New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct

Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
So Trump wasn't allowed to investigate any Democrat?

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are?

You're fucking moronicness is growing. Fucking moron, he could have legally investigated Biden had he gone through the Department of Justice. Instead, he chose to do it illegally by getting a foreign national to investigate Biden.
If it's illegal for him to do it the way he did it, then it's also illegal for the DOJ to do it. Short of getting a search warrant, your belief that the DOJ has a special expemption do things that are illegal for private citizens to do doesn't pass the smell test

You're such a fucking moron. :lmao:

Now everyone here sees you don't know the difference between our Department of Justice ... and ... a foreign national.

“Without merit” and lack of evidence are the same damn thing loony bird.
Fraid not, butthole. Lacking evidence is when the judge asks you why you are suing Mr. Jones and your reply is, "because I just want to."
Without merit means without legal standing, due to time or date of filing (too early or too late), who you are filing against or who you are doing the filing (legal standing). In almost every instance, Trump's cases were thrown out and declined by the presiding judge based on these latter technicalities having NOTHING to do with the evidence backing the case therein.
Liar ^

Prove it.
We have you insufferable lunatic

Prove it.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387

Another day, another.....
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387
There's going to be a reckoning, and I reckon that Giuliani isn't going to like it one bit. Feel free to send him money for his defense.
Can't you clowns give it a rest for one day?....Just one?

Right after you clowns stop screaming about "stolen elections".

So basically, never, despite the fact that all the evidence and truth is on our side.
What evidence? I keep hearing people talk about evidence when they're standing at a microphone somewhere, but it's never presented when they're in a court of law. Why do you think that is?
Risk of sanctions and/or disbarment. Same reason reputable firms all turned tail and Donnie was stuck with maniacal has beens like Rudy, Sidney & Lin Wood.
Believe it or not, here's what we're expected to believe: No evidence is presented! That kind of says it all, doesn't it?

NO, jackass, why do you imbeciles lie to yourselves constantly making up shit you want to hear so you can believe it?

No significant evidence was permitted to be presented. In most of the cases, when the attorney's went before the judges to try the cases, the judge looked over the court briefing first and found various tortured technical reasons such as date of filing or by who or about who, etc., and decided outright not to even try the case.

Not one case was dismissed for lack of evidence. A court's declining to hear a case or dismissal of it off the court docket has nothing to do with there being a lack of evidence since the case would have to go forward first and be tried to some extent in order to make that determination in the first place!

By not trying the case, whatever evidence the prosecution had or intended to present was never investigated nor vetted. So the JUDGE had control over the evidence presented, not the prosecution! Which only makes sense since the judge himself is not the trier of facts and relies upon experts, witnesses and testimony between both sides to determine the outcome.
Liar, here's a case that was thrown out due to lack of merit...

They filed a case claiming dead people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.​
The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...​
"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.​
“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.​

Again, they didn't look at any evidence:

The state Republican party issued a statement complaining the appeal was decided on written filings submitted only hours before, and that Trump campaign attorneys didn’t get a chance to make oral arguments before the court. The statement accused the justices of rushing to judgment and failing to adequately consider evidence.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Of course it doesn't, you brain dead turd. She was obviously involved since she paid to have him hired. The claim that she wasn't aware of the fact doesn't pass the smell test.

What you're saying is that people can hire law firms to do what would be illegal to do themselves.

Only a total douchebag would accept that argument.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
bripat is disappointed that the GOP could not nail Hillary for anything....but trump is nearing the day when he will be indicted. bripat and Frank are MAGA drunks.
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387

Another day, another.....
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387
There's going to be a reckoning, and I reckon that Giuliani isn't going to like it one bit. Feel free to send him money for his defense.
Can't you clowns give it a rest for one day?....Just one?

Right after you clowns stop screaming about "stolen elections".

So basically, never, despite the fact that all the evidence and truth is on our side.
What evidence? I keep hearing people talk about evidence when they're standing at a microphone somewhere, but it's never presented when they're in a court of law. Why do you think that is?
Risk of sanctions and/or disbarment. Same reason reputable firms all turned tail and Donnie was stuck with maniacal has beens like Rudy, Sidney & Lin Wood.
Believe it or not, here's what we're expected to believe: No evidence is presented! That kind of says it all, doesn't it?

NO, jackass, why do you imbeciles lie to yourselves constantly making up shit you want to hear so you can believe it?

No significant evidence was permitted to be presented. In most of the cases, when the attorney's went before the judges to try the cases, the judge looked over the court briefing first and found various tortured technical reasons such as date of filing or by who or about who, etc., and decided outright not to even try the case.

Not one case was dismissed for lack of evidence. A court's declining to hear a case or dismissal of it off the court docket has nothing to do with there being a lack of evidence since the case would have to go forward first and be tried to some extent in order to make that determination in the first place!

By not trying the case, whatever evidence the prosecution had or intended to present was never investigated nor vetted. So the JUDGE had control over the evidence presented, not the prosecution! Which only makes sense since the judge himself is not the trier of facts and relies upon experts, witnesses and testimony between both sides to determine the outcome.
Liar, here's a case that was thrown out due to lack of merit...

They filed a case claiming dead people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.​
The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...​
"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.​
“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.​

Again, they didn't look at any evidence:

The state Republican party issued a statement complaining the appeal was decided on written filings submitted only hours before, and that Trump campaign attorneys didn’t get a chance to make oral arguments before the court. The statement accused the justices of rushing to judgment and failing to adequately consider evidence.
Fucking moron, their case was tossed from the first court because they proved to be incapable of showing the could demonstrate the accusations in their claim. For example, they claimed dead people voted in the election. The judge asked them to demonstrate evidence of that and their evidence turned out to be a list of dead people who were still on the voter rolls. That offered zero evidence of voting in the election.

