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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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I can't connect the dots between Bush and the Benghazi email...
It's all they have. Obama got caught lying again...another to add to the list of lies...and Bush is their fallback position. Insanity. It's all they have.
Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack
In a diplomatic cable in June, the U.S. ambassador to Libya cited the rise of “Islamic extremism” and displays of “the Al-Qaeda flag” over buildings outside the city of Benghazi, where he and three other Americans would be killed in a terrorist attack on Sept. 11.

Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack - Washington Times
why was he still there when others were evacuating???

And what did they DO? Watched them DIE...DENIED them HELP, Increased security. YOU may cease the excuses.:eusa_hand:
I can't connect the dots between Bush and the Benghazi email...
Why is Bush not held accountable for war crimes but you wingnuts want to hang Obama because he was lied to about Benghazi and four people died?

War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes


Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack

Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack - Salon.com
Bush didnt commit war crimes. In fact this thread is not about bUsh. Attempts to discuss Bush constitute deflectoon from the main topic, which is that the OBAMA WHITE HOUSE deliberately lied about an event to further the president's re-election chances.
What about that bothers you? THe fact that he got caught?
At this point what difference does it make?
It doesn't. This dog never would hunt for you guys, and it still won't.

Stevens made his bed, it was his call, he chose to be there that day, and now he lies in it. Let's mush on.

Typical dickhead response. It's the dead mans fault he and the other three are dead. The same dumbass mentality that blames rape on the victims who walk around by themselves in the worst neighborhoods, in the middle of the night, wearing a g-string bikini.

As to the op. It just states what EVERY SINGLE PWESON IN AMERICA WITH HALF A BRAIN KNEW. Which is why NONE of the liberals ever figured it out....too fucking stupid, all of em

Obama lied and four people died.
Bush lied and 3,000 people died on 9/11 and nearly a half million died related to Iraq war. Based on another lie.
Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized

On May 1 the CIA said that a terrorist group in the U.S. was planning an attack.

On June 22 it warned that this attack was "imminent."

On June 29 the brief warned of near-term attacks with "dramatic consequences" including major casualties.

On July 1, the briefing said that the terrorist attack had been delayed but "will occur soon."

On July 24, the president was told again that the attack had been delayed but would occur within months.

Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

The Deafness Before the Storm

On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda
Bush administration ignored more terror warnings before 9/11 than previously thought
In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush officials attempted to deflect criticism that they had ignored C.I.A. warnings by saying they had not been told when and where the attack would occur. That is true, as far as it goes, but it misses the point. Throughout that summer, there were events that might have exposed the plans, had the government been on high alert. Indeed, even as the Aug. 6 brief was being prepared, Mohamed al-Kahtani, a Saudi believed to have been assigned a role in the 9/11 attacks, was stopped at an airport in Orlando, Fla., by a suspicious customs agent and sent back overseas on Aug. 4. Two weeks later, another co-conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested on immigration charges in Minnesota after arousing suspicions at a flight school. But the dots were not connected, and Washington did not react.

NYT: Bush administration ignored more terror warnings before 9/11 than previously thought | MSNBC
It seems that the CIA and the FBI couldn't connect the dots that were needed for Bush, huh?
You can thank your good buddy Clinton for that, young lady.

Enough of this rabbit trail
Rice a a professional politician. Nothing unusual about going over the Talking Points.

Give up the ghost :eusa_boohoo:

Yeah nothing to see here, folks.
Except we know the White House coached her to repeat the line they had concocted: that a video was responsible for a riot. They concocted it because the truth--it was a terrorist attack on a poorly defended position--might cost Obama the election.
Yes, we know this. Yes, it's proven. Yes, it's criminal. Yes, people desperately want to dismiss it in one way or another but they can't. Because it's the truth.

No scandal on the scale of Nixon. However the lesson about the negative consequences of our interventionist policy is largely ignored.


If that were true every presidential press secretary for um, ever, would be in jail.

Anyway, she's smart and a practiced politician, I'm sure it only took a few minutes to go over the Talking Points, it not like they are a new concept. Not like the GOP candidate from 2008. Now that was a candidate that was in need of a lot of coaching.

