New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct

Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!
Inducing a country to announce an investigation into your opponent isn’t research, it’s interference. And tying that action to improving relations with the US is what makes it illegal.
what are they interfering in? it’s merely asking

there is not big illegal about making sure a country that is getting aid is also committed to rooting out. corruption
Clearly announcing a corruption investigation into a politician would be determinantal to their campaign. Trump knew this. Giuliani knew this.

Giuliani was not ever part of the Trump administration. He was a part of the campaign. Mixing campaigns and governance is illegal.
well you’d think but you all were aware of his corruption and still voted for him
We were well aware of the Trump administration and campaigns attempt to smear Biden. We also found out that the allegations were nonsense through the process of impeachment.

If there were sufficient grounds for an investigation, the DoJ would have done so. It’s not the role of the Trump campaign to do so.
of course he was running against him....

but smear? i mean a smear is the “parody” impeachment, or the russian conspiracy hoax...a smear isn’t simply talking about the facts behind the bidens ties to a corrupt company
Again, the question you don't want to answer...

What was Giuliani to gain by getting Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden?
just the world to know they were committed to the process

Utter nonsense. Giuliani had nothing to gain by that. The Trump campaign for the 2020 election was the only party who would gain from that.
"Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company"


Poster Struth you still haven't found the clue?
At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion.
It appears to be either trolling for trolling sakes.....or........willful ignorance.

There have been several posts on this thread explaining the whys and whyfor's of this kerfuffle.
And yet you persist.

Joe Biden didn't have the authority as merely the Vice President to withhold such monies.
He did have the authority...directly given to him by his boss after consultation with the State Department and European carry their message to the Ukrainian president.
Which, he did.

It is how international diplomacy works. Duh!
If one's regular corps of diplomats is unable to make progress on an issue our nation feels is against our interest, well, you then send in a bigger gun.....a Secretary of one department or another, maybe one of the Joint Chiefs, maybe a top general, an important business leader.....or you can send in a Vice President who is long experienced in America's foreign relations .

You do all of that as "official American policy".


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"Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company"


Poster Struth you still haven't found the clue?
At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion.
It appears to be either trolling for trolling sakes.....or........willful ignorance.

There have been several posts on this thread explaining the whys and whyfor's of this kerfuffle.
And yet you persist.

Joe Biden didn't have the authority as merely the Vice President to withhold such monies.
He did have the authority...directly given to him by his boss after consultation with the State Department and European carry their message to the Ukrainian president.
Which, he did.

It is how international diplomacy works. Duh!
If one's regular corps of diplomats is unable to make progress on an issue our nation feels is against our interest, well, you then send in a bigger gun.....a Secretary of one department or another, maybe one of the Joint Chiefs, maybe a top general, an important business leader.....or you can send in a Vice President who is long experienced in America's foreign relations .

You do all of that as "official American policy".
"At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion."


What took ya so long?
What took ya so long?
Interesting question.

It's probably because I'm kinda inexperienced on some matters of the gossipboard culture.
Plus, there's a Dudester slice in my personality. Non-judgmental.

I prefer to feed 'em rope....until they got enough to swing.
And you know what?....... it is surprising to my poor avatar how often some grasp that noose and fit it themselves.

That's Entertainment!!
"Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company"


Poster Struth you still haven't found the clue?
At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion.
It appears to be either trolling for trolling sakes.....or........willful ignorance.

There have been several posts on this thread explaining the whys and whyfor's of this kerfuffle.
And yet you persist.

Joe Biden didn't have the authority as merely the Vice President to withhold such monies.
He did have the authority...directly given to him by his boss after consultation with the State Department and European carry their message to the Ukrainian president.
Which, he did.

It is how international diplomacy works. Duh!
If one's regular corps of diplomats is unable to make progress on an issue our nation feels is against our interest, well, you then send in a bigger gun.....a Secretary of one department or another, maybe one of the Joint Chiefs, maybe a top general, an important business leader.....or you can send in a Vice President who is long experienced in America's foreign relations .