Lack of merit.

Case dismissed.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What crime?

The only crime was Biden threatening the Ukraine government for investigating his son. He blackmailed them to drop the charges. You want Rudy to go to jail for merely telling them they can investigate crimes in their own country without fearing some reprisal from the US?
You write as if you were there in the court. Were you? Clearly not, or you would know better than to write nonsense.

Were you in the court? No? Then what do you know of "nonsense?"

Then you quote Fake News WaPo, claiming election fraud when Trump NEVER CLAIMED fraud.

Next time, try to get a link from a reputable source.
The WP quoted the judges. You just wrote nonsense. Whether you knew it or not at the time, I could not say.

However, conservatives have a large well of nonsense to draw upon from Breitbart, to Gateway Pundit, and countless blogs that will print anything without regard to the truth. Personally, I would be embarrassed to reprint something that is demonstrably not true, but conservatives have proven to me time and time again that they have absolutely no moral standards or any personal integrity whatsoever. Consequently, conservatives have no self-respect and no scruples. That means that conservatives will lie without batting an eye. That makes Trump their perfect candidate because he's been doing the same thing for his whole life.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Of course it doesn't, you brain dead turd. She was obviously involved since she paid to have him hired. The claim that she wasn't aware of the fact doesn't pass the smell test.

What you're saying is that people can hire law firms to do what would be illegal to do themselves.

Only a total douchebag would accept that argument.
Fucking moron, she paid Fusion GPS. That is not evidence she was involved with Fusion's decision to hire Steele.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

Joe Biden's Ukraine corruption SHOULD be investigated. Biden is corrupt to the core. :itsok:
When you can't defend your guy attack the other guy.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What crime?

The only crime was Biden threatening the Ukraine government for investigating his son. He blackmailed them to drop the charges. You want Rudy to go to jail for merely telling them they can investigate crimes in their own country without fearing some reprisal from the US?
Liar. Ukraine wasn't investigating Hunter Biden so you're clearly lying saying that was the reason J'Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Rudy Giuliani, former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, repeatedly pressured the Ukrainian government to investigate Democrat Joe Biden over a 40-minute phone call in 2019, according to an audio recording obtained by CNN.

What say u?
Did he threaten to withold a billions dollars if a government prosecuter wasn't fired in the next 6 hours?
You write as if you were there in the court. Were you? Clearly not, or you would know better than to write nonsense.

Were you in the court? No? Then what do you know of "nonsense?"

Then you quote Fake News WaPo, claiming election fraud when Trump NEVER CLAIMED fraud.

Next time, try to get a link from a reputable source.
The WP quoted the judges.

Where, when, how, moron, on "The View?"
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

new evidence found in a dumpster suggests that bill clinton and Obozo had gay sex several times...while Obozos "wife" boned old Hillary
There is NO bottom for you assholes is there?
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What crime?

The only crime was Biden threatening the Ukraine government for investigating his son. He blackmailed them to drop the charges. You want Rudy to go to jail for merely telling them they can investigate crimes in their own country without fearing some reprisal from the US?
Liar. Ukraine wasn't investigating Hunter Biden so you're clearly lying saying that was the reason J'Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
They were investigating Burisma, his employer. And since Big Guy gets his cut, he was tied to it as well.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

new evidence found in a dumpster suggests that bill clinton and Obozo had gay sex several times...while Obozos "wife" boned old Hillary
There is NO bottom for you assholes is there?
No, none.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What crime?

The only crime was Biden threatening the Ukraine government for investigating his son. He blackmailed them to drop the charges. You want Rudy to go to jail for merely telling them they can investigate crimes in their own country without fearing some reprisal from the US?
Liar. Ukraine wasn't investigating Hunter Biden so you're clearly lying saying that was the reason J'Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
They were investigating Burisma, his employer. And since Big Guy gets his cut, he was tied to it as well.

Thanks for admitting you lied when you falsely claimed they were investigating Hunter Biden. An apology for lying would have been more appropriate; but given you're a brain-dead con, I suppose you changing your position when getting called out for lying is the best you can muster.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

Joe Biden's Ukraine corruption SHOULD be investigated. Biden is corrupt to the core. :itsok:

Biden was following US foreign policy to the letter, stupid.
Bullshit. Where was it written that the U.S. wanted that prosecutor fired?

The objective was to get rid of corruption in Ukraine and clean up their reputation so they could attract foreign investment. The guy that Biden strong armed was corrupt.. Even the UN backed the objectives in Ukraine.

Trump went after Ukraine to force them to dig up dirt on Biden NOT to advance highest and best practices in Ukraine.

Oh its you, Bripat.. Why do I bother?
I didn't ask you what the objective was. I asked you where it was official US policy to have the prosecutor fired.

No one is more corrupt than Biden. Trump went after Biden because the later was abusing his office to keep the bribe money flowing in.
And yet, there's no evidence to support those claims.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
Of course it doesn't, you brain dead turd. She was obviously involved since she paid to have him hired. The claim that she wasn't aware of the fact doesn't pass the smell test.

What you're saying is that people can hire law firms to do what would be illegal to do themselves.

Only a total douchebag would accept that argument.
Fucking moron, she paid Fusion GPS. That is not evidence she was involved with Fusion's decision to hire Steele.
she’s responsible for who she employees

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