New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct

Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
what law are you referring to?

the principal-agent relationship and the law makes her responsible for her agents actions
I see nothing in the law that makes her responsible for the who Fusion GPS hired unless she was involved with who they hired.

And the law of which I speak is...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
So Trump wasn't allowed to investigate any Democrat?

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are?

You're fucking moronicness is growing. Fucking moron, he could have legally investigated Biden had he gone through the Department of Justice. Instead, he chose to do it illegally by getting a foreign national to investigate Biden.
what law requires someone to go the dept of justice?
I never said there was such a law.
The OP obviously doesn't realize that CNN is an arm of the DNC. From the OP's link:

"All we need from the President [Zelensky] is to say, I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election, and then the Biden thing has to be run out," Giuliani said, according to the audio. "... Somebody in Ukraine's gotta take that seriously."
The new audio demonstrates how Giuliani aggressively cajoled the Ukrainians to do Trump's bidding. And it undermines Trump's oft-repeated assertion that "there was no quid pro quo" where Zelensky could secure US government support if he did political favors for Trump.

That there that I put in italics is not supported by the statement they published just above. Honesly do any of you TDSers actually READ what you post?
It's not difficult at all to see what was going on. In fact, it's very easy.

Despite the fact that Trump called Biden weak, among other names like Sleepy Joe, he understood that Biden was his most formidable potential opponent. As a consequence, Trump wanted to sully Biden's name in the minds of the American electorate which could very well cost him hundreds of thousands of votes, if not millions. But the American judicial system was not going to engage in a sham investigation because evidence is required, and a politically motivated prosecution could lead to corruption charges, disbarment, and prison time for anyone who participated in such a scheme.

But Ukraine had a history of corruption, and they were also desperate for US military and financial aid. As a result, Trump used his personal attorney working outside of any formal gov't authority like the State Dept. to convey a quid pro quo message to Ukrainian President Zelensky about how to smooth the way to get the aid his country desperately needed. This is a good place to note that Giuliani wasn't trying to get Zelensky to actually really DO anything. He was instructing Zelensky on what to SAY, including the dubious claim that the evidence already existed.

["All we need from the President [Zelensky] is to say, I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election, and then the Biden thing has to be run out,"}

But that wasn't quite enough for Trump because he also wanted the Ukrainians to admit to interfering in the 2016 election against Trump despite the fact that they weren't involved at all. Finally, Giuliani said that "the Biden thing has to be run out" meaning they wanted it to be dragged out as long as possible, preferably until the point that Biden lost the nomination to Bernie Sanders who Trump knew would be a much easier opponent to defeat, or up to the 2020 election just in case Biden won the nomination despite the smear campaign.

This was a full court press by Trump and Giuliani outside of any formal US Gov't avenues of contact between sovereign states. But the Ukrainians didn't take the bait, and Trump continued to withhold the aid until a formal abuse of power complaint was made by Major Vindman who had listened in on the call at which point Trump knew that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, and he released the previously approved military aid in an effort to make it appear that there was no quid pro quo.

See how easy that was!
In other words, this was a Mafia hit job in the White House.
Except for the fact that the mafia is too smart to risk having incriminating evidence recorded on a phone call.
What's the charge?..."Felony cajoling"?.... :laughing0301:
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
sure and they hired a subcontractor on her behalf...mike steele who worked directly for the campaign to specifically get OR on Trump in foreign countries

fyi Rudy is an american.
Who's Mike Steele and Rudy is bound by the same law as Trump.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
what law are you referring to?

the principal-agent relationship and the law makes her responsible for her agents actions
I see nothing in the law that makes her responsible for the who Fusion GPS hired unless she was involved with who they hired.

And the law of which I speak is...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

oh it wasn’t a donation...she didn’t violate that law. She paid the foreign national
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
So Trump wasn't allowed to investigate any Democrat?

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are?

You're fucking moronicness is growing. Fucking moron, he could have legally investigated Biden had he gone through the Department of Justice. Instead, he chose to do it illegally by getting a foreign national to investigate Biden.
what law requires someone to go the dept of justice?
I never said there was such a law.
huh? i literally quoted you saying it was illegal to get a foreign national to investigate
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Of course it doesn't, you brain dead turd. She was obviously involved since she paid to have him hired. The claim that she wasn't aware of the fact doesn't pass the smell test.

What you're saying is that people can hire law firms to do what would be illegal to do themselves.

Only a total douchebag would accept that argument.
Fucking moron, she paid Fusion GPS. That is not evidence she was involved with Fusion's decision to hire Steele.
she’s responsible for who she employees
Possibly, but she didn't employ Christopher Steele, so as far as the law is concerned, she's good.
of course she did. she was the principal...under agency law she’s responsible

she also took and accepted the information knowing where it came from
Post the law...

