New acid test for RNC emplyees.

From the link in the opening post by crepe:

“Those seeking employment at the Republican National Committee after a Trump-backed purge of the committee this month have been asked in job interviews if they believe the 2020 election was stolen, making the false claim a litmus test of sorts for hiring,” the Washington Post reports.
Crepe then proceeded to refer to the former President as “tRump.”

I’d be curious how this passes a sniff test.

A blog reporting a question which the blogger then labels a “litmus test of sorts.”

False. Asking such a question doesn’t demand that it be a litmus test.

And referring to President Trump as “tRump” does not foster actual debate or discussion. Gee. I wonder what the “clean start rule actually demands (when it is used occasionally as a demand)?

If only we could see it.

Apparently inthe tRump owned RNC you must answer one question before you can be hired:

"was the 2020 election stolen"

And I think you know what the answer has to be if you want the job.

" Definately " says Waterfront enforcer { Truck } standing next to
Tillio outside Johnny Friendly's meeting place { watering hole }.
In - On the Waterfront - { 1954 | one of cinema's most
powerful movies.

Kinda like the way the Waterfront was run.Not on the
up and up.Like the Election of 2020?
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I actually just did. But you ought to be able to fathom it all by yourself, crepe.
Like trying to explain to Johnny Friendly what service he provides
the Waterfront dock workers.
Where Father Barry { Karl Malden } sums it up best.
" Some people think the crucifixion only took place on
Calvary.Well,they better wise up! "
IOW, to work for the RNC in the era of Trump, you have to already be a member of his delusional cult. Membership in the cult is what just got Ronna McDaniel kicked off the list of NBC's paid contributors. See the difference?
Then why did they hire her in the first place?
Apparently inthe tRump owned RNC you must answer one question before you can be hired:

"was the 2020 election stolen"

And I think you know what the answer has to be if you want the job.

Hello, lol. Just so you can fix it, it is EMPLOYEES.

Hey, I hear BHO is on the train with Biden. Now you got it in the bag; don't ya! Bill (the big C) is helping too. (what you put after the C is up to you!)

You do realize, people across America voters are getting wise, lol. I have a feeling, election day is going to make you very sad. Not because Trump is going to win, but because you are going to realize that no matter who/whom wins, you are screwed, lol. At least if our guy wins, we aren't-)
Then why did they hire her in the first place?
For 2 rational reasons.They { leftists at Comcast } are
squirrelly sadist.They actually enjoy picking fights and
being control freaks.They merely proved how the degree
of cold-heartedness runs in their veins.They never planned to
give a Noteworthy Republican a chance.It was done for optics.
To showcase how committed they are in Destroying every vestige
of Republicanism out there.
Trump was leading when America went to bed on election night. Ballots for Biden mysteriously appeared out of nowhere and gave Biden the lead. What are we supposed to think?
You MAGA herders should avoid trying to think. You might hurt yourselves.
You MAGA herders should avoid trying to think. You might hurt yourselves.
One could argue that Leftists only think when it's time to
wipe their ass after a good dump.But not always.
Because sometimes they forget and use the same hand to
pick their nose throughout the morning.
One could argue that Leftists only think when it's time to
wipe their ass after a good dump.But not always.
Because sometimes they forget and use the same hand to
pick their nose throughout the morning.
"Leftists" don't proudly walk around with the stink of orange baby Huey's ass on their face like the MAGA herd does.

And you wonder why sane people avoid you?
Apparently inthe tRump owned RNC you must answer one question before you can be hired:

"was the 2020 election stolen"

And I think you know what the answer has to be if you want the job.

If you apply for any job and your potential employer asks you if you agree with their company's policies and product, and you say, no, you won't get hired.
It's about loyalty.
If I was interviewing people that wanted to represent the Republican Political Party, I would strap them to a polygraph machine and ask them some of the following questions:
1. Are you a Marxist or Socialist? If they answer yes, toss them out the door.
2. Do you support the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, as is? If they answer no, toss them out the door.
3. Do you believe in having national borders with strong border control and merit based entry? If they answer no, toss them out the door.
4. Are you a strong supporter of the Republican Party? If they say yes, but the Polygraph indicated deceit, toss them out. (You want to eliminate the RINO's)
"Democrats are the #1 enemy of the American people...... Those filth need to be defeated then punished!
Ah, thanx, Blues Legend.
You are MAGA. MAGA is you.
You are QAnon, too.
You make a good rep for them, a faithful spokesman.
True to the brand.
So believe it when someone says "By thy words we shall know ye."
True that.

You are fun.
And useful.
For posters like me. ;)
please ----don't get banned just yet.
I like your suggestion that "fact" or "facts"...... can be useful discussion feature here. Persuade minds.
It is encouraging. Hopeful.
However, for me (and you may have a different experience) but for me.....I've found that those articulate posters who respond with "fucking asshole", or "GFY", or "Eat-a-bag-of-dicks;....well, there seems to be an imperviousness to mere 'facts'.
But I like your optimism.
I agree....Things can get heated at times, and people lash out....Like I said not always proud of those kinds of arguments when I have used them...Some people are real scum and come in here with the intent of blowing up a thread with taunting that brings that out. We all should be bigger men, and follow our better angles. And I am glad to see this kind of post, way better than previous.

Ah, I don' wanna delve too deeply into my brightness, in either degree, or lack-thereof.
Rather, maybe you could go back to your dream of the relevance of "facts" to some of the more colorful posters here.

Good luck.
that would be fine.

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