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New Alabama senator struggles with basic WWII history and says US fought ‘socialism and communism’


You are by the way extremely impertinent. And when I see how absurde you think ("4th empire") , then you should very fast - best a day before yesterday - think about what the narcissist Hitler did, when he tried to "make Germany great again", propagated "Germany first" and tried to become the most famous German the world ever had seen.
There is nothing wrong with being great

That's right. But it is nearly everything wrong with the will to be great.

germany has done pretty well since WWII thank to not trying to goose step to military dominance

where the national psyche is today is anyone’s guess

but deutschland seems to be drifting in the wrong direction as usual

Asshole, aggressive one, don't forget to take all of your soldiers with you, when you will leave the country, which you never will be able to understand. For sure the relations between the USA and Germany never again will be the same as it was before G.W. Bush started the war in the Iraq with the totally wrong idea to have any right to to do a so called "preemptive strike". By the way: Is the concentration camp Guantanamo Bay still open? Do you still torture - or let torture - prisoners or pows all over the planet?

Große Dinge

und i kann me no erinnern, es war zeitlich in da fruah
wia da mond no blaß am himmel g’standen is
i bin leise aus da tür g’schlupft, i woa no a klana bua
große dinge wollt i tuan
des war ma g’wiß

i bin umme über d’wiesen hundert meter bis zum wald
mit’n pfeil und bogen in da klanan haund
und im dünnen morg’nnebel war die sun‘ scho unterwegs
und hat spinnenwebenfeine fäden g’spannt
über’s land

ned weit weg auf ana lichtung hob i mir a hütt’n baut
aus’n reisig, des dort g’legen is am grund
hab mi g’fühlt als indianer und hab durch die äste g’schaut
a paar heidelbeeren eineg’steckt in mund

i woa frei und ungebunden, kana hat zu mir was g’sagt
nua a kuckuck von da weit’n woa zum hör’n
und so is da tag vergangen
bis zur abenddämm’rung hin
i hab g’spürt, die ganze gegend hot mi gern
sogar die stern

große dinge zu vollbringen woa mei allergrößter wunsch
große dinge, an die klane buama glaub’n
böse drachen zu bezwingen
a prinzessin zu befrei’n
und dem buam vom nachbarn ane owehaun
na der tät‘ schaun

große dinge zu vollbringen woa mei allergrößter wunsch
große dinge, an die klane buama glaub’n
blöde lehrer niedersingen
und mei freindin zu befrei’n
und der Frau vom Kaiser unterm Kittel schaun
i tät ma's traun

und i kann mi no erinnern, wia’s dann abend word’n is
bin i ham, da hat die omama scho g’woat
die hat ‚keppelt: „bist du dreckig, wia du ausschaust meiner söh“
aber dann hat’s mit’n kaiserschmarr’n ned g’spart

große dinge zu vollbringen woa mei allergrößter wunsch
große dinge, an die klane buama glaub’n
mittlerweun hod si des alles sozusog’n relativiert
nur den kaiserschmarr’n, den tät‘ i gern no haum
der woa ein traum …

Georg Danzer
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Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

No dumbass, he is wrong

“I tell people, my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of Socialism,”

Socialism was not the issue in WWII, if it was Communist Russia would have been fighting the allies instead of being one.

Read up.

There were two major alliances during World War II: the Axis and the Allies. The three principal partners in the Axis alliance were Germany, Italy, and Japan. ... The Allied Powers were led by Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

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Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?

Thinking that the 3 branches of the government are the House, the Senate, and the Executive branches is not a whopper. It is ignorance of the basics of our gov't. And especially when the Judicial branch has been in the news so much.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?

Thinking that the 3 branches of the government are the House, the Senate, and the Executive branches is not a whopper. It is ignorance of the basics of our gov't. And especially when the Judicial branch has been in the news so much.

Did you ever think he had a brain fart? Obama's 57 states and Biden still running for the Senate come to mind.

You are just pissed an Alabama coach has never been popular enough to win an election even as dogcatcher.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?

Thinking that the 3 branches of the government are the House, the Senate, and the Executive branches is not a whopper. It is ignorance of the basics of our gov't. And especially when the Judicial branch has been in the news so much.

Did you ever think he had a brain fart? Obama's 57 states and Biden still running for the Senate come to mind.

You are just pissed an Alabama coach has never been popular enough to win an election even as dogcatcher.


You think this is about a football rivalry?

He doesn't know the 3 branches of the gov't. He thinks we fought against socialism in WWII?
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

They were. Nazi means, national socialists.

Lets look at defining factors involved in "fascism".