And show when Hillary took possession of the dossier...
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
sure and they hired a subcontractor on her behalf...mike steele who worked directly for the campaign to specifically get OR on Trump in foreign countries

fyi Rudy is an american.
Who's Mike Steele and Rudy is bound by the same law as Trump.
who’s mike steele? really?

what law?
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Of course it doesn't, you brain dead turd. She was obviously involved since she paid to have him hired. The claim that she wasn't aware of the fact doesn't pass the smell test.

What you're saying is that people can hire law firms to do what would be illegal to do themselves.

Only a total douchebag would accept that argument.
Fucking moron, she paid Fusion GPS. That is not evidence she was involved with Fusion's decision to hire Steele.
she’s responsible for who she employees
Possibly, but she didn't employ Christopher Steele, so as far as the law is concerned, she's good.
of course she did. she was the principal...under agency law she’s responsible

she also took and accepted the information knowing where it came from
Post the law...
it’s not a statue it’s common law, agency

principal - agent - third party law.

Clinton the principal is liable directly to Steele even though their agency acting on their behalf hired Steele
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
what law are you referring to?

the principal-agent relationship and the law makes her responsible for her agents actions
I see nothing in the law that makes her responsible for the who Fusion GPS hired unless she was involved with who they hired.

And the law of which I speak is...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

oh it wasn’t a donation...she didn’t violate that law. She paid the foreign national
As a benefit to Trump's campaign, it qualified as a contribution or other thing of value.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
So Trump wasn't allowed to investigate any Democrat?

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are?

You're fucking moronicness is growing. Fucking moron, he could have legally investigated Biden had he gone through the Department of Justice. Instead, he chose to do it illegally by getting a foreign national to investigate Biden.
what law requires someone to go the dept of justice?
I never said there was such a law.
huh? i literally quoted you saying it was illegal to get a foreign national to investigate

You appear utterly confused. What does having a foreign conduct an investigation have to do with having the Department of Justice conduct an investigation? :cuckoo:
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
sure and they hired a subcontractor on her behalf...mike steele who worked directly for the campaign to specifically get OR on Trump in foreign countries

fyi Rudy is an american.
Who's Mike Steele and Rudy is bound by the same law as Trump.
who’s mike steele? really?

what law?
Yes, who's Mike Steele?

And the same law I just posted a few minutes ago.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
what law are you referring to?

the principal-agent relationship and the law makes her responsible for her agents actions
I see nothing in the law that makes her responsible for the who Fusion GPS hired unless she was involved with who they hired.

And the law of which I speak is...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

oh it wasn’t a donation...she didn’t violate that law. She paid the foreign national
As a benefit to Trump's campaign, it qualified as a contribution or other thing of value.

Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Of course it doesn't, you brain dead turd. She was obviously involved since she paid to have him hired. The claim that she wasn't aware of the fact doesn't pass the smell test.

What you're saying is that people can hire law firms to do what would be illegal to do themselves.

Only a total douchebag would accept that argument.
Fucking moron, she paid Fusion GPS. That is not evidence she was involved with Fusion's decision to hire Steele.
she’s responsible for who she employees
Possibly, but she didn't employ Christopher Steele, so as far as the law is concerned, she's good.
of course she did. she was the principal...under agency law she’s responsible

she also took and accepted the information knowing where it came from
Post the law...
it’s not a statue it’s common law, agency

principal - agent - third party law.

Clinton the principal is liable directly to Steele even though their agency acting on their behalf hired Steele

So no law. Thanks for admitting that.

And where's your evidence of when Hillary took possession of the dossier?
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
So Trump wasn't allowed to investigate any Democrat?

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are?

You're fucking moronicness is growing. Fucking moron, he could have legally investigated Biden had he gone through the Department of Justice. Instead, he chose to do it illegally by getting a foreign national to investigate Biden.
what law requires someone to go the dept of justice?
I never said there was such a law.
huh? i literally quoted you saying it was illegal to get a foreign national to investigate

You appear utterly confused. What does having a foreign conduct an investigation have to do with having the Department of Justice conduct an investigation? :cuckoo:
maybe i am...:so what was illegal about rudy investigating and not the doj?

what’s illegal about asking a foreign country to investigate potential crimes in their countries? what law does that violate?

the doj has no jurisdiction in a foreign land to investigate crimes there
The OP obviously doesn't realize that CNN is an arm of the DNC. From the OP's link:

"All we need from the President [Zelensky] is to say, I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election, and then the Biden thing has to be run out," Giuliani said, according to the audio. "... Somebody in Ukraine's gotta take that seriously."
The new audio demonstrates how Giuliani aggressively cajoled the Ukrainians to do Trump's bidding. And it undermines Trump's oft-repeated assertion that "there was no quid pro quo" where Zelensky could secure US government support if he did political favors for Trump.