You're right. It's worse than Nixon. Nixon didnt lie about a foreign policy disaster to help his re-election. He covered up for loyal staffers.
Again, "they all do it" is a fail. They do not all do it. Only Barack Obama has lied intentionally to boost his re-election chances.
Who knows how long it took to coach Rice in the official lies? What does it matter? She was told to lie. That shouldn't happen.
I usually feel sorry for Jay "Bagdad Bob" Carney. Today, all I could do is shake my head and wonder how stupid he thinks the American people are. Given the boy king was elected twice, I guess he's got all the proof he needs the American people are dumb enough to believe such outrageous lies.


Gotta love the doublespeak:

"The emails were not about Benghazi".

"You mean the emails that you withheld and were only released after a law suit forced you to release emails specific to Benghazi?"

"The emails were not about Benghazi."

"Oh, so these AREN'T the droids we're looking for?"


What's appalling about that video, Willie is that the Obama Administration actually thinks something that ridiculous will pass muster. Now they're claiming that Rice wasn't being briefed on Benghazi before those Sunday talk show appearances and that she was talking about protests "generally" in the Muslim world rather than Benghazi in particular? Really? I'm trying to picture this crew of White House wonks sitting around a big table and coming up with THAT as the best explanation for the lies that they told back then and the obvious stonewalling of the investigation that the withholding of this email clearly demonstrates.

You wonder why these people can't run the country? It's obvious that they aren't very smart.
They embraced the video as serendipitous; it was irresistible; timely. They thought that since the lamestream media was in their pockets, the truth would remain inscrutable - that they could discount fox through continued besmirching!

The most egregious components was the failure to interviene once the cry for help went out, and Hillary's proclamation to the heroes grieving family in front of their corpses that they would get the perpetrator; the author of the video - unforgivable! :evil:

Thank God for FOX
Watching Jay Carney at today's White House Press conference was more amusing than usual. Jay's facial expression during most of it was that of a man who was just forced to take a big bite out of a shit sandwich.

Sucks being the mouthpiece for an Administration that lies as often as this one does...

Still trying to launch that meme, huh? :lol:

"Trying", Synth? You act like Carney didn't get taken to the woodshed in that press conference. That wasn't by someone from FOX News that was grilling Carney over his obvious lies...that was someone from ABC.

Some in the main stream media are FINALLY coming to the realization that they got used by the Obama White House and you can see in Karl's aggression that he's pissed about it. He knows full well that Carney is trying once again to bullshit his way out of another White House lie...as does everyone else who was sitting in that room.
I can't connect the dots between Bush and the Benghazi email...
Why is Bush not held accountable for war crimes but you wingnuts want to hang Obama because he was lied to about Benghazi and four people died?

War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes


Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack

Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack - Salon.com

Who is it that lied to Barry, Lil? You're going to make the argument that he simply didn't KNOW that the attack was carried out by terrorists and was never a protest over a video that turned violent? How many times is Obama going to use the excuse that "he didn't know"? He's either lying to us...or he's the most clueless President we've ever had that doesn't know anything about what's happening in his Administration. So which is it?
Watching Jay Carney at today's White House Press conference was more amusing than usual. Jay's facial expression during most of it was that of a man who was just forced to take a big bite out of a shit sandwich.

Sucks being the mouthpiece for an Administration that lies as often as this one does...

Still trying to launch that meme, huh? :lol:

"Trying", Synth? You act like Carney didn't get taken to the woodshed in that press conference. That wasn't by someone from FOX News that was grilling Carney over his obvious lies...that was someone from ABC.

Some in the main stream media are FINALLY coming to the realization that they got used by the Obama White House and you can see in Karl's aggression that he's pissed about it. He knows full well that Carney is trying once again to bullshit his way out of another White House lie...as does everyone else who was sitting in that room.

I just finished working - I haven't seen the press conference.

But I'm not going to judge facts based upon someone's performance under fire, whether it's Carney, Lois Lerner, or Obama. There are plenty of times I've screamed at the TV screen because Obama wasn't clearly, concisely stating his case.
I can't connect the dots between Bush and the Benghazi email...
It's all they have. Obama got caught lying again...another to add to the list of lies...and Bush is their fallback position. Insanity. It's all they have.