One common definition of the term, frequently cited by reliable sources as a standard definition, is that of historian Stanley G. Payne. He focuses on three concepts:

  1. the "fascist negations": anti-liberalism, anti-communism, and anti-conservatism;
  2. "fascist goals": the creation of a nationalist dictatorship to regulate economic structure and to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture, and the expansion of the nation into an empire; and
  3. "fascist style": a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth, and charismatic authoritarian leadership
Anti-liberalism. Liberal in the traditional meaning, which is freedom of the individual, such as religious, economic and social freedom.

Fascism and Socialism, Communism have that in common.

Creating a dictatorship, regulating the economic structure, and transforming social relations, and into an empire.

Fascism and Socialism, Communism have that in common as well.

Romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, charismatic authoritarian leadership....

Fascism and Socialism, Communism have that in common too.

Only Capitalism and Anarchy, have goals somewhat in common. Under a capitalist republic, people are free to do with their own property as they see fit. Only under Capitalist limited government, are people free to engage in social relations and religion as they desire. Under limited government, you believe it is your duty to succeed or fail in life, and not up to some leader somewhere to fix all your problems.

Capitalism is a right-wing, limited government ideology.

Fascism, and Socialism and Communism, are all on the same ideological spectrum, of being a government dominates all philosophy.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?

Thinking that the 3 branches of the government are the House, the Senate, and the Executive branches is not a whopper. It is ignorance of the basics of our gov't. And especially when the Judicial branch has been in the news so much.

Did you ever think he had a brain fart? Obama's 57 states and Biden still running for the Senate come to mind.

You are just pissed an Alabama coach has never been popular enough to win an election even as dogcatcher.

But if you want to talk popularity of coaches, no coach Auburn ever had comes close to Bear Bryant or Nick Saban. The didn't go into politics because they weren't fired from coaching.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?

Thinking that the 3 branches of the government are the House, the Senate, and the Executive branches is not a whopper. It is ignorance of the basics of our gov't. And especially when the Judicial branch has been in the news so much.

Did you ever think he had a brain fart? Obama's 57 states and Biden still running for the Senate come to mind.

You are just pissed an Alabama coach has never been popular enough to win an election even as dogcatcher.

But if you want to talk popularity of coaches, no coach Auburn ever had comes close to Bear Bryant or Nick Saban. The didn't go into politics because they weren't fired from coaching.
Shug Jordan might take issue with that.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

The Nazis were not big time socialists, they were under a quasi dictatorship of fascism
And the name of hitler’s creation, Volkswagen, translates to what?
Forrest Gump Alabama GIFs | Tenor
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

Would you like me to post some of Doug Jones' whoppers? I don't think you do.

Tuberville is not a politician. He has never held elected office. I guess you prefer 47 year veterans who accomplished nothing in all of that time?
Biden got elected for 47 years. That was his goal and he accomplished it.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

He's just uneducated and repeating a lie because the Nazis were anything but socialists, regardless of the name of the Nazis. The USA fought a war against extreme far right, fascist, nationalists,

National socialists were socialists.

Absolutely insane accusation. Their policies were socialist, their members were socialist and they describe themselves (Hitler included) as socialist.

Another Palin when it comes to history, these ideologically retarded right wingers distort and don't know history


The Nazis were right wing terrorists - not left wing terrorists. The reason, why in February 1920 Hitler and his gang chose this name is just simple that they combined national (right wing) and socialism (left wing) in one word. "National" as well as "Socialistic" sounded by the way not extreme in the ears of the Germans of this time of history. To be German was not a negative thing and to be social and to care for each other was not a negative thing.

And I think today is everyone an idiot, who tries to use words from Hitler - or the opposite of this words - to find out what's true or not true.
The OP is just trying to deflect from the obvious comparisons of the nazi party’s social agendas to today’s democrat party.
Arrogant liberal ignorance on display again. Tuberville happens to be right. The Nazis were big-time socialists. And toward the end of the war, Truman tried to limit Soviet territorial grabs.

And if Tuberville had been speaking about WWII, he might have been right. But he specifically said WWI.

He also said that the 3 branches of the federal gov't are the House, the Senate and the Executive. I guess he slept through civics the day they cover the Judicial Branch.

No he was wrong, the Nazis were entire fascists not socialists

That is why I put the "might" in there. Going by the name, he could be forgiven for thinking the NAZIs were socialists.

He's just uneducated and repeating a lie because the Nazis were anything but socialists, regardless of the name of the Nazis. The USA fought a war against extreme far right, fascist, nationalists,

National socialists were socialists.

Absolutely insane accusation. Their policies were socialist, their members were socialist and they describe themselves (Hitler included) as socialist.

What's totally wrong.

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