You do all of that as "official American policy".
he’s on TV bragging about how he did it

not sure why or how someone from Europe would have authority to do that...
Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!
Inducing a country to announce an investigation into your opponent isn’t research, it’s interference. And tying that action to improving relations with the US is what makes it illegal.
what are they interfering in? it’s merely asking

there is not big illegal about making sure a country that is getting aid is also committed to rooting out. corruption
Clearly announcing a corruption investigation into a politician would be determinantal to their campaign. Trump knew this. Giuliani knew this.

Giuliani was not ever part of the Trump administration. He was a part of the campaign. Mixing campaigns and governance is illegal.
well you’d think but you all were aware of his corruption and still voted for him
We were well aware of the Trump administration and campaigns attempt to smear Biden. We also found out that the allegations were nonsense through the process of impeachment.

If there were sufficient grounds for an investigation, the DoJ would have done so. It’s not the role of the Trump campaign to do so.
of course he was running against him....

but smear? i mean a smear is the “parody” impeachment, or the russian conspiracy hoax...a smear isn’t simply talking about the facts behind the bidens ties to a corrupt company
Again, the question you don't want to answer...

What was Giuliani to gain by getting Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden?
just the world to know they were committed to the process

Utter nonsense. Giuliani had nothing to gain by that. The Trump campaign for the 2020 election was the only party who would gain from that.
of course they would have..not sure what your point is
Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!
Inducing a country to announce an investigation into your opponent isn’t research, it’s interference. And tying that action to improving relations with the US is what makes it illegal.
what are they interfering in? it’s merely asking

there is not big illegal about making sure a country that is getting aid is also committed to rooting out. corruption
Clearly announcing a corruption investigation into a politician would be determinantal to their campaign. Trump knew this. Giuliani knew this.

Giuliani was not ever part of the Trump administration. He was a part of the campaign. Mixing campaigns and governance is illegal.
well you’d think but you all were aware of his corruption and still voted for him
What corruption?
um the company was very corrupt...look it up....

and quid pro joe is literally on video bragging about withholding billions in mix needed aid until the person prosecuting that company was fired
What company?
the one hunter worked for! geez man
You said, "you’d think but you all were aware of his corruption and still voted for him"

"His" is a person, not a company. And there was nothing corrupt about Biden threatening to withhold aid. It wasn't even his call to make. It was an administration call.
yes bidens corruption and ties to the corrupt company

sorry he made clear it was totally his call

and blackmail is corruption
He made no such thing clear. Even Poroshenko knew Biden couldn't do that and called Biden out on the table over it. To which Biden suggested Poroshenko call Obama if he didn't believe him.

It was an administration move to enforce administration policy. You must be a conspiracy nut who thinks the Obama administration was in on it to protect Hunter Biden's job from a prosecutor who wasn't actively investigating Burisma.
um yes he made it perfectly clear it was his call

it’s obvious you have no clue about the subject and are merely repeating propaganda
Nah, you're just lying again. It's what you cons do.

"I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time." ~ J'Biden

Biden was merely carrying out administration policy, ya conspiracy nut.

And had it been corrupt, and it wasn't, it would have been a bribe, not blackmail. You can't even get that part right.

And it wasn't even a bribe. To be a bribe, Biden would have had to get something out of it. The rightard claim is that he did it to protect his son's lucrative job with Burisma. But that too is a lie since his son's job was not in jeopardy since there was no active investigation into Burisma at that time.

And lastly, withholding funds from a corrupt country was also Trump's policy...

"Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" ~ Donald Trump
of course it’s perfectly fine to withhold from a country you think is corrupt...

Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company

you also might want to read more of quote

but of course obama was going to back whatever xiden did...
You're lying again. Sad that you have to prop your position up with lies. But whatever.

