New Arizona Governor Will Close Mexico-Arizona Border

I don't think she knows how international boarders work...

The Federal Government is in charge of boarder control...

For Republicans that won't be a reason not to nominate her...
The federal government isn't in charge of immigration. It is in charge of naturalization. States are in charge of trespass laws and those are the laws being used to arrest invaders. Trespass on privately owned land, state highways, city and county owned land. They are under state jurisdiction and can voluntarily be deported.
What is a declaration of invasion? Sounds bad. Does that mean they can shoot to kill?
A declaration that Arizona is being invaded by a hostile force. The federal government has abandoned its authority under Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution entitling the state to take independent action.

Any amount of force necessary to repel the invasion.
A declaration that Arizona is being invaded by a hostile force. The federal government has abandoned its authority under Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution entitling the state to take independent action.

Any amount of force necessary to repel the invasion.
Ought to be interesting.
Well, putting guard towers on the border and having them manned with military snipers would make Mexicans thinks twice before crossing the border.

As crazy as that sounds......

Once the agendas and goals have been accomplished, that will actually happen.
The reason being that the course that the USA is on is unsustainable and collapse is imminent. Just look at the GDP and debt.
Add to that tens of millions of illegal immigrants who either need welfare or take jobs from natural born Americans (not squatter pavement patty babies).
Once the system collapses, all the free stuff supporting 190 million will vaporize. This will naturally result in massive food shortages and that will lead to crime and violence on levels approaching war zones.

So eventually, they will need to put up the walls and guns TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM FLEEING THE USA.
Anyone wise enough to actually analyze history and current events could draw this same conclusion.

Morons and imbeciles can't.
That's EXACTLY why her and TX Gov Abbott should do it!

Will Biden send in the troops to keep open the border for Illegals, child trafficking and Fentalyn?
Biden cares about keeping the border open so you can have all the Fentanyl you need to be an addict.
It's a shame it falls on individual states to protect our country because the federal government refuses to do it.

But good for Arizona.

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