the Board’s own “clean start” rule so this thread should be in the badlands.

But don’t fret. It won’t happen.
There's nothing that will change their minds on anything. It's all fake news to them.

They're told voting stopped, and that's it. They don't want to know anything else.
Yeah I didn't know that was what oddball was about, and I had to leave, but since I posted to him, I won't let his lie pass
Is there a chance you could just speak english for a change?
No one to the best of my knowledge SPEAKS on a Message
board.Er ... fur dat matter a social Media platform like
old Twitter.
Was Loosey Goosey gone loco Kathy Griffin speaking
when she posted her Uber vile decapitated head of Potus
Donald Trump.

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