That there that I put in italics is not supported by the statement they published just above. Honesly do any of you TDSers actually READ what you post?
It's not difficult at all to see what was going on. In fact, it's very easy.

Despite the fact that Trump called Biden weak, among other names like Sleepy Joe, he understood that Biden was his most formidable potential opponent. As a consequence, Trump wanted to sully Biden's name in the minds of the American electorate which could very well cost him hundreds of thousands of votes, if not millions. But the American judicial system was not going to engage in a sham investigation because evidence is required, and a politically motivated prosecution could lead to corruption charges, disbarment, and prison time for anyone who participated in such a scheme.

But Ukraine had a history of corruption, and they were also desperate for US military and financial aid. As a result, Trump used his personal attorney working outside of any formal gov't authority like the State Dept. to convey a quid pro quo message to Ukrainian President Zelensky about how to smooth the way to get the aid his country desperately needed. This is a good place to note that Giuliani wasn't trying to get Zelensky to actually really DO anything. He was instructing Zelensky on what to SAY, including the dubious claim that the evidence already existed.

["All we need from the President [Zelensky] is to say, I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election, and then the Biden thing has to be run out,"}

But that wasn't quite enough for Trump because he also wanted the Ukrainians to admit to interfering in the 2016 election against Trump despite the fact that they weren't involved at all. Finally, Giuliani said that "the Biden thing has to be run out" meaning they wanted it to be dragged out as long as possible, preferably until the point that Biden lost the nomination to Bernie Sanders who Trump knew would be a much easier opponent to defeat, or up to the 2020 election just in case Biden won the nomination despite the smear campaign.

This was a full court press by Trump and Giuliani outside of any formal US Gov't avenues of contact between sovereign states. But the Ukrainians didn't take the bait, and Trump continued to withhold the aid until a formal abuse of power complaint was made by Major Vindman who had listened in on the call at which point Trump knew that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, and he released the previously approved military aid in an effort to make it appear that there was no quid pro quo.

See how easy that was!
In other words, this was a Mafia hit job in the White House.
Except for the fact that the mafia is too smart to risk having incriminating evidence recorded on a phone call.
What's the charge?..."Felony cajoling"?.... :laughing0301:
How about extortion, bribery, conspiracy, misuse of gov't funds, illegally withholding US military aid, coercing a foreign gov't to interfere in an American election, and defamation of character for starters.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
what law are you referring to?

the principal-agent relationship and the law makes her responsible for her agents actions
I see nothing in the law that makes her responsible for the who Fusion GPS hired unless she was involved with who they hired.

And the law of which I speak is...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

oh it wasn’t a donation...she didn’t violate that law. She paid the foreign national
As a benefit to Trump's campaign, it qualified as a contribution or other thing of value.

Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!

Uh, no, not even an American like Rudy is permitted by law to solicit campaign aid from a foreign national. I showed you the law... I don't see any exemptions in there for Rudy.

Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
So Trump wasn't allowed to investigate any Democrat?

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are?

You're fucking moronicness is growing. Fucking moron, he could have legally investigated Biden had he gone through the Department of Justice. Instead, he chose to do it illegally by getting a foreign national to investigate Biden.
what law requires someone to go the dept of justice?
I never said there was such a law.
huh? i literally quoted you saying it was illegal to get a foreign national to investigate

You appear utterly confused. What does having a foreign conduct an investigation have to do with having the Department of Justice conduct an investigation? :cuckoo:
maybe i am...:so what was illegal about rudy investigating and not the doj?

what’s illegal about asking a foreign country to investigate potential crimes in their countries? what law does that violate?

the doj has no jurisdiction in a foreign land to investigate crimes there
I already showed you the law.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
sure and they hired a subcontractor on her behalf...mike steele who worked directly for the campaign to specifically get OR on Trump in foreign countries

fyi Rudy is an american.
Who's Mike Steele and Rudy is bound by the same law as Trump.
who’s mike steele? really?

what law?
Yes, who's Mike Steele?

And the same law I just posted a few minutes ago.
sorry chris steele! not the former Lt Gov of MD

of course they are...Chris Steele is the only foreigner...the one used by the Clinton campaign

Rudy isn’t a foreigner
How about extortion, bribery, conspiracy, misuse of gov't funds, illegally withholding US military aid, coercing a foreign gov't to interfere in an American election, and defamation of character for starters.
How about you prove any of that garbage? You couldn't prove the Russia garbage, you apparently were OK with the fake one-party impeachment. Why should anyone believe your crap?

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