New America: Its racist to simply try to stop a black male from committing a crime


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Welcome to the new America folks.

FACT: Fair or not...when a cop tries to stop a criminal act by a black male...hes considered racist.
FACT: By that logic...when any non-black tries to intervene with a black male criminal physically doing so or by calling 911...then that person too MUST be considered just as racist since their intent is the same end result of the racist cop. No logical or philisophical analysis can separate the two acts.

THEORY: The new reality is that society must either tolerate black crime...which FAR out paces any other labeled racist. Whether you are the cop...the good Samaritan. ..or the person dialing 911. Recognizing and reacting to a black male committing crime is now racist.

Good luck America. The media and the digital lynch mob of hipsters with an iphone and youtube page brought this reality.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.

Just stop

75% of blacks aren't criminals and are simply living their lives like everyone else.

Thats not to say that 25% isn't way too high a percentage of wrong doers, but that isn't ALL OF THEM, nor is it reason for separation.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.

Just stop

75% of blacks aren't criminals and are simply living their lives like everyone else.

Thats not to say that 25% isn't way too high a percentage of wrong doers, but that isn't ALL OF THEM, nor is it reason for separation.

What do you we do to convince them to think and work with us? Without the law and respect for society, what future do we have together?
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.

Just stop

75% of blacks aren't criminals and are simply living their lives like everyone else.

Thats not to say that 25% isn't way too high a percentage of wrong doers, but that isn't ALL OF THEM, nor is it reason for separation.

What do you we do to convince them to think and work with us? Without the law and respect for society, what future do we have together?

Hey if you want to separate the 25% I'm all for it, while were at it, let's separate out the 15% or whatever of whites who are scum.
Did you see the protester trying to stop other protesters from breaking windows and looting? He was beaten with a hammer.

Hammers are the new weapon of choice for black criminals who can't get a gun.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.

Just stop

75% of blacks aren't criminals and are simply living their lives like everyone else.

Thats not to say that 25% isn't way too high a percentage of wrong doers, but that isn't ALL OF THEM, nor is it reason for separation.

What do you we do to convince them to think and work with us? Without the law and respect for society, what future do we have together?
Stop being racists would be a great start.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.

Just stop

75% of blacks aren't criminals and are simply living their lives like everyone else.

Thats not to say that 25% isn't way too high a percentage of wrong doers, but that isn't ALL OF THEM, nor is it reason for separation.

95% of cops are good too. Doesnt stop the masses from smearing them all.
Blacks who like gangsta rap like folks to be afraid of them...which works great I guess if you're a mugger or a burglar. But sooner or later that fear gets a reaction and sometimes an overreaction and gets Jamal Dumbass a bullet in his belfry. No matter what anybody tells you, nobody really wants to be around blacks....even the domesticated ones have that cousin in the corner with a glint in his eye....he'd like to mess you up and rape the white woman with you. White cops are white people in every sense of the word....some blacks like to taunt them, disobey them, try to kick their ass...then BANG BANG BANG and everybody acts surprised? :cuckoo:
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, 93% against other blacks.
Blacks think nothing of looting, stealing and trashing a business. This is why most businesses don't attempt to build within the black community.

It is racist simply because blacks can't stop themselves from doing it. So why not shout down the people telling them to stop??? The conclusion of this story is the need of separation. We can't live with these people as they simply can't be reasoned with.

Just stop

75% of blacks aren't criminals and are simply living their lives like everyone else.

Thats not to say that 25% isn't way too high a percentage of wrong doers, but that isn't ALL OF THEM, nor is it reason for separation.
Ass assuming again.
What do you we do to convince them to think and work with us? Without the law and respect for society, what future do we have together?
Stop being racists would be a great start.
Welcome to the new America folks.

FACT: Fair or not...when a cop tries to stop a criminal act by a black male...hes considered racist.
FACT: By that logic...when any non-black tries to intervene with a black male criminal physically doing so or by calling 911...then that person too MUST be considered just as racist since their intent is the same end result of the racist cop. No logical or philisophical analysis can separate the two acts.

THEORY: The new reality is that society must either tolerate black crime...which FAR out paces any other labeled racist. Whether you are the cop...the good Samaritan. ..or the person dialing 911. Recognizing and reacting to a black male committing crime is now racist.

Good luck America. The media and the digital lynch mob of hipsters with an iphone and youtube page brought this reality.
The numbers of crimes of all categories save one, are overwhelmingly committed by whites.
Peddle your race shit somewhere on storm front...

Your so called "Facts" came directly out your asshole...smh.

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