New Arizona Governor Will Close Mexico-Arizona Border

Whatever works.

Considering the facts of we've had a pretty porous border for most of our time as the United States and considering the fact that we became the greatest nation to ever inhabit the planet and considering the fact that immigration (both illegal and legal) has been unquestionably a net would say that what we have has worked.

One should also very quickly surmise that a big orange blob point at a people and say "they're rapists" and swear that a wall will somehow make us stronger or "greater" is nobody that should be taken seriously.

Idiocy on your part is a high price to pay because you guys hate brown people.
Fabricate what? The illegal problem is huge. People coming here untested and not vaxed. They take jobs Americans should be doing, costing us a fortune because they don't have medical coverage, and slowing down the learning process for American kids in school, not to mention costing those local communities a lot of money to educate those kids.

They don't need to fabricate anything. The immigration problem is a big one.
The immigration problem is a big one, but it's a humanitarian issue, not a National Security issue.

What's worse is that it's an issue that could be fixed if Republicans were willing to negotiate Comprehensive immigration reform.

But they won't because they want illegal immigration to continue to be their political football.
Considering the facts of we've had a pretty porous border for most of our time as the United States and considering the fact that we became the greatest nation to ever inhabit the planet and considering the fact that immigration (both illegal and legal) has been unquestionably a net would say that what we have has worked.

One should also very quickly surmise that a big orange blob point at a people and say "they're rapists" and swear that a wall will somehow make us stronger or "greater" is nobody that should be taken seriously.

Idiocy on your part is a high price to pay because you guys hate brown people.
Pure bigotry you display, candy corn.

Bigots, the KKK, eugenics for black babies, slavery, segregation, fighting the civil rights movements in the 60's, and the great Democrat senior house majority leader Robert Byrd, a leader in the kkk as well,

The democrats have always been bigots, they just hide the hate and find new targets.
The immigration problem is a big one, but it's a humanitarian issue, not a National Security issue.

What's worse is that it's an issue that could be fixed if Republicans were willing to negotiate Comprehensive immigration reform.

But they won't because they want illegal immigration to continue to be their political football.

President Trump made great strides in slowing down this invasion. If the GOP were smart they'd pay attention to how every other candidate failed to beat him in the primaries and ultimately won the Presidency.

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet. How many if those 7.5 billion are you willing to let in to feel like a humanitarian? Speaking of being a humanitarian, the United States allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. We dole out another near million green cards and Visa's so people from outside our country can come here to take advantage of everything we created. This country of nearly 30 trillion in debt also distributes hundreds of billions in foreign aid every year. That's besides the dozens of private charities we have for us to share our wealth with those in other countries.

What does immigration reform actually mean? It means letting even more vagrants in. We have a limit for a reason, and that reason is so others don't come here and change our culture. We want people to assimilate before bringing in even more. But because the left has allowed them in, our culture is changing. We see that with bilingual signs we never had years ago. We see that when they break our laws by unlawfully entering, and then suing us because they were separated from their kids.

There is nothing wrong with being a humanitarian, but humanity has limits as well. When was the last time you donated to a charity that helps any of these people out?
Considering the facts of we've had a pretty porous border for most of our time as the United States and considering the fact that we became the greatest nation to ever inhabit the planet and considering the fact that immigration (both illegal and legal) has been unquestionably a net would say that what we have has worked.

One should also very quickly surmise that a big orange blob point at a people and say "they're rapists" and swear that a wall will somehow make us stronger or "greater" is nobody that should be taken seriously.

Idiocy on your part is a high price to pay because you guys hate brown people.
You’re stuck a couple centuries back don’t want to revert to those times...we had slaves...remember?
Once upon a time this nation needed people...specifically, as our founders indicated, we needed “free white people of good character”. You sure you want to follow the principles of the “good ole days”?
Shit has changed..we declared independence and our right to sovereignty...good, real, legitimate Americans know this, understand this and respect this. Americans are supposed to decide who they want to allow across their border. Why does that suck for you?
Considering the facts of we've had a pretty porous border for most of our time as the United States and considering the fact that we became the greatest nation to ever inhabit the planet and considering the fact that immigration (both illegal and legal) has been unquestionably a net would say that what we have has worked.

One should also very quickly surmise that a big orange blob point at a people and say "they're rapists" and swear that a wall will somehow make us stronger or "greater" is nobody that should be taken seriously.

Idiocy on your part is a high price to pay because you guys hate brown people.

We needed immigrants when we were building this country. The country is built. They are no longer needed. The only thing they are good for is to assure the Communist party stays in power forever.

Walls and barriers have worked every place they've been tried here and abroad. That's why Dementia had one built around his vacation home.
So you want to "make America great again" by adopting Soviet style security measures eh Comrade?
The stupidity and ignorance of Democrats is unbelievable.

Soviet Style Security was shoot to kill, those trying to escape Socialism.

The USA is attempting to stop illegal crossings of our border through a wall, laws, rules, regulations as well as a fair and just immigration policy based on our constitution.

Millions of people from neighboring countries did not try to flee their countries to enter the socialist hell Russia created.

Soviet Style, Democrats are that stupid.
President Trump made great strides in slowing down this invasion. If the GOP were smart they'd pay attention to how every other candidate failed to beat him in the primaries and ultimately won the Presidency.