Again, Poroshenko wasn't actively investigating Burisma or Zlochevsky. Shokin's office was corrupt, the Diamond Prosecutors, and Shokin might have been bribed to keep a lid on the Burisma investigation. Shokin spent 2 years on it and made almost no progress. When Biden pressed for his ouster, he wasn't investigating at all. He said so himself. He said he was planning to reopen the case.

So no bribe + administration policy = no corruption on Biden's part. That's why Biden bragged about that accomplishment.
what am i lying about?

i am not sure if he was personally corrupt or not...but the company certainly was...not sure he’s part or his son’s part...certainly was and is worth looking into
YES, we likely should make all flags illegal.
Idiot. Flags are the banner of each country. It establishes domain, identity and territory.

Flag waving is about the most dangerous thing anyone could ever do, and it is always a sign of a dictatorship.
Your a globalist socialist idiot. You have pudding for gray matter. No sense trying to discuss with an idiot.
"Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company"


Poster Struth you still haven't found the clue?
At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion.
It appears to be either trolling for trolling sakes.....or........willful ignorance.

There have been several posts on this thread explaining the whys and whyfor's of this kerfuffle.
And yet you persist.

Joe Biden didn't have the authority as merely the Vice President to withhold such monies.
He did have the authority...directly given to him by his boss after consultation with the State Department and European carry their message to the Ukrainian president.
Which, he did.

It is how international diplomacy works. Duh!
If one's regular corps of diplomats is unable to make progress on an issue our nation feels is against our interest, well, you then send in a bigger gun.....a Secretary of one department or another, maybe one of the Joint Chiefs, maybe a top general, an important business leader.....or you can send in a Vice President who is long experienced in America's foreign relations .

You do all of that as "official American policy".
he’s on TV bragging about how he did it

not sure why or how someone from Europe would have authority to do that...
Bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor, who wouldn't prosecute, fired.

That was a fine accomplishment and not at all the crime you couldn't even properly identify.
Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!
Inducing a country to announce an investigation into your opponent isn’t research, it’s interference. And tying that action to improving relations with the US is what makes it illegal.
what are they interfering in? it’s merely asking

there is not big illegal about making sure a country that is getting aid is also committed to rooting out. corruption
Clearly announcing a corruption investigation into a politician would be determinantal to their campaign. Trump knew this. Giuliani knew this.

Giuliani was not ever part of the Trump administration. He was a part of the campaign. Mixing campaigns and governance is illegal.
well you’d think but you all were aware of his corruption and still voted for him
We were well aware of the Trump administration and campaigns attempt to smear Biden. We also found out that the allegations were nonsense through the process of impeachment.

If there were sufficient grounds for an investigation, the DoJ would have done so. It’s not the role of the Trump campaign to do so.
of course he was running against him....

but smear? i mean a smear is the “parody” impeachment, or the russian conspiracy hoax...a smear isn’t simply talking about the facts behind the bidens ties to a corrupt company
Again, the question you don't want to answer...

What was Giuliani to gain by getting Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden?
just the world to know they were committed to the process

Utter nonsense. Giuliani had nothing to gain by that. The Trump campaign for the 2020 election was the only party who would gain from that.
of course they would have..not sure what your point is
What would Rudy gain from that?
Hey Freaky. Newsflash. You do know how a flag is supposed to be properly disposed of, right? (hint, it's not put through the shredder or tossed into a landfill).
Hey sphincter wart, it always amazes me what a TOTAL DOUCHE-BAG RECTAL WART you are. Flags that are worn out are disposed of MANY WAYS including burning, but it is done with RESPECT, asshole, with CEREMONY, asshole, and with music played as onlookers respectfully salute.

HERE, asshole, try reading up on it, right from the government itself:

It always amazes me how you alt-righters get your panties in a twist.
Fuck you and the broken down jackass you rode in on. People DIE to protect the flag, people DIE to advance the flag. You ain't worth my spit.

Burning the flag in protest has been a protected form of speech for decades.
News flash for ya, asshole, this country is a lot older than decades. Flag burning is just another example where this country has bent over backwards in leftist toleration of assholes like you doing stupid, offensive shit in a misguided effort to prove tolerance and to try to keep you animals in check. Had Trump stayed in office, I'm pretty sure he would have put an end to that.

