New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

...Don't need PROOF. As I said, YouTube is not a valid or reliable source. That is a fact. No one takes you seriously when you post a YouTube video and make accusations based upon that. It is STUPID.

OK. I can relate to that...

Once again Hossfly has buzzed into the wrong forum. This forum relates to the Israel-Palestine conflict. You want to discuss, "Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others..." there are other forums on this board to do that. Unless of course this is the standard Hasbarat attempt to deflect the issue.
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.
Iran, Hezbollah Expand Presence in Golan | HonestReporting

(Dis)Honest Reporting---Reliable and neutral? :cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Correct. Every newspaper in the world is making false reports, lying and misleading people.Why, what is an honest terrorist supporter supposed to believe.ABC, CBS, NBC,NPR,Fox, all lies.

Wow. Someone who believes what they read in newspapers, I thought such people were extinct.
The 5 Ballsiest Lies the Mainstream Media Passed Off as Fact
Honestly Hoss you can see the truth,if you can't be a man,then I'll be a Man for you......thehossliq.
If you actually were a man, then you wouldn't be so obsessed with the Jews when many Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others, and I am not only referring to ISIS. Strange how you are so quiet about what is going on in the Muslim world, part of which is not far from your area of the world.

Once again Hossfly has buzzed into the wrong forum. This forum relates to the Israel-Palestine conflict. You want to discuss, "Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others..." there are other forums on this board to do that. Unless of course this is the standard Hasbarat attempt to deflect the issue.

Now why don't you tell the same thing to Abdul when he/she posts about Ireland and South Africa ? ? ? ?

How do you know I don't? Or for that matter, report him to the Mods? ;)

Because you don't make a big song and dance of it, and you cant because of the commands in the Koran.
Honestly Hoss you can see the truth,if you can't be a man,then I'll be a Man for you......thehossliq.
If you actually were a man, then you wouldn't be so obsessed with the Jews when many Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others, and I am not only referring to ISIS. Strange how you are so quiet about what is going on in the Muslim world, part of which is not far from your area of the world.

Once again Hossfly has buzzed into the wrong forum. This forum relates to the Israel-Palestine conflict. You want to discuss, "Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others..." there are other forums on this board to do that. Unless of course this is the standard Hasbarat attempt to deflect the issue.

Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Not in the least excited. Clearly you are having problems understanding.

The title of this forum is "Israel and Palestine", subtitled, "Thoughts about this conflict" Ok so far?

There are other forums where you can discuss how degenerate Mooslims are, "Religion and Ethics" is one. If you are specifically obsessed with "Middle Eastern Mooslims" There's "Middle East-General" or "Iran" or "Iraq" forums where you can rant about them to you little heart's content and indulge your Islamophobia. OK?

Thing is, if you bring "Mooslim" generalisations into the Israel Palestine forum, it usually a pathetic, well- worn Hasbarist's attempt to deflect the topic at hand. Got it now?

Tell that to monti when he/she brings up Ireland ( and gets it wrong ) and South Africa
...Don't need PROOF. As I said, YouTube is not a valid or reliable source. That is a fact. No one takes you seriously when you post a YouTube video and make accusations based upon that. It is STUPID.

OK. I can relate to that...

I am grateful to Israel for containing those terrorists so they can't terrorize the rest of the world with their bullshit. Palestinians never owned any land. They were nomads. Now, they are bitter horrible terrorists who use their own people as human shields, train children to be terrorists and to hate.
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.
Iran, Hezbollah Expand Presence in Golan | HonestReporting

(Dis)Honest Reporting---Reliable and neutral? :cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Correct. Every newspaper in the world is making false reports, lying and misleading people.Why, what is an honest terrorist supporter supposed to believe.ABC, CBS, NBC,NPR,Fox, all lies.

Wow. Someone who believes what they read in newspapers, I thought such people were extinct.
The 5 Ballsiest Lies the Mainstream Media Passed Off as Fact

:lol: As opposed to YouTube?
...Don't need PROOF. As I said, YouTube is not a valid or reliable source. That is a fact. No one takes you seriously when you post a YouTube video and make accusations based upon that. It is STUPID.

OK. I can relate to that...

I am grateful to Israel for containing those terrorists so they can't terrorize the rest of the world with their bullshit. Palestinians never owned any land. They were nomads. Now, they are bitter horrible terrorists who use their own people as human shields, train children to be terrorists and to hate.

And you are a supporter of child murder, and brain washed to boot.
...Don't need PROOF. As I said, YouTube is not a valid or reliable source. That is a fact. No one takes you seriously when you post a YouTube video and make accusations based upon that. It is STUPID.

OK. I can relate to that...

I am grateful to Israel for containing those terrorists so they can't terrorize the rest of the world with their bullshit. Palestinians never owned any land. They were nomads. Now, they are bitter horrible terrorists who use their own people as human shields, train children to be terrorists and to hate.

And you are a supporter of child murder, and brain washed to boot.

No, sorry that would be yourself. You are advocating for a terrorist state. Palestine has been on the Human Rights Watch group for YEARS because they are a terrorist organization that abuses it's citizens, just like ALL terrorist organizations. They are really no different than ISIS and if allowed to escape from their little hole, they would cause havoc just like ISIS. They have raised a generation of people who are full of nothing but hate that want to bring the world back into the dark ages.
Israel has a DUTY to protect it's citizens from the terrorist state. Same thing we Americans would expect from our government.
What terrorist state is that? The Jews have the Christians and Muslims penned up in concentration camps. There is no state.
Once again Hossfly has buzzed into the wrong forum. This forum relates to the Israel-Palestine conflict. You want to discuss, "Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others..." there are other forums on this board to do that. Unless of course this is the standard Hasbarat attempt to deflect the issue.
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.
Iran, Hezbollah Expand Presence in Golan | HonestReporting

(Dis)Honest Reporting---Reliable and neutral? :cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Correct. Every newspaper in the world is making false reports, lying and misleading people.Why, what is an honest terrorist supporter supposed to believe.ABC, CBS, NBC,NPR,Fox, all lies.
Didn't they all say that Salam Fayyad was the PM of Palestine?

That was a lie.
As far as Palestinians being murdering scum, the Israelis killed thousands of civilians this summer, about 500 of them children. That's a fact.

That's a bald faced lie you idiot! In case you haven't noticed, it is still winter this year, dumbshit! Summer is months away.
What terrorist state is that? The Jews have the Christians and Muslims penned up in concentration camps. There is no state.

The Palestinians were originally nomadic tribes. Nothing more. They never owned anything. They moved about, like nomadic tribes do. When Israel came to be, the Arabs wanted to cause unrest because they hated the idea of sharing THEIR land with the Israelis. So, they set up what we now call "Palestine," and reinforced the hatred of Jewish people. Nobody else wants the Palestinians either. Do you see any of the ME offering to help them? No? Hmm. Interesting, right?
Pretty simple if you ask me. Throwing stones is a crime. Commit a crime, get arrested. End of story.

At the age of 5, and he said he didn't throw a stone. I hope things settle down there before your trip.

I would say they are now. Hasn't been a Palestinian attack on Israelis in quite a while now. Seems good and quiet to me.

I thought the US just gave a travel warning not to go to near Gaza or the West bank and Jerusalem , could be something they know and we don't. I would be very careful.

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