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet. How many if those 7.5 billion are you willing to let in to feel like a humanitarian? Speaking of being a humanitarian, the United States allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. We dole out another near million green cards and Visa's so people from outside our country can come here to take advantage of everything we created. This country of nearly 30 trillion in debt also distributes hundreds of billions in foreign aid every year. That's besides the dozens of private charities we have for us to share our wealth with those in other countries.

What does immigration reform actually mean? It means letting even more vagrants in. We have a limit for a reason, and that reason is so others don't come here and change our culture. We want people to assimilate before bringing in even more. But because the left has allowed them in, our culture is changing. We see that with bilingual signs we never had years ago. We see that when they break our laws by unlawfully entering, and then suing us because they were separated from their kids.

There is nothing wrong with being a humanitarian, but humanity has limits as well. When was the last time you donated to a charity that helps any of these people out?

Immigration reform means whatever Congress negotiates - if the Republicans were willing to negotiate.

Dealing with it as a humanitarian crisis does not mean letting them into the country. It means providing them with the necessities of life while working on the underlying issues that cause them to migrate here. Most of these people come from countries that have been dominated by U.S. foreign policy - especially in the 1980s. We need to reevaluate our policies in Central America.

There is no such thing as 'American Culture'. The culture we have is a conglomeration of cultures brought here by immigrants. What you refer to as 'American Culture' is a small subset of our culture - primarily derived from the English.

Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Puerto Rico and large parts of California were all Spanish long before they became part of the U.S. America has been Multicultural since it's beginning.

My wife & I donate mostly to an organization that help children in need. My son does volunteer work for an organization that helps immigrants resettle:

Immigration reform means whatever Congress negotiates - if the Republicans were willing to negotiate.

Dealing with it as a humanitarian crisis does not mean letting them into the country. It means providing them with the necessities of life while working on the underlying issues that cause them to migrate here. Most of these people come from countries that have been dominated by U.S. foreign policy - especially in the 1980s. We need to reevaluate our policies in Central America.

There is no such thing as 'American Culture'. The culture we have is a conglomeration of cultures brought here by immigrants. What you refer to as 'American Culture' is a small subset of our culture - primarily derived from the English.

Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Puerto Rico and large parts of California were all Spanish long before they became part of the U.S. America has been Multicultural since it's beginning.

My wife & I donate mostly to an organization that help children in need. My son does volunteer work for an organization that helps immigrants resettle:

You are partly correct. The American culture is after the European culture. Of course we are better. :beer: But we don't need people coming here and changing that for us. Letting too many in does exactly that. For instance these Mexicans come here and stuff 10 people in a two bedroom house or apartment. We don't want to live like that. Our ancestors did when they first arrived here and we've created a culture where we don't have to live like that any longer and want to keep it that way. However if we allow them to take our jobs and drastically undercut our wages, that's exactly how we will have to live if you are a blue collar worker. I shouldn't have to be asked what language I want my ballot in. This is America and until they changed it, our culture was purely English. If you're too lazy to learn our language, stay in your own country.

Our culture is that we are a nation of laws, and these people are breaking our laws the minute they cross over the border.
You are partly correct. The American culture is after the European culture. Of course we are better. :beer: But we don't need people coming here and changing that for us. Letting too many in does exactly that. For instance these Mexicans come here and stuff 10 people in a two bedroom house or apartment. We don't want to live like that. Our ancestors did when they first arrived here and we've created a culture where we don't have to live like that any longer and want to keep it that way. However if we allow them to take our jobs and drastically undercut our wages, that's exactly how we will have to live if you are a blue collar worker. I shouldn't have to be asked what language I want my ballot in. This is America and until they changed it, our culture was purely English. If you're too lazy to learn our language, stay in your own country.

Our culture is that we are a nation of laws, and these people are breaking our laws the minute they cross over the border.

A very large number of Americans have always spoken Spanish as their first language. That's nothing new. America has always been a multicultural and multilingual country.

Perhaps you've lived in a bubble your whole life.

I've worked in a factory where many of my coworkers lived with more than one family in small apartments. All the workers were here legally - most were Puerto Rican. The factory owner refused to pay a living wage.

Personally, I like Mexican and Chinese name a few. I guess you'd prefer to eat possum like your hillbilly ancestors.

I understand that learning a second language is beyond your intellectual capacity, and it makes you feel threatened. Too bad for you!
It means providing them with the necessities of life while working on the underlying issues that cause them to migrate here.
Come on Ray From Cleveland , get with it…Americans should fuck themselves over and provide free shit to the trespassing filth shitting their face while they investigate why the filth comes for the free shit…makes sense doesn’t it?
There is no such thing as 'American Culture'. The culture we have is a conglomeration of cultures brought here by immigrants. What you refer to as 'American Culture' is a small subset of our culture - primarily derived from the English.
Hahaha…you America hating Tards keep trying to sell that bullshit but NOBODY legit is buying it.
American culture IS….white skin, the English language, Protestant Christianity, heterosexuality, individualism, accountability, hard work, ambition. You know, all the things you lefties hate.
Hahaha…you America hating Tards keep trying to sell that bullshit but NOBODY legit is buying it.
American culture IS….white skin, the English language, Protestant Christianity, heterosexuality, individualism, accountability, hard work, ambition. You know, all the things you lefties hate.
You don't have a clue as to what America or American culture is.

Apparently, you've lived in a bubble with your head up your ass your whole life.

This is American culture at it's finest:


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