Freedom to do ANYTHING makes freedom meaningless. Declaring flag burning "protected free speech" (from the GOVERNMENT stopping you) is just one more reason why this country has gone to total SHIT.
Hey Freaky. Newsflash. You do know how a flag is supposed to be properly disposed of, right? (hint, it's not put through the shredder or tossed into a landfill).
Hey sphincter wart, it always amazes me what a TOTAL DOUCHE-BAG RECTAL WART you are. Flags that are worn out are disposed of MANY WAYS including burning, but it is done with RESPECT, asshole, with CEREMONY, asshole, and with music played as onlookers respectfully salute.

HERE, asshole, try reading up on it, right from the government itself:

It always amazes me how you alt-righters get your panties in a twist.
Fuck you and the broken down jackass you rode in on. People DIE to protect the flag, people DIE to advance the flag. You ain't worth my spit.

Burning the flag in protest has been a protected form of speech for decades.
News flash for ya, asshole, this country is a lot older than decades. Flag burning is just another example where this country has bent over backwards in leftist toleration of assholes like you doing stupid, offensive shit in a misguided effort to prove tolerance and to try to keep you animals in check. Had Trump stayed in office, I'm pretty sure he would have put an end to that.

Freedom to do ANYTHING makes freedom meaningless. Declaring flag burning "protected free speech" (from the GOVERNMENT stopping you) is just one more reason why this country has gone to total SHIT.
"Fuck you and the broken down jackass you rode in on. People DIE to protect the flag, people DIE to advance the flag. You ain't worth my spit."

You fucking rightard, they died so Americans could be free to burn a flag.
The galaxy is infinite but liberals ability to keep fake witch hunts going isn’t
Hey Freaky. Newsflash. You do know how a flag is supposed to be properly disposed of, right? (hint, it's not put through the shredder or tossed into a landfill).
Hey sphincter wart, it always amazes me what a TOTAL DOUCHE-BAG RECTAL WART you are. Flags that are worn out are disposed of MANY WAYS including burning, but it is done with RESPECT, asshole, with CEREMONY, asshole, and with music played as onlookers respectfully salute.

HERE, asshole, try reading up on it, right from the government itself:

It always amazes me how you alt-righters get your panties in a twist.
Fuck you and the broken down jackass you rode in on. People DIE to protect the flag, people DIE to advance the flag. You ain't worth my spit.

Burning the flag in protest has been a protected form of speech for decades.
News flash for ya, asshole, this country is a lot older than decades. Flag burning is just another example where this country has bent over backwards in leftist toleration of assholes like you doing stupid, offensive shit in a misguided effort to prove tolerance and to try to keep you animals in check. Had Trump stayed in office, I'm pretty sure he would have put an end to that.

Freedom to do ANYTHING makes freedom meaningless. Declaring flag burning "protected free speech" (from the GOVERNMENT stopping you) is just one more reason why this country has gone to total SHIT.

Yes asshat. I was making that point that flags are disposed of by burning. And you getting your panties all wet over people burning the flag. Men and women did die for the flag. They also died so people could burn it in protest. And also so that whiny little bitches like yourself could feel free to complain about it. Again, you righties are all about symbols. Not substance. And keep your spit to yourself. I don't want any part of your bedroom behaviors. :auiqs.jpg:
Keep it classy, Freaky. :)
"Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company"


Poster Struth you still haven't found the clue?
At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion.
It appears to be either trolling for trolling sakes.....or........willful ignorance.

There have been several posts on this thread explaining the whys and whyfor's of this kerfuffle.
And yet you persist.

Joe Biden didn't have the authority as merely the Vice President to withhold such monies.
He did have the authority...directly given to him by his boss after consultation with the State Department and European carry their message to the Ukrainian president.
Which, he did.