Yes and no....

To mix things up a bit they go after President Reagan for Obama's failures.
Then they go back to Bush....
Hopefully the media will have to make some sort of effort to at least seem like
they are not a part of the administration's communication department....

But I'm not holding my breath.
Still trying to launch that meme, huh? :lol:

"Trying", Synth? You act like Carney didn't get taken to the woodshed in that press conference. That wasn't by someone from FOX News that was grilling Carney over his obvious lies...that was someone from ABC.

Some in the main stream media are FINALLY coming to the realization that they got used by the Obama White House and you can see in Karl's aggression that he's pissed about it. He knows full well that Carney is trying once again to bullshit his way out of another White House lie...as does everyone else who was sitting in that room.

I just finished working - I haven't seen the press conference.

But I'm not going to judge facts based upon someone's performance under fire, whether it's Carney, Lois Lerner, or Obama. There are plenty of times I've screamed at the TV screen because Obama wasn't clearly, concisely stating his case.

What DO you judge facts on, Synth? The fact is...Jay Carney has been shown to be a liar. He stood in front of the press following the Benghazi attacks and deliberately lied to the White House Press Corps and the email that was just released proves it beyond a doubt. His rather pathetic attempt to explain the email only made him appear less believable than he was (which I would have doubted could happen, actually!). The Media now knows that they got played by this White House...the only question is whether they do anything about it or not. You're about to see a massive "journalistic integrity check" by people who let their political leanings cloud their coverage to such an extent that Obama's people thought they could get away with such a monumental lie.
You're about to see a massive "journalistic integrity check" by people who let their political leanings cloud their coverage to such an extent that Obama's people thought they could get away with such a monumental lie.

I hope you're right.

In a rational world. In this new Obamination where "journalists" have built this empty suit and carried his water? At best, they may just be silent. At worst, continue to prop up their false messiah. Attack the source. Cry racism. The Clintonista bulwark of "that was a long time ago".

What we saw today was beyond Orwellian. That the media is not going ape signals a very bad omen for our society. If this wave doesn't rock the ship, nothing will. Which means, our experiment in self government is over. Welcome in the Mexicanization of what used to be a free nation.
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It will be interesting to see, Willie. For someone to call themselves a "journalist" and then look the other way when an Administration so blatantly lies makes them nothing more than a politician's "bitch". Some of them don't seem to have a problem with that role...for others...such as Karl from ABC...it's apparent that they DO have some journalistic integrity left.
"Trying", Synth? You act like Carney didn't get taken to the woodshed in that press conference. That wasn't by someone from FOX News that was grilling Carney over his obvious lies...that was someone from ABC.

Some in the main stream media are FINALLY coming to the realization that they got used by the Obama White House and you can see in Karl's aggression that he's pissed about it. He knows full well that Carney is trying once again to bullshit his way out of another White House lie...as does everyone else who was sitting in that room.

I just finished working - I haven't seen the press conference.

But I'm not going to judge facts based upon someone's performance under fire, whether it's Carney, Lois Lerner, or Obama. There are plenty of times I've screamed at the TV screen because Obama wasn't clearly, concisely stating his case.

What DO you judge facts on, Synth? The fact is...Jay Carney has been shown to be a liar. He stood in front of the press following the Benghazi attacks and deliberately lied to the White House Press Corps and the email that was just released proves it beyond a doubt. His rather pathetic attempt to explain the email only made him appear less believable than he was (which I would have doubted could happen, actually!). The Media now knows that they got played by this White House...the only question is whether they do anything about it or not. You're about to see a massive "journalistic integrity check" by people who let their political leanings cloud their coverage to such an extent that Obama's people thought they could get away with such a monumental lie.

Really? Where's that video?
Again.......I say....how 'bout putting the families of the USMESSAGEBAORD far left on the roof of a 2 story building and lob some mortar rounds up there for 8 hours. Yeah.....lets do that and make 'em watch or they get their asses tossed up there!!:D:D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIh58kspI-A]ATK Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative (APMI) - YouTube[/ame]
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