It is how international diplomacy works. Duh!
If one's regular corps of diplomats is unable to make progress on an issue our nation feels is against our interest, well, you then send in a bigger gun.....a Secretary of one department or another, maybe one of the Joint Chiefs, maybe a top general, an important business leader.....or you can send in a Vice President who is long experienced in America's foreign relations .

You do all of that as "official American policy".
he’s on TV bragging about how he did it

not sure why or how someone from Europe would have authority to do that...
Bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor, who wouldn't prosecute, fired.

That was a fine accomplishment and not at all the crime you couldn't even properly identify.
Conservatives would love corrupt prosecutors because then they'd be able to prosecute their political opponents just like Putin does.

After all, when conservatives yelled "lock her (Hillary) up," it was more than rhetorical flourish. They really wanted it to happen.
"Xiden withheld money from the country until they canned the guy looking into his son’s corrupt company"


Poster Struth you still haven't found the clue?
At this point I, for one, question your sincerity in this discussion.
It appears to be either trolling for trolling sakes.....or........willful ignorance.

There have been several posts on this thread explaining the whys and whyfor's of this kerfuffle.
And yet you persist.

Joe Biden didn't have the authority as merely the Vice President to withhold such monies.
He did have the authority...directly given to him by his boss after consultation with the State Department and European carry their message to the Ukrainian president.
Which, he did.

It is how international diplomacy works. Duh!
If one's regular corps of diplomats is unable to make progress on an issue our nation feels is against our interest, well, you then send in a bigger gun.....a Secretary of one department or another, maybe one of the Joint Chiefs, maybe a top general, an important business leader.....or you can send in a Vice President who is long experienced in America's foreign relations .

You do all of that as "official American policy".
he’s on TV bragging about how he did it

not sure why or how someone from Europe would have authority to do that...
Bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor, who wouldn't prosecute, fired.

That was a fine accomplishment and not at all the crime you couldn't even properly identify.
He was prosecuting..

Regardless, yes he bragged about blackmailing Ukraine. Nothing wrong with asking about what the in the heck that was all about.

I thought I did...blackmail is a's worth investigating
Rudy was being paid...moreover is an american...he’s allowed to investigate and collect Op Reseach!
Inducing a country to announce an investigation into your opponent isn’t research, it’s interference. And tying that action to improving relations with the US is what makes it illegal.
what are they interfering in? it’s merely asking

there is not big illegal about making sure a country that is getting aid is also committed to rooting out. corruption
Clearly announcing a corruption investigation into a politician would be determinantal to their campaign. Trump knew this. Giuliani knew this.

Giuliani was not ever part of the Trump administration. He was a part of the campaign. Mixing campaigns and governance is illegal.
well you’d think but you all were aware of his corruption and still voted for him
We were well aware of the Trump administration and campaigns attempt to smear Biden. We also found out that the allegations were nonsense through the process of impeachment.

If there were sufficient grounds for an investigation, the DoJ would have done so. It’s not the role of the Trump campaign to do so.
of course he was running against him....

but smear? i mean a smear is the “parody” impeachment, or the russian conspiracy hoax...a smear isn’t simply talking about the facts behind the bidens ties to a corrupt company
Again, the question you don't want to answer...

What was Giuliani to gain by getting Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden?
just the world to know they were committed to the process

Utter nonsense. Giuliani had nothing to gain by that. The Trump campaign for the 2020 election was the only party who would gain from that.
of course they would have..not sure what your point is
What would Rudy gain from that?ou w
Because I am sure he wanted Trump to win....I mean really...geez...I suppose the same thing Clinton gained from having Steele ask people questions and do whatever he did....
YES, we likely should make all flags illegal.
Idiot. Flags are the banner of each country. It establishes domain, identity and territory.

Flag waving is about the most dangerous thing anyone could ever do, and it is always a sign of a dictatorship.
Your a globalist socialist idiot. You have pudding for gray matter. No sense trying to discuss with an idiot.
Fine rainbow flags are banned!

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